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Breeze makes it easy to automate server installation and configuration. It provides example scripts and configuration files that you can modify and keep in your revision control system. Thor tasks are provided to create server images, launch server instances etc.


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Breeze provides some Thor tasks and example scripts for managing cloud computing resources and deployments. Currently only Amazon's AWS cloud is supported, but breeze uses fog for the hard work so it should be fairly easy to add support for other cloud computing providers that are supported by fog.

Breeze implements zero downtime deploys and rollbacks by moving an elastic ip from one server to another or by replacing server instances behind an elastic load balancer. Db migrations have to be compatible with the previous version.


Run the following commands to install breeze and initialize a new project with configuration file templates.

gem install breeze
cd your-project
breeze init

Then edit Thorfile and the stuff that got copied to config/breeze.

Management of configuration files is almost compatible with rubber but breeze does not support roles and additives. See the rubber wiki for more information.

create a server image

The command below installs a server and saves a private server image. When this is fully automated it can be repeated with new software packages or a new OS version.

thor server:image:create

The default compiles ruby, passenger, nginx and image magick. It takes a long time (maybe half an hour on a small instance) and it will prompt for the image name when completed.

use it

thor describe      # List all cloud resources that the current account can control with breeze

thor staging:deploy    # Deploy a new version by replacing old servers with new ones
thor staging:disable   # Copy maintenance.html to public/system/ on active web servers
thor staging:enable    # Remove system/maintenance.html from active web servers
thor staging:rollback  # Rollback the previous deploy
thor staging:start     # Start web server and db for staging
thor staging:stop      # Stop staging and destroy server and db

Define your staging and production constants in the Thorfile and the same tasks become available for both name spaces. These tasks call app tasks with fixed parameters.

plumbing commands

thor app:deploy PUBLIC_SERVER_NAME    # Deploy a new version by replacing old servers with new ones
thor app:disable PUBLIC_SERVER_NAME   # Upload system/maintenance.html to web servers
thor app:enable PUBLIC_SERVER_NAME    # Remove system/maintenance.html from web servers
thor app:rollback PUBLIC_SERVER_NAME  # Rollback a deploy
thor app:start PUBLIC_SERVER_NAME     # Start a new app with web server and db
thor app:stop PUBLIC_SERVER_NAME      # Destroy web server and db

thor configuration:deploy_to_localhost [FILE]  # Transform and deploy server configuration files to the local file system based on ERB templates in config/server

thor db:clone OLD_DB NEW_DB           # Create a new db server using the latest backup of OLD_DB.
thor db:create SERVER_NAME [DB_NAME]  # Create a new database server
thor db:destroy NAME                  # Destroy a database server

thor describe:addresses            # List allocated ip addresses
thor describe:cache_clusters       # Describe ElastiCache clusters
thor describe:cloud_resources      # List all cloud resources that the current account can control with breeze
thor describe:db_servers           # List database servers
thor describe:dns_records ZONE_ID  # List all DNS records for the given zone
thor describe:dns_zones            # Describe DNS zones
thor describe:images               # Describe machine images owned by Breeze::CONFIGURATION[:image_owner]
thor describe:load_balancers       # Describe ELB load balancers
thor describe:servers              # Describe server instances
thor describe:volumes              # Describe block store volumes (EBS)

thor dns:record:create ZONE_ID NAME TYPE IP [TTL]  # Create a new DNS record
thor dns:record:destroy ZONE_ID NAME [TYPE]        # Destroy a DNS record
thor dns:zone:create DOMAIN                        # Create a new DNS zone
thor dns:zone:destroy ZONE_ID                      # Destroy a DNS zone
thor dns:zone:import ZONE_ID FILE                  # Creates dns records specified in FILE

thor elasticache:create CLUSTER_NAME   # Create a new cache cluster
thor elasticache:destroy CLUSTER_NAME  # Destroy a cache cluster

thor elb:add_instances LOAD_BALANCER_NAME instance_id [instance_id, ...]     # Add server instances to a load balancer
thor elb:create LOAD_BALANCER_NAME [CNAME] [DNS_ZONE_ID]                     # Create a new elastic load balancer
thor elb:destroy LOAD_BALANCER_NAME                                          # Destroy an elastic load balancer
thor elb:remove_instances LOAD_BALANCER_NAME instance_id [instance_id, ...]  # Remove server instances from a load balancer

thor server:address:associate IP NEW_SERVER_ID  # Associate an existing IP with a new server
thor server:address:create SERVER_ID            # Create and associate a new elastic ip
thor server:address:release IP                  # Release the ip address
thor server:create                              # Launch a new server instance
thor server:destroy INSTANCE_ID [...]           # Terminate a running (or stopped) server instance
thor server:image:create                        # Launch a server with the base image, wait for it to boot, invoke prepare_private_image(ip_address), stop the server, create a new machine image as a snapshot of the root device, and destroy the server.
thor server:image:destroy IMAGE_ID [...]        # Deregister the image and destroy the related volume snapshot
thor server:tag:create SERVER_ID KEY VALUE      # Create or update a tag
thor server:tag:destroy SERVER_ID KEY           # Delete a tag