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This gem leverages Guard's watch ability to insert files inline within another file. When the parser incounters a //= path/to/file, it then gets the content of that file and then inserts the content replacing the comment. Optionally that file can then be passed through Uglifier. Files with no insertions will just be copied over.


~> 1.3
~> 0


~> 2.1
~> 2.3
 Project Readme


This is a plugin for the Ruby gem Guard. Guard-Entangle allows you to include one file inline into another. It uses a syntax of //= path/to/file to substitute that file in place of that line.

Common usage

Often you might have separate JavaScript files that need to be included into one file. Or partials of a file that need to be included into a master file.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'guard-entangle'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install guard-entangle


As mentioned above, this is only a plugin for Guard and does not run on it's own. This plugin will look for //= path/to/file in a file and then replace it with the contents of the file stated after //= . For example:

This is some content in the file
//= src/File1.js

This is someother content in the file.

When this is triggered, //= src/File1.js will be replaced with the contents of src/File1.js.

This functionality is not limited to JavaScript files. However, only JavaScript files can be run through Uglifier.

The rules that trigger this behavior are defined in a Guardfile in your project. For further instructions visit the Guard website. In the Guardfile you can include the following rules:

Run all / Run

Guard will trigger the files either on their own or by the run all command (when you press enter in Guard).

When a single file is triggered, it will check if the file is a partial or not.

A partial is a file that is not meant to be complied on its own, but is included within another file. Guard-Entangle determines this by check if the file or folder has _ at the start of its name. For example a file named _File1.js will be considered to be a partial. Folders that start with _ will be skipped when runnign the run all command. All files within a partials folder should also start with an _.

If it is a partial, it will trigger the run all command. If its not a partial, it will compile that file only. This is because partials don't get compiled on their own, but its their parent that needs to be compiled.

The run all command will take all the file(s) in the input directory (that are not partials) and compile them into the output directory.

Compile all files in a directory to the output directory

guard :entangle, output: 'output', all_on_start: false, input: 'src', uglifier_options: {} do

This will watch all files that match the regex %r{^src/.+..+$} or its subdirectory and then compile them into the output directory (:output). If the run all command is triggered, all the files in the source directory (:input) will get compiled into the output directory (:output). In this instance, the input directory is src and the output directory is output.

Compile only one file

guard :entangle, output: 'output', all_on_start: false, input: 'src/File1.js', uglifier_options: {} do

This will watch all files that match the regex %r{^src/.+..+$} or its subdirectory and then when a file has been changed, it will compile src/File1.js and write the compiled file into output/File1.js. This is because the :output folder is defined as output.

Specifying the output filename

When compiling one file you may choose to specify the name of the output file. This has 2 different behaviors depending on the input. If the input is a directory, then it will entangle all the files into the output file. If the input is a file, then it will take that file and entangle it into the output file.

guard :entangle, output: 'output/output.js', all_on_start: false, input: 'src', uglifier_options: {} do

This will watch all files that match the regex %r{^src/.+..+$} or its subdirectory and then when a file has been changed, it will compile all the files in src and write the compiled file into output/output.js. This is because the :output is defined as that file.

guard :entangle, output: 'output/output.js', all_on_start: false, input: 'src/File.js', uglifier_options: {} do

This will watch all files that match the regex %r{^src/.+..+$} or its subdirectory and then when a file has been changed, it will compile all the file src/File.js and write the compiled file into output/output.js. This is because the :output is defined as that file.


The options that can be passed are

  • :output = The output file/folder
  • :input = The input file/folder
  • :uglify = If js files should be uglified
  • :all_on_start = If all files should be engtangled when guard has started
  • :uglifier_options = {} Pass a Hash of any uglifier options
  • :force_utf8 = Default is false. If content should be forced to UTF-8 before uglifying
  • :copy = Saves a copy of the non uglified file along with the min file


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request