Dynamic Table has been created as a gem to enable creation of editable table of desired rows and columns. Users can interact and selectively enter data in cells like an Excel spreadsheet, copy-paste data, add and remove rows / columns dynamically i.e. programatically. Advanced capabilities like formulae are not expected at the moment.
To install and use this gem:
- add the following to your Gemfile > gem 'dynamic_table'
- Install the gem by running > gem install dynamic_table
- In your application.js, require dynamic_table and import dynamic_table within your application.css / application.scss
- Bootstrap
- jquery
Within your js file or script, dynamic table can be initiated with the following instruction:
var varName = new DynamicTable(tableContainerName, rows:<num of rows>, cols: <num of rows>, columnOptions:<hash of columnOptions>, appliedClasses:<class to apply at various levels as a hash>)
Column options is used to defining specific columns and their contents. Its a Object hash that has the following options:
* headerName - <optional> Name of the header
*input: Input may be:
> 1. 'text' - Normal text field
> 2. 'decimal' - numeric values with decimal support
> 3. 'date' - date type
> 4. 'div' - a div is added
*precision: <optional> only for decimal input. Enter the number of digits after decimal point
*readonly: <optional> true or false. true by default
*eventhook: <optional> can add function hooks for events in a hashmap format like - {'change':()=>{...}, 'blur': functionVariableName}
*specialControl: you can associate other controls like datepicker, daterangepicker etc from existing libraries.
Format is {class: '<class to uniquely identify the cell>', initializingFunction: initializingFunctionName}
Within initializingFunctionName, you can associate the special control to the class mentioned therein
*tableId: unique table id to refer to the specific table control
*prefix: if there are more than one dynamictable on the page, its best to provide a prefix to avoid any overlaps in cell id naming
Key Elements
The following classes can be used to refer to elements within the table for any additional controls or styling -
- dynamic-table: refers to the table as a whole
- table-input: refer to the control embedded within the td of the table
Relevant functions
Call the following functions on the newly initialized object variable:
- setValue: (tableVariableName, hashmap of values)
An example of values hash is as below:
valuesHash = {
"1": {"headerName1": "2024-07-01"},
"2": {"headerName1": "2024-07-02","header2":"def"}
In the above example, "1" and "2" refer to row numbers that start from 1. Each column header name forms a key to which the value can be assigned.
- getValue()
returns as stringified hashmap of values in same form as the valuesHash above
- getValueAsObject()
same as above. Except in this case, the returning value is an Object
- addRow()
add a row at the end of the table. In the future, intervening rows deletion will be supported
- addCol(colOptions)
row can be added at the end, with colOptions
- removeCol()
removes last column
- removeRow()
removes last row
Keyboard shortcuts
- Cmd(or Ctrl) + C : copy value of cell or set of selected cells
- Cmd(or Ctrl) + V : paste to cell or set of cells
- Cmd(or Ctrl) + Shift + Down: Select all cells from selected cell to end of column. Can be used to mass paste a similar value to all successive cells
- Up / Down: Traverse up or down a column
- Esc: lose focus
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/jravz/dynamic_table. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to best practices in conduct.