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Friendly-Cukes is a ready-to-use ruby-cucumber automation framework for both web and mobile. Its features includes Generic framework libraries, Object repository, Custom logging, Custom execution reporting, Performance reporting, support for parallel execution etc


~> 1.6
~> 10.0


= 4.1.0
= 1.3.15
= 0.4.5
= 0.9.2
 Project Readme


friendly-cukes is user friendly cucumber test automation framework created by tester for tester. It is a ruby-cucumber based generic automation framework for desktop and mobile web automation. It is built using Cucumber (1.3.15), page-object (1.0.2) and appium_lib (4.1.0). All you need is to install the gem and that's it, you have set with cucumber automation.

Gem requirements

The gem requires Ruby (2.0.0), ChromeDriver.exe (v2.10.267521), IEDriverServer.exe ( and Appium ( As of now the framework is designed to work with the proposed software setup and tested only on Windows machine.

  1. Install friendly-cukes gem

     gem install friendly-cukes
  2. Install generic cucumber framework

     friendly-cukes --new test_app_name

    where test_app_name is the test application name This will install the generic cukes framework under test_app_name directory (type friendly-cukes for more options)

  3. Then type cd test_app_name and start with the cucumber automation. By default the framework has some feature files for demo purpose. The cucumber run command for the default feature files is created as rake task, Type rake -T and it will list three tasks. Run any of the task, like rake desktop_google_search and it will start the cucumber execution

  4. The cucumber run command will look like

     $cucumber -p profile_name --tags tag1[,tag2,...] APP=app_name


    • profile_name - is the cucumber profile name present in cucumber.yml
    • tags - is the tag name for feature/scenario to be executed
    • app_name - key name of the application (as of now I have used two different app;Google and Rubygems for demo purpose)


     $cucumber -p desktop_dev_ff -t @tc_02 APP=RUBYGEMS

    the above command runs scenario tag @tc_02 (from gem_search.feature) with desktop_dev_ff profile (from cucumber.yml)

  5. For releasing unused profiles add RESET_CONFIG_VALUES=yes or true in the cucumber run command and it will release all the no-longer used profiles

  6. For adding code coverage report, add CODE_COVERAGE=yes or true in cucumber run command and it will create a coverage directory holding the code-coverage report files

  7. For mobile automation, use the profile (in cucumber.yml) prefixed with mobile_


     $cucumber -p mobile_dev_chrome_device -t @tc_02 APP=RUBYGEMS

    the above command will execute scenario with tag @tc_02 in chrome in the device attached to the machine, provided the android and appium settings are correct and the appium server is up and running

TAF Features

Object Repository

  1. all web page-objects (web elements) are grouped into modules and are placed under object_repository directory

  2. the page-object repository modules can be encapsulated with any PageObject class files

  3. there can be multiple repository files

  4. the page_objects directory holds generic page object class methods that defines the actual script action (with the objects from object_repository) on web browser

Test data handling

YML files are used as test data files for faster data access and these files are stored under test_data directory under feature file directory. The test data handling is done at two levels

  1. local : the scenario specific test data file should be placed under the respective feature file directory and with the file name suffixed with the scenario ID

  2. global : the global test data files should be placed under test_data directory under the root feature (desktop or mobile) directory and if no local test data file is present, then it takes the global data file as default

Dynamic profile and Parallel execution

1. Dynamic profiles

  • the profile allocation for each execution ( on single or multiple machines) is done dynamically during the execution

  • based on the profile tags given in cucumber.yml, the free profiles are auto-assigned to the currently running execution

  • the profiles are configured in such a way that there can be n nodes and each node can have m profiles and hence the profile sample space is n x m

2. Parallel execution

  • the parallel execution parameters are given in config.yml based on which the merging of custom html report files will be done

  • the profiles for each parallel execution is taken from config.yml dynamically

Custom Execution report

for each execution an unique test report directory will be created with the name test_report_<timestamp> under which by default the following exists

  • app_env.log –> holds the log for execution environment and duration details

  • feature based custom log file –> holds the log based on the currently running feature – there can n number of feature log files

  • report_<timestamp>.html –> cucumber generated html report file that holds the log for features, scenarios and steps

  • report_<timestamp>.json –> cucumber generated json report file that holds the log for features, scenarios and steps and the step level durations in nano seconds

  • custom_report –> the directory holds merged custom html report files

  • report_home.html –> holds the summary report of the execution

Performance Report

  • the performance report component extracts the build details from cucumber generated json report files and stores in into Syabse database

  • the complete execution data for each build will be stored in the DB, which can be interpreted and populated as a performance report

  • the performance report can included or excluded based on the property value of performance_report in config.yml

  • this component is also available as a standalone application bundled with the friendly-cukes gem, type build-extractor and follow the commands

  • this will work only if Sybase database is configured in TAF and tables are created with TAF defined relationships