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Generates sign-in, sign-out, create account, forgot password, and account confirmation systems (via email) for Rails apps. It'll get your prototype up and running fast. It's pretty much Devise for beginners.



~> 3.2
 Project Readme



Dangerzone handles sign-in, sign-out, creating new accounts, confirmation emails, reset password emails, and user authentification stuff that pretty much every web app needs.

It's pretty much a really stripped down and above the board Devise. While Devise is designed for people with a lot of experience, Dangerzone is more for beginners. All of the files it generates and logic it appends are easy to find and explore (hopefully, anyway), so if you're new to Rails you can use Dangerzone to learn (also hopefully).

It's also for people who maybe have more experience and don't want to spend time writing all of this stuff out by hand but don't want to use Devise for whatever reason (ie those with some experience but still don't understand Devise)

At some point there'll be more options, like a version that's a bit more explicit in what it's doing and a version with a ton of comments that explain what's going on ('this is a ternary operator' or 'methods that end with question marks usually return true or false'). Also, a version where you can opt out of generating the specs.


You'll need these gems to use Dangerzone:

  • Rails 3.2
  • Bcrypt-ruby 3.0

Dangerzone also generates some specs and a factory for you. You'll need these gems if you actually want to use them.

  • Rspec-rails 2.13
  • Factory_Girl_Rails 4.2

How to install

You can do one of these in your command line (if you have the RubyGems command line stuff installed):

gem install dangerzone

Alternatively, you can just add this to your app's GemFile:

gem 'dangerzone'

And then bundle or bundle install.

How to use

First, add this to your Gemfile:

gem 'dangerzone'

Then bundle or ````bundle install```.

Then run this command from your app's root directory:

rails generate dangerzone

You can also put 'g' instead of 'generate' if you're really in a hurry. Anyway, you should see something that looks like this:

      remove  public/index.html
      create  app/views/layouts/_dangerzone_nav.html.erb
      create  app/models/user.rb
      create  app/controllers/create_accounts_controller.rb
      create  app/controllers/reset_passwords_controller.rb
      create  app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb
      create  app/mailers/dangerzone_mailer.rb
      create  app/views/create_accounts

Now, if you're in a fresh app, all you really have to do is rake db:migrate.

Note: If you're adding Dangerzone to an existing app then things can be a bit more tricky. For instance, if you've changed your code in certain places Dangerzone may not edit the files correctly. It may also overwrite some existing files if they have the same as the files Dangerzone tries to create. Check out the 'Things to keep in mind' section below for more information.

Once you've added some pages you only want registered users to see (ie a my account page), all you have to do is add this to the controllers that you only want registered/authorized users to see:

before_filter :authorize_user

That's it. Well if you only want specific actions on a given controller to be for registered users only, just use:

before_filter :authorize_user, :only => [ :different, :controller, :actions ]


before_filter :authorize_user, :except => [ :various, :controller, :actions ]

Now that's it.

Things to keep in mind

  • Dangerzone generates a migration file that creates a users table, so if you already have a users table or call your users something else, then you'll have to write your own migration that adds the appropriate columns and default values to your model.
  • If you already have a user.rb file in your models it may be overwritten. Check the list below for all of the files Dangerzone generates and my overwrite.
  • Dangerzone edits certain files (for instance, it uncomments bcrypt in your GemFile), so if you've changed some code in those files in a certain way, Dagerzone may not edit them properly. Consult the list below for all of the files it edits and how it edits them.
  • Dangerzone sets a root_url that you'll probably want to change.
  • Dangerzone uses action mailer and sets action mailer's default to 'localhost:3000' in your development.rb file. So if you want to use a different mailer or use Dangerzone in test or production environments, you'll have to figure out how to configure it for those situations yourself.
  • Dangerzone gives you a current_user method that you can call in any of your controllers. It returns @current_user in addition to setting the @current_user instance variable. The instance variable will already be set for any action has authorize_user run in the before filter.
  • Dangerzone deletes index.html from your app's public folder.
  • The pages and emails that Dangerzone generates for you are pretty bare bones, so you'll probably want to style them
  • If you actually use Dangerzone code in production, remember that the email address validation is basic so every once in a while you should probably destroy all of the accounts that are reasonably old and are unconfirmed. Or set up an automated task that does that.

Files Dangerzone Edits

  • app/controllers/application_controller.rb - adds authorize_user and current_user methods (so every controller can add them to before_filters)
  • app/view/layouts/application.html.erb - adds render
  • config/environments/development.rb - sets action mailer's default url to localhost:3000
  • config/routes.rb - adds routes and sets root_url
  • GemFile - uncomments bcrypt

Directories Dangerzone Creates

  • app/mailers/dangerzone_mailer.rb
  • app/views/create_accounts
  • app/views/dangerzone_mailer
  • app/views/reset_passwords
  • app/views/sessions

Files Dangerzone Creates

  • app/views/layouts/_dangerzone_nav.html.erb
  • app/models/user.rb
  • app/controllers/create_accounts_controller.rb
  • app/controllers/reset_passwords_controller.rb
  • app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb
  • app/views/create_accounts/check_your_email.html.erb
  • app/views/create_accounts/new.html.erb
  • app/views/create_accounts/dangerzone.html.erb
  • app/views/dangerzone_mailer/account_confirmation_email.html.erb
  • app/views/dangerzone_mailer/account_confirmation_email.text .erb
  • app/views/dangerzone_mailer/reset_password_email.html.erb
  • app/views/dangerzone_mailer/reset_password_email.text.erb
  • app/views/layouts/_dangerzone_nav.html.erb
  • app/views/reset_passwords/new.html.erb
  • app/views/reset_passwords/reset_password_form.html.erb
  • app/views/sessions/new.html.erb
  • db/migrate/[some timestamp]_create_users_table_via_dangerzone.rb