ErrbitPlugin provides a set of base classes that you can extend to create Errbit plugins.
Creating plugins
ErrbitPlugins are Ruby gems that extend the functionality of Errbit. To get started, create a Ruby gem and add 'errbit_plugin' as a dependency in your gem's gemspec.
Now you can start adding plugins. At the moment, there is only one kind of plugin you can create, and that is the issue tracker.
Issue Trackers
An issue tracker plugin is a Ruby class that enables you to link errors within errbit to an issue in an external issue tracker like Github. An app within errbit can be associated an issue tracker or not. When there is an association, errbit users can choose 'create issue' from an error page which will both create an issue on the external issue tracker out of the given error and link that issue to the errbit error. Likewise, a user can also choose 'close issue' to close the issue on the external issue tracker, if your plugin provides a method to do so.
Your issue tracker plugin is responsible for providing the interface defined by ErrbitPlugin::IssueTracker. All of the required methods must be implemented and the class must extend ErrbitPlugin::IssueTracker. Here's an example:
class MyIssueTracker < ErrbitPlugin::IssueTracker
# A unique label for your tracker plugin used internally by errbit
def self.label
def self.note
"a note about this tracker that users will see"
# Form fields that will be presented to the administrator when setting up
# or editing the errbit app. The values we collect will be availble for use
# later when we have an instance of this class.
def self.fields
username: {
placeholder: "Some placeholder text"
password: {
placeholder: "Some more placeholder text",
label: "Passphrase" # a label to use in the UI instead of 'password'
# Icons to display during user interactions with this issue tracker. This
# method should return a hash of two-tuples, the key names being 'create',
# 'goto', and 'inactive'. The two-tuples should contain the icon media type
# and the binary icon data.
def self.icons
@icons ||= {
create: ["image/png","./path/to/create.png")],
goto: ["image/png","./path/to/goto.png")],
inactive: ["image/png","./path/to/inactive.png")]
# If this tracker can be in a configured or non-configured state, you can let
# errbit know by returning a Boolean here
def configured?
# In this case, we'll say this issue tracker is configured when username
# and password are set
options[:username].present? && options[:password].present?
# Called to validate user input. Just return a hash of errors if there are
# any
def errors
if options[:username]
{field_one: "username must be present"}
# This is where you actually go create the issue on the external issue
# tracker. You get access to everything in options, an issue title, body and
# a user record representing the user who's creating the issue.
# Return a string with a link to the issue
def create_issue(title, body, user: {})
# Create an issue! Then update the problem to link it.
# This method is optional. Errbit will create body text for your issue by
# calling render_to_string with some arguments. If you want control over
# those arguments, you can specify them here. You can control which file is
# rendered and anything else Rails allows you to specify as arguments in
# render_to_string.
# If you don't implement this method, Errbit will render a body using a
# default template
# @see
def render_body_args
# In this example, we want to render a special file
["/path/to/some/template", formats: [:rdoc]]
# This method is optional, and is where you actually go close the issue on
# the external issue tracker. You get access to everything in options, a
# string with a link to the issue # and a user resource.
# return true if successful, false otherwise
def close_issue(issue_link, user = {})
# Close the issue! (Perhaps using the passed in issue_link url to identify it.)
# The URL for your remote issue tracker
def url
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.