Arcserver.rb is an interface for interacting with ESRI ArcGIS Server REST APIs from Ruby.
From command line
[sudo] gem install arcserver.rb
If you want to use it in with Bundler add to your Gemfile
gem 'arcserver.rb', '~> 0.1.5'
Quick Example
Require the gem
require 'arcserver'
Connect to a map server instance using either its REST url
map_server ='')
and export an image
puts map_server.export
Query for retreive some features, the result will be a FeatureSet, which is a wrapper for the layer information and the features found
query ={ where: "district='4'", outFields: "*" })
feature_set = query.execute('0', "")
puts feature_set.features
Or directly within a MapServer or FeatureServer and his Layer number
feature_server ="")
feature_set = feature_server.query('0', { where: "district='Lugano'", outFields: "*" })
Query is possible in different ways, like through geometry
feature_server ="")
feature_set = feature_server.query('0', { geometryType: 'esriGeometryEnvelope', geometry: '{"xmin":997878.8354556253,"ymin":5783588.635939264,"xmax":998147.5593831083,"ymax":5783767.785224252,"spatialReference":{"wkid":102100}}', outFields: "*", inSR: 102100, outSR: 102100 })
puts feature_set.features
An Identify operation is a query but applied to all layers in the MapServer
map_server ="")
results = map_server.identify({ geometryType: "esriGeometryPoint", geometry: "-120,40", tolerance: "10", mapExtent: "-119,38,-121,41", imageDisplay: "400,300,96" })
puts results # each results has its own feature and metadata
A feature is a simple class with Geometry and attributes, create one is easy
f ={ geometry: { x: 997986.5006082746, y: 5783631.06234916, spatialReference: { wkid: 102100 }}, attributes: {status:1,req_id:"12345",req_type:"Graffiti Complaint – Private Property",req_date:"30.09.2013",req_time:"14:00",address:"via dei matti 0",district:"4"} })
Once you have a feature, it's ready to be saved on a feature layer
fs ="")
results = fs.applyEdits('0', [ f ], [], []) # adds, updates, deletes
You can simply edit a feature if you have an objectId, maybe retrieved with a Query
f ={ attributes: { objectId: 12345, address: "via dei matti 0", district: "4"} })
results = fs.applyEdits('0', [], [ f ], []) # adds, updates, deletes
And if you want to delete some features?
feature_server ="")
feature_set = feature_server.query('0', { geometryType: 'esriGeometryEnvelope', geometry: '{"xmin":997878.8354556253,"ymin":5783588.635939264,"xmax":998147.5593831083,"ymax":5783767.785224252,"spatialReference":{"wkid":102100}}', outFields: "*", inSR: 102100, outSR: 102100 })
# we have to create an array of ids like this: '80012, 93002'
deletes = { |f| f.attributes[:objectid] }.join(',')
results = feature_server.applyEdits('0', [], [], deletes)
GeoProcessing Tool
Geoprocessing is a fundamental part of enterprise GIS operations. Geoprocessing provides the data analysis, data management, and data conversion tools necessary for all GIS users.
The ArcGIS Server supports two types of GPServer: Sync and Async.
The message in a bottle example, sync
gp ="")
feature ={ geometry:{ x: -76.2890625, y: 35.859375, spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 } }) })
feature_set ={ features: [ feature ] })
params = { Input_Point: feature_set.to_json, Days: 1 }
results = gp.execute(params)
puts results # => {"paramName"=>"Output", "dataType"=>"GPFeatureRecordSetLayer", "value"=>{"geometryType"=>"esriGeometryPolyline", "spatialReference"=>{"wkid"=>4326}, "features"=>[{"attributes"=>{"FID"=>1, "FNODE_"=>0, "Shape_Length"=>0.19891537566450523}, "geometry"=>{"paths"=>[[[-76.2890625, 35.859375], [-76.09141540527344, 35.88180160522461]]]}}], "exceededTransferLimit"=>false}}
Example for async service:
gp ="")
params = { Web_Map_as_JSON: '{ ... super long map in json ... }', Format: 'JPG', Layout_Template: 'MAP_ONLY' }
gp.submitJob(params) do |results|
puts results['Output_File']['url'] # => ... /map.jpg
This is a fork of arcserver.rb originally written by:
- Colin Casey
- Glenn Goodrich
If you'd like to hack on arcserver.rb, start by forking my repo on GitHub:
To get all of the dependencies, install the gem first. The best way to get your changes merged back into core is as follows:
- Clone your fork
- Create a thoughtfully named topic branch to contain your change
- Hack away
- Add tests and make sure everything still passes by running rake
- If you are adding new functionality, document it in the README
- Do not change the version number, I will do that on my end
- If necessary, rebase your commits into logical chunks, without errors
- Push the branch up to GitHub
- Send me a pull request for your branch
Copyright (c) 2010 Colin Casey. See LICENSE for details.