A long-lived project that still receives updates
Next generation gem to build ruby based eventhub processor


~> 13.0
~> 0.21
~> 2.3
~> 3.12
~> 1.28


~> 0.2.0
~> 0.18
~> 2.1
~> 2.20
 Project Readme

Gem Version Maintainability Test Coverage ci


Next generation gem to build ruby based eventhub processors. Implementation is based on Celluloid, an Actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby https://celluloid.io. The main idea is to have sub-components in your application and have them supervised and automatically re-booted when they crash.

Processor2 has currently the following sub-components implemented

  • Heartbeater - send hearbeats to EventHub dispatcher every x minutes
  • Publisher - responsible for message publishing
  • Watchdog - Checks regularly broker connection and defined listener queue(s)
  • Listener - Listens to defined queues, parses recevied message into a EventHub::Message instance and calls handle_message method as defined in derived class.

Processor2 is using Bunny http://rubybunny.info a feature complete RabbitMQ Client to interact with message broker. Processor2 can deal with long running message processing.

Supported Ruby Versions

Currently supported and tested ruby versions are:

  • 3.3
  • 3.2
  • 3.1
  • 3.0
  • 2.7
  • 2.6


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "eventhub-processor2"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install eventhub-processor2


Create example.rb

module EventHub
  class Example < Processor2

    def version
      "1.0.0" # define your version

    def handle_message(message, args = {})
      # deal with your parsed EventHub message
      # message.class => EventHub::Message
      puts message.process_name # or whatever you need to do

      # args is a hash with currently following keys
      # => :queue_name (used when listening to multiple queues)
      # => :content_type
      # => :priority
      # => :delivery_tag

      # if an exception is raised in your code
      # it will be automatically catched by
      # the processor2 gem and returned
      # to the event_hub.inbound queue

      # it is possible to publish a message during message processing but it's a
      # good style to return one or multiple messages at end of handle_message
      publish(message: "your message as a string") # default exchange_name is 'event_hub.inbound'
      publish(message: "your message as string", exchange_name: "your_specfic_exchange")

      # at the end return one of
      message_to_return = message.copy # return message if sucessfull processing
                                       # message.copy sets status.code automatically
                                       # to EventHub::STATUS_SUCCESS which signals
                                       # dispatcher successful processing

      # or if you have multiple messages to return to event_hub.inbound queue
      [ message_to_return, new_message1, new_message2]

      # or if there is no message to return to event_hub.inbound queue
      nil # [] works as well

# start your processor instance

Start your processor and pass optional arguments

bundle exec ruby example.rb --help
Usage: example [options]
    -e, --environment ENVIRONMENT    Define environment (default development)
    -d, --detached                   Run processor detached as a daemon
    -c, --config CONFIG              Define configuration file
        --console-log-only           Logs to console only (E.g. containers)

bundle exec ruby example.rb
I, [2018-02-09T15:22:35.649646 #37966]  INFO -- : example (1.1.0): has been started
I, [2018-02-09T15:22:35.652592 #37966]  INFO -- : Heartbeat is starting...
I, [2018-02-09T15:22:35.657200 #37966]  INFO -- : Publisher is starting...
I, [2018-02-09T15:22:35.657903 #37966]  INFO -- : Watchdog is starting...
I, [2018-02-09T15:22:35.658336 #37966]  INFO -- : Running watchdog...
I, [2018-02-09T15:22:35.658522 #37966]  INFO -- : Listener is starting...
I, [2018-02-09T15:22:35.699161 #37966]  INFO -- : Listening to queue [example]


If --config option is not provided processor tries to load config/{class_name}.json. If file does not exist it loads default values as specified below.

  "development": {
    "server": {
      "user": "guest",
      "password": "guest",
      "host": "localhost",
      "vhost": "event_hub",
      "port": 5672,
      "tls": false,
      "tls_cert": null,
      "tls_key": null,
      "tls_ca_certificates": [],
      "verify_peer": false,
      "show_bunny_logs": false
    "processor": {
      "listener_queues": [
      "heartbeat_cycle_in_s": 300,
      "watchdog_cycle_in_s": 15,
      "restart_in_s": 15

More details about TLS configuration for underlying Bunny gem can be found here: http://rubybunny.info/articles/tls.html.

Feel free to define additional hash key/values (outside of server and processor key) as required by your application.

  "development": {
    "server": {
    "processor": {
    "database": {
      "user": "guest",
      "password": "secret",
      "name": {
        "subname": "value"

Processor2 symbolizes keys and sub-keys from configuration files automatically.

  # access configuration values in your application as follows
  EventHub::Configuration.database[:user]             # => "guest"
  EventHub::Configuration.database[:password]         # => "secret"
  EventHub::Configuration.database[:name][:subname]   # => "value"

  # If you need strings instead of symbols you can do
  database = stringify_keys(EventHub::Configuration.database)
  database["user"]              # => "guest"
  database["password"]          # => "secret"
  database["name"]["subname"]   # => "value"

Version 1.17 and newer allows you to load and merge more configuration files programmatically. It is expected that load! is called once (implicit during class initialization) and then load_more! zero, one, or multiple times. All additional files loaded with load_more! are hash deep merged into one configuration structure. Exceptions while loading of files will be catched and shown as warnings.

  # specify a file
  EventHub::Configuration.load_more!(pattern: "config/another_config.json")

  # specify glob patterns to load multiple files
  EventHub::Configuration.load_more!(pattern: "config/processes/**/*.json")
  EventHub::Configuration.load_more!(pattern: "config/templates/**/*.json")

If you have conflicting hashes, the previous settings will be overwritten.

1st file loaded

    "test": {
      "a": "a_value",
      "b": "b_value"

2nd file loaded

    "test": {
      "b": "another_value"

Final configuration result

    "test": {
      "a": "a_value",
      "b": "another_value"


  # Get the source code
  git clone https://github.com/thomis/eventhub-processor2.git

  # Install dependencies

  # Setup rabbitmq docker container with initial definitions. This can be run multiple times to get your container back into an initial state
  bundle exec rake init

  # Run all rspec tests
  bundle exec rake

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/thomis/eventhub-processor2.