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Embeditor is a set of client-side adapters for various embed codes. It aims to keep your article bodies clean while still allowing you to have rich embeds within them. This is a Rails plugin for that library.



< 5, >= 3.2.0
< 5, >= 3.2.0
~> 1.0.0
 Project Readme


Embeditor is a set of client-side adapters for various embed codes. It aims to keep your article bodies clean while still allowing you to have rich embeds within them.


It's a Rails engine. Add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'embeditor'


The following dependencies must be included manually. I hope to remove these eventually.


Note Currently Embeditor (the JS library) exists only in this Rails plugin. Eventually it will be extracted to a pure-JS library and this gem will be a simple wrapper around it.

First, add embeditor and dependencies to your application.js manifest file:

//= require jquery
//= require underscore
//= require embeditor

Next, initialize Embeditor.Base on any page where you want the swapping to occur, and call its swap() function to perform the swapping:

<script type="text/javascript">
    embeditor = new Embeditor.Base()

Embeditor works by replacing A tags with a specific class with the appropriate embed. The default class is embed-placeholder, but that can be configured.

There are several adapters included with this engine:

  • Embedly - Covers several services, such as SoundCloud, Spotify, Scribd, Google Maps, and others. See the list of Embedly's providers. Embedly doesn't always work perfectly, so Embeditor provides manual adapters for some of the providers that Embedly claims to support.
  • Cover It Live
  • Polldaddy
  • KPCC's Fire Tracker
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Storify
  • Brightcove
  • Document Cloud - Not yet supported.
  • Rebel Mouse

None of these are included automatically. To install just the ones you need, add them to your application.js :

//= include embeditor/adapters/embedly
//= include embeditor/adapters/cover_it_live

Or you can add all of them at once:

//= require embeditor/adapters

You can also selectively require templates:

//= require embeditor/templates/cover_it_live

... or require them all at once:

//= require embeditor/templates



You can configure:

  • defaultAdapter - The adapter that will be used if no adapter is found for the provided service.
  • defaultService - The service that will be used if no service is provided on the placeholder link.
  • wrapperClass - The class of the div that will get wrapped around the embed.
  • placeholderClass - The class of the <A> tags that Embeditor will look for.


Embeditor offers a system of configuration precedence. The order of precedence is:

  1. data-attributes on the placeholder link itself.
  2. Adapter-specific configuration in the Embeditor.Base object.
  3. Global configuration on Embeditor.Base
  4. Adapter-specific defaults.


You may add a data-attribute to any placeholder link, which will be used in the query or embed code. This method of specifying configuration takes precedence over any other configuration. The names of the data-attributes get passed directly to the query or embed code (depending on the adapter). Only the data-attributes which have to do with the embed will be passed through; attributes like data-service won't be used.

In the following example, the maxheight property will be sent to the oembed endpoint:

<a href="http://projects.scpr.org/firetracker/oembed?url=http://projects.scpr.org/firetracker/rim-fire/" data-maxheight="450" class="embed-placeholder" data-service="firetracker">Rim Fire</a>

Adapter-specific configuration

When initializing the global Embeditor.Base object, you may specify configuration for individual adapters.

The display object is for configuring display options. Properties:

  • placement - the method to use for placing the embed, such as before, after, or replace. Default is after.

The query object is for configuring the query parameters, or in the case of an adapter which doesn't use a query, it's for configuring the embed properties.

For the most part, everything will be pretty consistent.

new Embeditor.Base({
    Embedly: {
        query: {
            maxheight: 450
    FireTracker: {
        query: {
            maxheight: 350
        display: {
          placement: 'replaceWith'
    CoverItLive: {
        query: {
            maxheight: 500

Global configuration

You may also specify global configuration in Embeditor.Base, which will be used for all adapters:

new Embeditor.Base({
    maxheight: 450,
    maxwidth: 200

There are also some Embeditor options you can configure:

  • defaultAdapter - Adapter that gets used when the service isn't recognized. default: Embedly
  • defaultServer - Service that gets used when the data-service attribute is missing. default: other
  • placeholderClass - The class that the embed placeholders are given. default: embed-placeholder
  • wrapperClass - The class the embed's wrapper is given. default: embed-wrapper
  • wrapperElement - The element which should be wrapped around all embeds. default: div
  • defaultPlacement - Default embed placement, if a placement is somehow missing or it doesn't exist in the PlacementFunctions object. default: after

Adapter-specific defaults

Finally, if you're writing an adapter, you should specify a QueryDefaults object on the adapter, which will be used as a fallback for that adapter's parameters:

class Embeditor.Adapters.Twitter extends Embeditor.Adapter
    @QueryDefaults =
        maxheight: 500

    @DisplayDefaults =
        placement: 'before'

    # ...


Embedly requires an API key. You can provide it in the query options for the Embedly adapter when initializing Embeditor.Base:

new Embeditor.Base({
    Embedly: {
        query: {
            key: 'YOUR_API_KEY'

oEmbed vs. non-oEmbed

This library isn't necessarily tied to oEmbed, however it does have support for it. Even for services which support oEmbed, there are static templates which are able to render the embed properly just based off of the provided URL. This eliminates any oEmbed headaches (Access-Control-Allowed-Origin, for example), and also reduces the time it takes for an embed to load.

CKEditor plugin

An unofficial CKEditor plugin can be found HERE. Copy and paste it into your own repository.


You can/should add your own adapters! It's easy, I promise. If you add one which you think could be useful to a lot of people, please submit a PR and share the wealth!

You can extend your adapter from:

  • Embeditor.Adapter, which is the base adapter.
  • Embeditor.Adapters.Oembed, for oEmbed endpoints.
  • Embeditor.Adapters.StaticTemplate, for embeds where the embed code is stored in the /templates directory and rendered with JST.

NOTE Any function beginning with an underscore, like _extractData(), should be considered a private function.

Known Issues

  • Cover It Live and Facebook embeds don't currently work together on the same page, due to a javascript conflict between the two.


If you have an adapter that you think would be useful for many, please open up a pull request.