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A fastlane plugin to manage translation using a CSV file under git repository. πŸš€


 Project Readme

Fastlane csv_translation plugin

fastlane Plugin Badge Gem Version Twitter: @manish

Getting Started

This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-csv_translation, add it to your project by running:

fastlane add_plugin csv_translation

If you are using fastlane using Gemfile in your project, add it to your project by running:

bundle exec fastlane add_plugin csv_translation 

About csv_translation

A fastlane plugin to manage translation using a CSV file under git repository. πŸš€

This plugin is inspired by and based on Keep a CSV under git repository. This CSV file can contains translated details for different locales, which can be defined as CSV headers. This plugin opens up an opportunity to automate reading from/writing of any CSV file with fastlane.

CSV file (Example)

CSV file must have locale headers, and can have one identifier header. i.e Below CSV supports en-US, nl-NL, de-DE, fr-FR, it, es-ES, pt-PT, da, sv, no, zh-Hans, zh-Hant and Ticket column is the unique identifier column which later will be useful to a delete CSV row

Example CSV


fastlane-plugin-csv_translation consists of 4 actions enabling you to manipulate CSV file from fastlane.

πŸ“‘ get_csv_translation_requests

Get all the translation info as hash from the CSV file, print the translation_status if translation_requests found.

  repository_name: "crazymanish/example-csv-repo", # Specify the CSV git file repo
  file_path: "example.csv"  # Specify the CSV file path under the git repo
  repository_name: "crazymanish/example-csv-repo", # Specify the CSV git file repo
  branch_name: "master", # Specify the CSV git branch name (dafault `master`)
  file_path: "example.csv",  # Specify the CSV file path under the git repo
  show_status: true, # Specify the flag whether to show the translation status or not (dafault `true`)
  show_headers: "Ticket|Timeline" # Specify the CSV headers, will ignored while printing (dafault `Ticket|Timeline`)

Translation Status

πŸ“ create_csv_translation_request

Add a new translation request entry inside the CSV file. It will append a new row in CSV file and then git commit the CSV file changes.

example_csv_payload = { "Ticket" => "PRJ-3030", "Timeline" => "30 April" }

  repository_name: "crazymanish/example-csv-repo", # Specify the CSV git file repo
  file_path: "example.csv",  # Specify the CSV file path under the git repo
  payload: example_csv_payload  # Specify the CSV payload


Rebase a translation request entry inside the CSV file. It will append a new row top of target branch in CSV file and then git commit the CSV file changes. Very useful in case of resolving conflicts.

  repository_name: "crazymanish/example-csv-repo", # Specify the CSV git file repo
  branch_name: "master", #Specify the target branch (default: master)
  feature_branch_name: "some_feature_branch",  #Specify the feature branch name
  file_path: "example.csv",  # Specify the CSV file path under the git repo
  identifier: "PRJ-3030"  # Specify the CSV row identifier

βœ‚οΈ delete_csv_translation_request

Delete a new translation request entry from the CSV file based on CSV row Identifier. It will delete the matched row from the CSV file and then git commit the CSV file changes.

  repository_name: "crazymanish/example-csv-repo", # Specify the CSV git file repo
  file_path: "example.csv",  # Specify the CSV file path under the git repo
  identifier: "PRJ-3030"  # Specify the CSV row identifier


You have to remember to keep your release notes CSV file up-to-date with translation and let fastlane do the rest.

desc "Release a iOS appstore build to AppStore iTunesConnect with translated release notes."
lane :release do
  gym # Build the app and create .ipa file
  version_number = get_version_number # Get project version
  # Get translated release notes
  release_notes = get_csv_translation_requests(
                    repository_name: "crazymanish/ios-app-release-notes-csv-repo",
                    file_path: "release_notes/#{version_number}.csv"
  UI.message("Got the translated release notes πŸ’ͺ🏻") 
  # TODO: Inject release notes into fastlane `metadata`

  deliver # Upload ipa file to iTunesConnect with localized release notes fastlane `metadata`
  slack(message: "Hi team, New version #{version_number} is avaliable!) # share on Slack

Issues and Feedback

For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.


If you have trouble using plugins, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting guide.

Using fastlane Plugins

For more information about how the fastlane plugin system works, check out the Plugins documentation.

About fastlane

fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out