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An encapsulation of a convention I have been using with the slop, nenv, inifile and configatron gems for quick and dirty development of command-line based utility programs. Slop parses ARGV; Nenv parses ENV; inifile parses INI; Configatron keeps it all together. YAML and ERB preprocessing is also available. Ruby configuration files are also supported. and you can specify multiple config files of mixed types at once.



>= 0
~> 4.6
 Project Readme


Most recent changes


  • Adopting the amazing_print fork of awesome_print for development. Its not used in the main gem, just I like to use it while developing. Doesn't everyone?


  • Changed gemspec to use slop ~> 4.6


  • Changed #get_pathnames_from to issue warnings in place of errors for files that do not have the correct file extension
  • Added some more comments to the code


  • added ability to process a directory of config files
  • added ability to process a default set of config files that could get over-written by specific config files specified on the command line


If you write lots of command-line utility programs, or even if you don't the cli_helper gem can be a helper to you. It integrates several common gems to give a comprehensive configuration management experience.

Here are the gems used and what they do:


The convention w/r/t what value amoung concurrent sources is the correct one to use is hierarchic where the layer above trumps all the layers below. This is the order:

  • command-line parameter
    • config file value
      • system environment variable
        • default

This ordering says that regardless what you have set in a config file or ENV or as a default, the value of the command line parameter will be used.

I like to use ERB within my config files. Consider 'default.yml.erb' below:

  host: <%= || 'localhost' %>

Processing this file will give me either the default value for host of 'localhost' or if defined the value of the system environment variable HOST. I like Nenv over ENV.

Now suppose I use cli_helper within a program and execute the program like this:

program.rb --host devhost --config default.yml.erb,prod.ini

Because I have specifically called out the value of host on the command line, that value will trump anything that comes from the config file.

Did you notice that I had two files specified with the --config option?

The config files are processed in the order that they are given on the command line. Whatever values were obtained from the first file will be over-written by the second and any subsequent config files. Regardless of their values for host, the command-line value trumps them all.

Config files

cli_helper supports multiple types of configuration files:

  *.txt (in the INI format)

All values obtained from config files and command line parameters are held in the configatron structure.

Common Command-line Options

cli_helper predefines common command-line options. These can to disabled by the program if necessary. The common options are:

  -h, --help
  -d, --debug
  -v, --verbose
  --config (optional)

To enable the support for config files do this before calling the #cli_helger() method:

configatron.enable_config_files = true

To disable any of the other common options do this before involking cli_helper:

configatron.disable_help    = true
configatron.disable_debug   = true
configatron.disable_verbose = true
cpnfogatrpm/dosab;e_version = true

Other options

The default behavior is to raise an exception if an unspecified option is used on the command line. For example if your program just uses the common options and someone invokes the program with --xyzzy then an exception will be raised saying that the option is unknown.

To prevent this exception you can set the suppress_errors parameter. With this parameter set to true an unknown option will just be added to the unprocessed arguments array.

configatron.suppress_errors = true

The unprocessed options can be access via the arguments array:


The arguments array is also where you will find anything else from the command line that was not processed by the cli_helper. For example:

my_program.rb -v *.txt

The file names matching the '*.txt' glob will be put into the configatron.arguments array.

When process INI or TXT config files the following options can be useful:

configatron.ini_comment   # default: '#'
configatron.ini_encoding  # default: 'UTF-8'
configatron.ini_seperator # default: '='

Boolean options auto-generate methods

Any boolean command-line option specified, even the predefined common ones, have two methods defined: query(?) and banger(!). For the help options the methods look like this:

def help?

def help! = true

Names of command-line options

If you specify a command-line option of xyzzy, then an entry in the configatron structure will be created having the name 'xyzzy'. If you do not use a long-form for the option the short option name will be used. For example '-x' will be accessed as configatron.x

Support methods

There are several support methods that I have included in cli_helper that you may want to use. The first three deal with errors and warnings and what to do with them.

  • warning(a_string)
  • error(a_string)
  • abort_if_errors

cli_helper defines two arrays within configatron: errors and warnings. The warning() and error() methods insert their strings into these arrays. The abort_if_errors method first looks at the warnings array and presents all of those strings to the user via STDOUT. It then asks the user if they want to abort the program. The default answer is no.

After presenting the warnings to the user, the abort_if_error method presents all of the errors to the user. Then it exits the program.

These next support methods are self explanatory:

  • usage() #=> a_string
  • show_usage() #=> usage string sent to STDOUT
  • me() #=> The full path to the file that "require 'cli_helper"" was involked
  • my_name() #=> the basename of me

But this one needs some explaining:

  • get_pathnames_from(an_array, extnames=['.json', '.txt', '.docx'])

The method get_pathnames_from() returns an array of pathnames matching a specific set of file types. The default types are txt, json and docx because that tends to be the majority of the files in which I am interested. Might add wcml to the default list later. Regardless you propabily ought to provide your own array of file extensions. And don't forget the dot!

If an entry in the array is a directory then its children will be search including any sub-directories recursively.

Here is how I typically use it :)

get_pathnames_from(configatron.arguments, '.php').each do |f|


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