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ruby based tools for developing javascript libraries



= 1.3.3
>= 0
>= 0
>= 0
>= 0
>= 0
 Project Readme


A javascript development harness written in javascript.

Helps with:

  • Running javascript specs
  • UI component testing
  • Script ordering
  • Uglification


Assuming you have node >=0.6.0 and npm installed:

npm install cup -g

Command Line App

Output from cup help:

 you're looking at it, this is the default command in a directory without a cupfile

server port=1212
 start a cup server, this is the default command in a directory with a cupfile

create name
 setup a cup folder structure

 shows the version of cup and the version of this cup if there is one

javascripts *[vendor|spec|lib|src]
 list all javascripts in the current cup in the correct order as defined by the cupfile

scheme scheme
 list javascripts for the specified scheme.

 check the status of the cupfile

 concatenates lib and src files in the order specified by the cupfile, print the result to stdout

 uglifies the concatenation, print the result to stdout

 uglify and concatenate into the build directory running any before/after build hooks specified in the cupfile

 list visual specs to stdout

The create Command

This command produces a folder containing:

  • vendor: for vendor js libraries such as jquery and jasmine which are automatically downloaded. Note, the latest version of jquery is downloaded by default, for jasmine, cup currently downloads v1.1
  • spec: where you will place you carefully prepared jasmine specs ;)
  • spec/visual: some special case specs (more on this in the Browser App section below)
  • src: ...
  • lib: scripts in this folder are included in uglification and are always loaded before src. This directory is useful for third party libraries or support code which will be included in the build output.
  • cupfile: a file which is used to describe the cup project (more in the cupfile section below)
  • licence.txt: A default open source licence


Sample cupfile with comments:

  name: 'my project', # MUST be a valid file name
  version: '0.0.1', # must be a valid semver
  licence 'MIT.txt',

  javascripts: {

    spec: ['path/within/spec/dir.js', '*'], // <-- '*' means "all javascripts in the directory"

    vendor: ['only_one.js'], // <-- no :* symbol means only those explicitly listed scripts will be loaded

    // if lib load order was not explicitly declared cup defaults to the equivalent:

    lib: ['*'],

    src: [
      function (path) {
        // and functions.
        return path !== 'do_not_include.js';

  beforeBuild: function () {
    # whatever you want

  afterBuild: function () {
    # whatever you want

Note: Multiple inclusions of the same javascript result in the omission of all but the first reference

Browser App

  • root: an overview of the project including links to build output and a file list for the project
  • debug: a page on which the src javascripts and vendor javascripts are loaded but no specs, good for debugging and experimenting with your code in the console
  • empty: the same as debug, but a completely empty page (no cup app header or css). This is for debugging UI components withoutany interference from the stylesheets or controls in the cup application itself.
  • src: run specs on the lib and src files
  • concatenated: run specs on the concatenated version of build output
  • uglified: run specs on the uglified version of the build output
  • visual: exercise visual specs (see below)

The browser application includes middleware that acts as a directory server for all paths that are not routes in the main application. For example: http://<host>[:<port>]/lib will serve a directory listing for the lib folder.

Visual Specs

Visual specs help to facilitate the visual verification of behaviour which is infeasible to write automated tests for. For examples:

  • An animation doesn't flicker
  • A the colours scheme makes for easy reading
  • A slider control is responsive when rapidly changing its position

To create a visual spec, add a jade template in the spec/visual directory. Any directory structure within spec/visual may be used to organise visual specs as you see fit. An index of available visual specs is available in the browser app.

Each slim template under spec/visual is a partial and will be injected into the body of a page with the src, lib and vendor javascripts loaded in the order specified by the cupfile.

Note: No style sheets are automatically loaded for visual specs. Note: No javascripts are loaded from the spec/visual directory unless explicitly referenced in the cupfile.

Javascripts load order, stylesheets and the cupfile

All javascripts and stylesheets are automatically included with the exception of javascripts within the spec/visual directory.

The loading of javascripts can be controlled using the cupfile with the following constraint...

Javascripts are loaded from these paths in this order:

  1. vendor
  2. spec (only on pages which run specs)
  3. lib
  4. src

Build output is referenced instead of lib and src on the relevant pages (such as when running spec on uglified build output). Only lib and src are considered build input.