A1ify is a Ruby gem that converts Excel R1C1 cell references to the standard A1 format. It supports conversion for both single values and arrays of rows and columns, handling all possible combinations.
- Simple Conversion: Easily convert Excel R1C1 references to A1 format with a straightforward API.
- Flexible Input: Accepts both single values and arrays, converting every combination when arrays are provided.
Using RubyGems
gem install a1ify
A1ify provides conversion functionality through the A1ify::Converter class.
Single Value Conversion
require 'a1ify'
# Convert a single cell reference (e.g., row 3, column 3 converts to "C3")
result = A1ify::Converter.rc_to_a(3, 3)
puts result # => "C3"
Array Conversion
require 'a1ify'
# Convert multiple cell references by specifying arrays of rows and columns
results = A1ify::Converter.rc_to_a([1, 2], [1, 2])
puts results.inspect # => ["A1", "A2", "B1", "B2"] (sorted alphabetically by column)
A1ify is released under the MIT License.