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For ruby 1.9 strings, replace bad bytes in given encoding with replacement strings, _or_ fail quickly on invalid encodings -- _without_ a transcode to a different encoding.
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See String#scrub, and backports and polyfills

This gem was written before MRI 2.1 introduced String#scrub, which provides the key functionality of this gem, replacing invalid bytes without a transcode. With MRI 2.1 out, ensure_valid_encoding has been discontinued in favor String#scrub and alternatives that provide scrub-compatible backports/polyfills.

  • In MRI 2.1, use stdlib String.scrub
  • In MRI 2.0, use the backport of the 2.1 C code in the string-scrub gem.
  • In other rubies 1.9+, use my scrub_rb gem -- scrub_rb is pure ruby, using code borrowered from this here ensure_valid_encoding to implement the String#scrub api as a polyfill.


For ruby 1.9 strings, replace bad bytes in given encoding with replacement strings, or fail quickly on invalid encodings -- without a transcode to a different encoding.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'ensure_valid_encoding'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install ensure_valid_encoding


# \xE9 is not valid UTF-8
bad_utf8 = "M\xE9xico".force_encoding("UTF-8")  

# => raises a Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError
#    Note well, sadly, for performance and pain-in-the-neck reasons,
#    this will not be filled out with byte number, preceeding or succeeding
#    bytes, or any other metadata normally included with an InvalidByteSequenceError
#    from stdlib. 

Uses the same options as String#encode, :invalid => :replace, possibly combined with :replace => custom_replace_string (which can be empty string if you like).

fixed = EnsureValidEncoding.ensure_valid_encoding(bad_utf8, :invalid => :replace)
# => Replaces invalid bytes with default replacement char. 
#    For unicode encodings, that's unicode replacement code, "\uFFFD",
#    otherwise, '?'

fixed = EnsureValidEncoding.ensure_valid_encoding(bad_utf8, :invalid => :replace, :replace => "*")
# => "M*xico"

Mutate a string in-place with replacement chars? No problem, use the bang version.

EnsureValidEncoding.ensure_valid_encoding!(bad_utf8, :invalid => :replace)
# bad_utf8 has been mutated

For convenience to save you some typing, methods defined as module instance methods too:

include EnsureValidEncoding
fixed = ensure_valid_encoding(bad_str)


You are taking textual input from some external source. Could be user input, could be a user-uploaded file of some kind, could be anchient usenet archives, could be a a third party API response or web scrape, could be anything.

You know what character encoding the textual data claims to be, what it should be, and what it usually is. But occasionally it may have bad bytes in it, due to data corruption, due to mistakes, due to mis-advertised encoding, due to bugs upstream, due to anything.

What do you do? If you do nothing, in cases of such corruption, then eventually your code will probably (but not neccesarily) do something that causes some kind of exception to be raised, could be an Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError, could be something else from somewhere else. May be hard to predict exactly when, if, and what will be raised. But when it does happen, if you're not rescue'ing the exception, your application dies hard.

Okay, so maybe you manage to catch the exceptions. Or more conveniently you guard by testing input_str.valid_encoding? instead of waiting for an exception to be raised. Then what? You could ignore this particular file/stream of input, and have your application go on it's merry way.

But what if you want to do what most every other mature application that displays textual streams does in the case of bad bytes? Display the parts of the string that can be displayed, replace the other parts with a replacement string of some sort.

String#encode gives you an API for using a replacement char when converting/transcoding from one encoding to another, but that's not where we are. We know what encoding the string is supposed to be, we don't know any other better encoding to transcode it to -- we just want to do the best we can with it, substituting any illegal bytes. It's what bash does. It's what vim does. It is surprisingly tricky to do with the ruby 1.9.3 stdlib, or even with 'iconv'.

So there you go, now you can do it with this gem. Maybe not as performant as if it were implemented in C like stdlib char encoding routines, but, hey.

Note: I have filed a feature request for ruby stdlib. Developer from ruby core team also thinks it's an unusually odd thing to do. Most of rubydom seems to agree. Ce la vie. Me and many of my colleagues need to do this all the time, but if you don't, don't do it.


Some tests written with minitest/spec. Run with rake test.

Gem built with bundler rake tests. rake build, rake install, rake release.

Suggestions/improvements welcome.

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request