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Import Excel & OpenOffice spreadsheet to ruby objects


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 Project Readme

Overview¶ ↑

Import Excel and OpenOffice spreadsheet rows to ruby objects.

For excel : .from_excel For open office : .from_ooo

For how to use it, see examples below or see unit tests

Quality Metrics¶ ↑

<img src=“” />

Install¶ ↑

gem install from_excel

Dependencies¶ ↑

gem ‘nokogiri’

gem ‘roo’

gem ‘rubyzip’

gem ‘spreadsheet’

gem ‘google-spreadsheet-ruby’

(also require ‘active_support/inflector’)

Usage¶ ↑

data = Model.from_excel(spreadsheet_file, options)

Include module in your model : include ExcelImport

spreadsheet_file : File object as spreadsheet (ie (“path_to_spreadsheet”))

options :

:mapping => hash mapping attribute <=> <column name or column index>
:title => true|false . Pass false to indicate that columns have no title. True by default.
:offset_from_title. First row offset from title 
:limits => :start => [first_row, first_column], :end => [last_row, last_column]
:rules => Procs rules to convert data in cell sheet to desired data for object attribute.For example, transform a string to association id (see example below)

Note: If columns have title, by default the row of columns titles is supposed to be the first row before the first row of data which will be converted to ruby object.To change it, pass :offset_from_title => <offset>

Basic spreadsheet ¶ ↑

Suppose you have this kind of Excel sheet:

   A               B         C
1 First name	Last name	 Age
2 Albert	    Einstein	 131
3 Leonard	  De Vinci	 558

and a class:

User (:first_name, last_name, :age)

You can retrieve users, the simple way like that :

users = User.from_excel( ("path_to_spreadsheet"))

You get theses users :

[ => 'Albert', :last_name =>	'Einstein', :age => 131), => 'Leonard', :last_name =>	'De Vinci', :age => 558), => 'Martin', :last_name =>	'Heidegger', :age => 121)]

By default, attributes model are retrieved from columns title with the following simple rule :

o spaces are converted to “_”

o words are downcased

First Name => :first_name

Last Name => :last_name

Mapping attribute - column names¶ ↑

If a column name can’t be simply mapped to attribute model, you can pass a map to.

If, with the last spreadsheet example, “First name” column had “Prenom” instead as title and you want this column to map :first_name attribute of User model, do like this :

users = User.from_excel sheet, :mapping => {:first_name => 'Prenom'}

Spreadsheet whithout columns title¶ ↑

Suppose your spreadsheet has no columns title.

You can then map columns <=> model attribute via index of column.

You can also pass the starting cell of data (the first cell of data (excluded title when there is one))

users = User.from_excel sheet,  :mapping => {:first_name => 1, :last_name => 2, :age => 3}, :limits => {:start => [2, 1]}

Limits : Extraction of part of the spreadsheet¶ ↑

If you want to extract just a part of the spreadsheet, just pass start and end limits.

users = User.from_excel(sheet, :limits => {:start => [3, 3], :end => [5, 5] })

Note : The row which contains the columns titles (for default attributes mapping) is, here, supposed to be begining at [2,3] and end at [2,5] (one row before the first row of data). If not, you must pass a mapping with :attribute => column_index

Object associations handling¶ ↑

Suppose user has one adress of class Adress(:street, :town, :zip_code) And you have this spreadsheet :

      A               B                 C                D                  E                 F
1  First name	     Last name	          Age	        Street	             Town	       Zip Code
2  Albert	     Einstein	         131	        17 rue de Brest	     Quimper	       29000

So, you want user with user.adress = => …, :town => … , :zip_code => .…) Just pass the following mapping :

mapping = {[:adress, :street] => 'Street', [:adress, :town] => 'Town', [:adress, :zip_code] => 'Zip Code'}

users = User.from_excel sheet, :mapping => mapping

And you will get :

users.first.first_name => 'Albert'
users.first.adress.street => '17 rue de Brest'

users.first.adress => => '17 rue de Brest', :town => 'Quimper' .....)

Rules ¶ ↑

Suppose you have to transform value of cells column to value for your object attribute, make a rule!

For example, in the sheet you have a value that represents an association attribute id: You have roles predifined in your database :

Roles :
 id : 1 , name => 'Admin'
 id : 2 , name => 'Reader' ....

 Sheet :

   First name	       Last name	    Rôle
   Bobby	        Lapointe	  Admin
   Gaston	        Lagaffe	          Reader

‘Admin’ value must be retrieved as a Role with id 1 Make the rules like that :

rules = {[:role, :id] => rule}

Where rule is a Proc.

mapping = {[:role, :id] => 'Rôle'}
rules = {[:role, :id] => rule}
users = User.from_excel sheet, :mapping => mapping, :rules => rules

def rule
  lambda do |cell_value|
    case cell_value
    when 'Admin' then 1
    when 'Reader' then 2

That’s it ! You get user.first.role => Role(:id => 1)

You may use rules for other purpose. Rule proc aim to transform value sheet cell to value you need for your model.

TO DO¶ ↑

Option for other spreadsheets Handle has_many associations