No commit activity in last 3 years
No release in over 3 years
DoverToCalais allows the user to send a wide range of data sources (files & URLs) to OpenCalais and receive asynchronous responses when OpenCalais has finished processing the inputs. In addition, DoverToCalais enables the filtering of the response in order to find relevant tags and/or tag values.


~> 1.3
>= 1.3.8, ~> 1.3
~> 0
>= 2.14.1, ~> 2.14


>= 1.1.0, ~> 1.1
>= 1.0.3, ~> 1.0
>= 1.5.5, ~> 1.5
~> 1.6
>= 2.0.0, ~> 2.0
>= 2.0.0, ~> 2.0
>= 0.1.9, ~> 0.1
 Project Readme

**************IMPORTANT NOTICE ************

As of 30 September 2015, the OpenCalais API on which this gem is built, has been discontinued by Thomson-Reuters. A new and significantly changed API is now in use by OpenCalais. You can read about the changes here. Unfortunately this means that DoverToCalais is no longer functional. I don't know -at this stage- if and when I'll upgrade this gem to the new API. Thank you for your time and effort in using DoverToCalais.


DoverToCalais allows the user to send a wide range of data sources (files & URLs) to OpenCalais and receive asynchronous responses when OpenCalais has finished processing the inputs. In addition, DoverToCalais enables response filtering in order to find relevant tags and/or tag values.

What is OpenCalais?

In short -and quoting the OpenCalais creators:

"The OpenCalais Web Service automatically creates rich semantic metadata for the content you submit – in well under a second. Using natural language processing (NLP), machine learning and other methods, Calais analyzes your document and finds the entities within it. But, Calais goes well beyond classic entity identification and returns the facts and events hidden within your text as well."

In general, OpenCalais Simple XML Format (the one used by DoverToCalais) returns three kinds of tags: Entitites, Events and Topics. Entities are static 'things', like Persons, Places, et al. that are involved in the textual context in some capacity. OpenCalais assigns a relevance score to each entity to indicate it's relevance within the context of the data source's general topic. Events are facts or actions that pertain to one or more Entities. Topics are a characterisation or generic description of the data source's context.

We can use these tags and the information within them to extract relevant information from the data or to draw useful conclusions about it. For example, if the data source tags include an <Event> with the value of 'CompanyExpansion', I can then look for the <City> or <Company> tags to find out which company is expanding and if it's near my location (hint: they may be looking for more staff :)) Or, I could pick out all <Company>s involved in a <JointVenture>, or all <Person>s implicated in an <Arrest> in my <City>, etc.

DoverToCalais, from version 0.2.1 onwards also supports the OpenCalais rich JSON Output format. This format returns relationships between entities, as well as the previous tags returned by the Simple XML format, thus allowing a deeper level of data analysis and detection.

Why use OpenCalais?

There are many reasons, mainly to:

  • incorporate tags into other applications, such as search, news aggregation, blogs, catalogs, etc.
  • enrich search by looking for deeper, contextual meaning instead of merely phrases or keywords.
  • help to discern relationships between semantic entities.
  • facilitate data processing and analysis by allowing easy identification of relevant or important data sources and the discarding of irrelevant ones.

DoverToCalais Features

  1. Multiple data source support: Thanks to the power of Yomu, DoverToCalais can process a vast range of files (and, of course, web pages), extract text from them and send them to OpenCalais for analysis and tag generation.

  2. Asynchronous responses (callbacks): Users can set callbacks to receive the processed meta-data, once the OpenCalais Web Service response has been received. Furthermore, a user can set multiple callbacks for the same request (data source), thus enabling cleaner, more modular code.

  3. Result filtering: DoverToCalais uses the OpenCalais Simple XML Format as the preferred response format. The user can work directly with the XML-formatted response, or -if feeling a bit lazy- can take advantage of the DoverToCalais filtering functionality and receive specific entities, optionally based on specified conditions.

For more details of the features and code samples, see Usage.

##Pre-requisites and dependencies

To use the OpenCalais Web Service and -by extension- DoverToCalais, one needs to possess an OpenCalais API key, which is easily obtainable from the OpenCalais web site.

DoverToCalais requires the presence of a working JRE.

Also, if you're going to use the rich JSON output format, you'll need to have Redis running on an accessible node.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dover_to_calais'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install dover_to_calais


DoverToCalais has been developed in Ruby 1.9.3 and should work fine on post-1.9.3 MRI versions too. If anyone is succesfully running it on other Ruby runtimes please let me know.


Using DoverToCalais is extremely simple.

The Basics

As DoverToCalais uses the awesome-ness of EventMachine, code must be placed within an EM run block:

EM.run do

    # use Control + C to stop the EM
    Signal.trap('INT')  { EventMachine.stop }
    Signal.trap('TERM') { EventMachine.stop }

    # we need an API key to use OpenCalais
    DoverToCalais::API_KEY =  'my-opencalais-api-key'
    # create a new dover
    dover =  DoverToCalais::Dover.new('http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-24412315')
    # parse the text and send it to OpenCalais
    puts 'do some stuff....'
    # set a callback for when we receive a response
    dover.to_calais { |response| puts response.error ? response.error : response }

    puts 'do some more stuff....'


This will produce the following result:

do some stuff....
do some more stuff....

(the rest of the XML response from OpenCalais)

As can be observed, the callback (#to_calais) is trigerred after the rest of the code has been executed and only when the OpenCalais request has been completed.

Of course, we can analyse more than one sources at a time:

EM.run do

  # use Control + C to stop the EM
  Signal.trap('INT')  { EventMachine.stop }
  Signal.trap('TERM') { EventMachine.stop }

  DoverToCalais::API_KEY =  'my-opencalais-api-key'

  d1 =  DoverToCalais::Dover.new('http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-24412315')
  d2 =  DoverToCalais::Dover.new('/home/fred/Documents/RailsRecipes.pdf')
  d3 =  DoverToCalais::Dover.new('//network-drive/annual_forecast.doc')

  d1.analyse_this; d2.analyse_this; d3.analyse_this; 

  puts 'do some stuff....'

  d1.to_calais { |response| puts response.error ? response.error : response }
  d2.to_calais { |response| puts response.error ? response.error : response }
  d3.to_calais { |response| puts response.error ? response.error : response }

  puts 'do some more stuff....'


This will output the two puts statements followed by the three callbacks (d1, d2, d3) in the order in which they are triggered, i.e. the first callback to receive a response from OpenCalais will fire first.

###Filtering the response Why parse the response XML ourselves when DoverToCalais can do it for us? We'll just use the #filter method on the response object, passing a filtering hash:

    my_filter = {:entity => 'Entity1', :value => 'Value1', :given => {:entity => 'Entity2', :value => 'Value2'}}

The above tells DoverToCalais to look in the reponse for an entity called 'Entity1' with a value of 'Value1', only if the response contains an entity called 'Entity2' which has a value of 'Value2'.

The conditional clause (:given) is optional; the filtering hash can be used in pretty much any permutation. For instance:

EM.run do

    DoverToCalais::API_KEY =  'my-opencalais-api-key'

    dover =  DoverToCalais::Dover.new('http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-24412315')

    dover.to_calais do |response|
    if   response.error
      puts  response.error
      puts response.filter({:entity => 'Company'})


This will pick out all entities tagged 'Company' from the data source. The output will be an Array of ResponseItem objects.

<struct DoverToCalais::ResponseItem name="Company", value="BBC News", relevance=0.654, count=13, normalized=nil, importance=nil, originalValue=nil>
<struct DoverToCalais::ResponseItem name="Company", value="TV Radio", relevance=0.565, count=2, normalized="HERALD & WEEKLY-TV,RADIO OPS", importance=nil, originalValue=nil>
<struct DoverToCalais::ResponseItem name="Company", value="Reuters", relevance=0.255, count=2, normalized="THOMSON REUTERS GROUP LIMITED", importance=nil, originalValue=nil>
<struct DoverToCalais::ResponseItem name="Company", value="Twitter", relevance=0.395, count=1, normalized="TWITTER, INC.", importance=nil, originalValue=nil>
<struct DoverToCalais::ResponseItem name="Company", value="Huffington Post UK", relevance=0.136, count=1, normalized=nil, importance=nil, originalValue=nil>
<struct DoverToCalais::ResponseItem name="Company", value="Ireland Kenya", relevance=0.144, count=1, normalized=nil, importance=nil, originalValue=nil>
<struct DoverToCalais::ResponseItem name="Company", value="Yahoo! UK", relevance=0.144, count=1, normalized="YAHOO! UK LIMITED", importance=nil, originalValue=nil>

If this output looks a bit cluttered, we can easily tidy it up:

EM.run do

  DoverToCalais::API_KEY =  'my-opencalais-api-key'

  dover =  DoverToCalais::Dover.new('http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-24412315')

  dover.to_calais do |response|
    if   response.error
      puts  response.error
      items = response.filter({:entity => 'Company'})
      items.each do |item|
        puts "#{item.name}: #{item.value}, relevance = #{item.relevance}"


Which will give us:

Company: BBC News, relevance = 0.656
Company: TV Radio, relevance = 0.566
Company: Reuters, relevance = 0.26
Company: Guardian.co.uk, relevance = 0.143
Company: Twitter, relevance = 0.399
Company: Huffington Post UK, relevance = 0.132
Company: Ireland Kenya, relevance = 0.139
Company: Yahoo! UK, relevance = 0.139

Let's see if the data source refers to any business partnerships:

EM.run do

  DoverToCalais::API_KEY =  'my-opencalais-api-key'

  dover =  DoverToCalais::Dover.new('http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24380202')

  dover.to_calais do |response|
    if   response.error
      puts  response.error
      items = response.filter({:entity => 'Event', :value => 'Business Partnership'})
      puts "There are #{items.length} events like that in the source"


which will produce:

There are 1 events like that in the source

Now let's find all companies involved in any business partnerships:

EM.run do

  DoverToCalais::API_KEY =  'my-opencalais-api-key'

  dover =  DoverToCalais::Dover.new('http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24380202')

  dover.to_calais do |response|
    if   response.error
      puts  response.error
      items = response.filter( {:entity => 'Company', :given => {:entity => 'Event',  :value => 'Business Partnership'}} )
      items.each do |item|
        puts "#{item.name}: #{item.value} a.k.a #{item.normalized}, relevance = #{item.relevance}"


which gives us:

Company: BBC News a.k.a , relevance = 0.678
Company: Google a.k.a GOOGLE INC., relevance = 0.508
Company: Flutter a.k.a FLUTTER COM INC, relevance = 0.531
Company: TV Radio a.k.a HERALD & WEEKLY-TV,RADIO OPS, relevance = 0.558
Company: Microsoft a.k.a MICROSOFT CORPORATION, relevance = 0.303
Company: Adobe a.k.a ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED, relevance = 0.193
Company: Netflix a.k.a NETFLIX, INC., relevance = 0.301
Company: Y Combinator a.k.a Y Combinator, relevance = 0.258
Company: Nintendo a.k.a Nintendo Co., Ltd., relevance = 0.286
Company: Samsung a.k.a Samsung C&T Corporation, relevance = 0.285
Company: Glyndwr University a.k.a , relevance = 0.269

At this point, someone may ask: "But what if we want to get more than one entity for a given condition? The filter hash doesn't allow that!"

No it doesn't. However, given that filtering is done on the whole reponse after it's been received, we can apply many filters on the same response:

EM.run do

  DoverToCalais::API_KEY =  'my-opencalais-api-key'

  dover =  DoverToCalais::Dover.new('http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-24380202')

  dover.to_calais do |response|
    if   response.error
      puts  response.error
      result1 = response.filter( {:entity => 'Company', :value => 'Google', :given => {:entity => 'Technology',  :value => 'gesture recognition'}} )
      result2 = response.filter( {:entity => 'Product', :given => {:entity => 'Technology',  :value => 'gesture recognition'}} )
      puts result1 | result2


Which will give us all the gesture-recognition products that Google is associated with according to our data source:

<struct DoverToCalais::ResponseItem name="Company", value="Google", relevance=0.506, count=7, normalized="GOOGLE INC.", importance=nil, originalValue=nil>
<struct DoverToCalais::ResponseItem name="Product", value="Xbox Kinect", relevance=0.286, count=1, normalized=nil, importance=nil, originalValue=nil>
<struct DoverToCalais::ResponseItem name="Product", value="Galaxy S4 smartphone", relevance=0.282, count=1, normalized=nil, importance=nil, originalValue=nil>
<struct DoverToCalais::ResponseItem name="Product", value="Wii", relevance=0.286, count=1, normalized=nil, importance=nil, originalValue=nil>
<struct DoverToCalais::ResponseItem name="Product", value="Galaxy S4", relevance=0.282, count=1, normalized=nil, importance=nil, originalValue=nil>

PS: If you're not sure about the names or values of the tags you want to filter, you can get a listing with the following Constants:


Rich output format

Since version 0.2.1, DoverToCalais users can request to receive the OpenCalais output in OpenCalais's rich JSON format. This has the advantage of producing relation data, which allows for a much deeper level of analysis and data detection.

The rich format can be requested simply by passing one of the following arguments to the #analyse_this method: :rich, :rich_format, :rich_output, i.e.

dover.analyse_this :rich

When DoverToCalais processes the rich output, it will create a pseudo-relational data model on Redis. The model can then be be queried and searched using standard Ruby and the Ohm API.

The only difference in DoverToCalais usage when using the rich output is that there's no longer a need to do our response analysis in the callback (#to_calais method). The callback now only serves to let us know when the response has been processed. Once the callback returns, we know that we can find all our source data nicely modelled in Redis and we can access it ouside and independently of our EventMachine create->analyze->callback loop.

The Data Model

DoverToCalais creates three kinds of key classes on Redis: DoverToCalais::EntityModel, DoverToCalais::EntityModel::RelationModel, DoverToCalais::EntityModel::EventModel.

As is suggested by the namespacing, the relational aspects of the model are that an EntityModel has a number of RelationModels and a number of EventModels. Knowing this simple fact, it becomes fairly straightforward to discover which entities are inter-connected and how.

DoverToCalais::EntityModel has the following attributes

  • name - the entity name - String
  • type - the entity type, e.g. Person, Location, etc - String
  • calais_id - a unique id assigned by OpenCalais - String
  • relations - a set of generic relations connected to the entity - Set
  • events - a set of events connected to the entity - Set

DoverToCalais::EntityModel::RelationModel has the following attributes

  • subject - the entity applying the action - Hash
  • verb - an action - String
  • object - the entity receiving the action - Hash
  • detection - the most accurate string description of the relation - String
  • calais_id - a unique id assigned by OpenCalais - String

DoverToCalais::EntityModel::EventModel has the following attributes

  • calais_id - a unique id assigned by OpenCalais - String
  • info_hash - a Hash incorporating the event's attributes and values. As the number of attributes depends on the type of event (e.g. MilitaryAction will have very different attributes to MovieRelease), the info_hash is a good way to dynamically encapsulate an event's attributes.


DoverToCalais relies on Redis to store processed responses in the rich JSON format. By default, DoverToCalais will use the local Redis instance, on the default port 6379 with database #6 (no password). If any of this proves inconvenient, it can be changed by modifying the constant DoverToCalais::REDIS.

Rich output usage

#probably good idea to clear Redis DB first
EM.run do

    # use Control + C to stop the EM
    Signal.trap('INT')  { EventMachine.stop }
    Signal.trap('TERM') { EventMachine.stop }

    # we need an API key to use OpenCalais
    DoverToCalais::API_KEY =  'my-opencalais-api-key'
    # create a new dover
    dover =  DoverToCalais::Dover.new('http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-24412315')
    # parse the text and send it to OpenCalais
    dover.analyse_this :rich
    puts 'do some stuff....'
    # set a callback for when we receive a response
    dover.to_calais { |response| puts response.error ? response.error : "finished!" }

    puts 'do some more stuff....'


As you can see, this isn't much different from our bread-and-butter usage with the simple format. The differences are:

  • we clear the Redis data store before we begin. Not a necessary step, but we may want to start on a clean slate. DoverToCalais provides its own method for doing that and it's recommended this method is used instead of an external Redis command .
  • we pass the :rich symbol to #analyse_this.
  • in our callback, instead of doing something with the response we simply notify when it's done. What this means is that DoverToCalais has processed the response and has created a data model on Redis. We can now go and search our data model.
require 'dover_to_calais'

  #make sure we're connected to the DoverToCalais data-store
  Ohm.redis = Redic.new(DoverToCalais::REDIS)

  #let's find out how many entities we have in our store
  puts DoverToCalais::EntityModel.all.to_a.length
  puts DoverToCalais::EntityModel::RelationModel.all.to_a.length
  puts DoverToCalais::EntityModel::EventModel.all.to_a.length
  #find all relations where the subject is Jesse James
  all_relations = DoverToCalais::EntityModel::RelationModel.all.to_a
  selected = all_relations.select {|v| v.subject['name'].eql?("Jesse James")}
  selected.each do |relation|
    puts relation.subject, relation.verb, relation.object, relation.detection
  #get JFK (the Person, not the Airport)
  presidents = DoverToCalais::EntityModel.find(name: "JFK", type: "Person")
  #make sure there's only one
  if presidents.size == 1
    the_president = presidents.first
    #get all JFK-related events
    the_president.events.each do |e|
      e.info_hash.each_pair do |k,v|
        puts "#{k}: #{v}"

###Code samples

More examples of using DoverToCalais can be found as GitHub Gists:

Using DoverToCalais to semantically tag all files in a directory
Use DoverToCalais to find all Persons or Organizations with a relevance score greater than 0.1, if the data source contains an environmental event

Using a Proxy

If you're behind a corporate firewall and the only way to reach outside is through a proxy then you need to set the DoverToCalais::PROXY constant:

    DoverToCalais::PROXY = 
        :proxy => {
           :host => 'www.myproxy.com',
           :port => 8080,
           :authorization => ['username', 'password'] #optional

If you're connecting through a SOCKS5 Proxy just set the :type key to :socks5.

    DoverToCalais::PROXY = 
        :proxy => {
           :host => 'www.myproxy.com',
           :port => 8080,
           :type => :socks5


Comprehensive documentation can be found at rubydoc and also at omniref.


A list of Cucumber features and scenarios can be found in the features directory. The list is far from exhaustive, so feel free to add your own scenarios and steps.

To run the tests, there is already a rake task set up. Just type:

rake features API_KEY='my_api_key'


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


  • 07-Oct-2013 Version: 0.1.0
    Initial release
  • 10-Feb-2014 Version: 0.1.1 Improved Response error message
  • 10-Feb-2014 Version: 0.2.0
    Added #analyse_this to public interface
  • 24-Mar-2014 Version: 0.2.1
    New feature: rich JSON output analysis and Redis data modelling

**************IMPORTANT NOTICE ************

As of 30 September 2015, the OpenCalais API on which this gem is built, has been discontinued by Thomson-Reuters. A new and significantly changed API is now in use by OpenCalais. You can read about the changes here. Unfortunately this means that DoverToCalais is no longer functional. I don't know -at this stage- if and when I'll upgrade this gem to the new API. Thank you for your time and effort in using DoverToCalais.