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A tool for fast querying and filtering of genome locations in VCF and other formats
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Bio-locus is a tool for fast querying of genome locations. Many file formats in bioinformatics contain records that start with a chromosome name and a position for a SNP, or a start-end position for indels.

This tool essentially allows your to store this chr+pos or chr+pos+alt information in a fast database.

Why would you use bio-locus?

  1. Fast comparison of VCF files and other formats that use chr+pos
  2. Fast comparison of VCF files and other formats that use chr+pos+alt
  3. See what positions match an EVS or GoNL database
  4. Compare locations from databases such as the TCGA and COSMIC
  5. Comparison of overlap or difference
  6. Parse and store values to reuse later (nyi)
  7. Store seek positions (nyi)

How does bio-locus differ from tabix? Tabix is a fast indexer for tabular data. bio-locus does something similar. The difference is that bio-locus is more flexible in matching location data, is line based with regex options, can use other back-ends (RAM, NoSQL, SQL), and does not use bgzip. In other words, bio-locus is friendly and more flexible.

In principle any of the Moneta supported backends can be used, including LocalMemCache, RubySerialize and TokyoCabinet. The default is RubySerialize because it works out of the box.


  bio-locus --store < one.vcf 

which creates or adds to a cache file or database with unique entries for all listed positions (chr+pos) AND for all listed positions with listed alt alleles. To find positions in another dataset which match those in the database:

  bio-locus --match < two.vcf > matched.vcf

The point is that this is a two-step process, first create the indexed database, next query it. It is also possible to remove entries with the --delete switch.

To match with alt use

  bio-locus --match --alt only < two.vcf > matched.vcf

So, with bio-locus you can

  • reduce the size of large SNP databases before storage/querying
  • gain performance
  • filter on chr+pos (default)
  • filter on chr+pos+field (where field can be a VCF ALT)

Use cases are

  • To filter for annotated variants (including INDELS)
  • To remove common variants from a set

In short a more targeted approach allowing you to work with less data. This tool is decently fast. For example, looking for 130 positions in 20 million SNPs in GoNL takes 0.11s to store and 1.5 minutes to match on my laptop (using localmemcache):

cat my_130_variants.vcf | ./bin/bio-locus --store --storage :localmemcache
  Stored 130 positions out of 130 in locus.db
  real    0m0.119s
  user    0m0.108s
  sys     0m0.012s

cat gonl.*.vcf |./bin/bio-locus --match --storage :localmemcache
  Matched 3 out of 20736323 lines in locus.db!
  real    1m34.577s
  user    1m33.602s
  sys     0m1.868s

Note: for the storage here the moneta gem is used, currently with localmemcache. The default mode for bio-locus is Ruby serialization, and :tokyocabinet is also supported. The larger your data becomes, the more likely it is that you need :tokyocabinet because the others are more RAM oriented.

Note: the ALT field is split into components for matching, so A,C becomes two chr+pos records, one for A and one for C.


gem install bio-locus

Command line

In addition to --store and --match mentioned above there are a number of options available through

bio-locus --help

The most important one is the handling of ALT. Both with --store and --match ALT (chr+pos+alt) can be matched in conjuction with POS (chr+pos). When using --alt only, only ALT is matched. When using --alt include, both ALT and POS are matched. When using --alt exclude, only POS is matched.

Deleting keys

To delete entries from the database use

  bio-locus --delete < two.vcf

To delete those that match with alt use

  bio-locus --delete --alt only < two.vcf

You may need to run both with and without alt, depending on your needs!


It is possible to use any line based format. For example parsing the alt from

X       107976940       G/C     -1      5       5       0.75    H879D   0      IRS4     CCDS14544       Cat/Gat rs1801164       missense_variant        ENST00000372129.2:c.2635C>G

can be done with

bio-locus --store --eval-alt 'field[2].split(/\//)[1]'

Actually, if the --in-format is 'snv', this is exactly what is used.


COSMIC is pretty large, so it can be useful to cut the database down to the variants that you have. The locus information is combined in the before last column as chr:start-end, e.g., 19:58861911-58861911. This may work for COSMICv68

bio-locus -i --match --eval-chr='field[13] =~ /^([^:]+)/ ; $1' --eval-pos='field[13] =~ /:(\d+)-/ ; $1 ' < CosmicMutantExportIncFus_v68.tsv

You may also use the --in-format cosmic switch for supported COSMIC versions.

Note the -i switch is needed to skip records that lack position information or are non-SNV.

GoNL INDEL example

Here an example of filtering out all INDELs that also exist in a different dataste, in this case GoNL which provides a database of population INDELs in VCF format. First we use bio-vcf to create a subset of common INDELS:

cat gonl.*.snps_indels.r5.vcf |bio-vcf --filter '"INDEL" and>0.05' > gonl_indel0.05.vcf

Create a locus database from this VCF

bio-locus --store --db gonl_indel0.05.db --alt only < gonl_indel0.05.vcf 
  Stored 480639 positions out of 480639 in gonl_indel0.05.db (0 duplicate hits)

Next, we take our datafile and filter for INDELs that are in the population set

 bio-locus --match -v --db gonl_indel0.05.db --alt only < varscan2_indel_nfreq30_tfreq30.vcf > /dev/null
  Matched 635 (unique 75) lines out of 1005 (header 18, unique 174) in gonl_indel0.05.db!

Which says that 75 INDELs were population matches. We have 635 hits because there are multiple samples in this VCF.

This is not what we want in our file, so now we take our datafile and filter for INDELs that are not in the population set

bio-locus --match -v --db gonl_indel0.05.db --alt only < varscan2_indel_nfreq30_tfreq30.vcf > unique_indels.vcf
  Matched 370 (unique 99) lines out of 1005 (header 18, unique 174) in gonl_indel0.05.db!

So now we have 99 INDELs for this dataset which are not common INDELs.

Project home page

Information on the source tree, documentation, examples, issues and how to contribute, see

The BioRuby community is on IRC server:, channel: #bioruby.


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Copyright (c) 2014 Pjotr Prins. See LICENSE.txt for further details.