

No commit activity in last 3 years
No release in over 3 years
There's a lot of open issues
Lingo is an open source indexing system for research and teachings. The main functions of Lingo are: * identification of (i.e. reduction to) basic word form by means of dictionaries and suffix lists * algorithmic decomposition * dictionary-based synonymisation and identification of phrases * generic identification of phrases/word sequences based on patterns of word classes


~> 1.3
~> 0.9, >= 0.9.1
~> 1.8
~> 1.3
>= 0


~> 0.3
~> 1.6
~> 1.2
~> 0.4
 Project Readme
= Lingo - A full-featured automatic indexing system

* {Version}[rdoc-label:label-VERSION]
* {Description}[rdoc-label:label-DESCRIPTION]
  * {Introduction}[rdoc-label:label-Introduction]
  * {Attendees}[rdoc-label:label-Attendees]
  * {Filters}[rdoc-label:label-Filters]
  * {Markup}[rdoc-label:label-Markup]
  * {Inline annotation}[rdoc-label:label-Inline+annotation]
  * {Plugins}[rdoc-label:label-Plugins]
  * {Server}[rdoc-label:label-Server]
    * {JSON endpoint}[rdoc-label:label-JSON+endpoint]
    * {Raw endpoint}[rdoc-label:label-Raw+endpoint]
    * {Deployment}[rdoc-label:label-Deployment]
* {Example}[rdoc-label:label-EXAMPLE]
* {Installation and Usage}[rdoc-label:label-INSTALLATION+AND+USAGE]
  * {Dictionary and configuration file lookup}[rdoc-label:label-Dictionary+and+configuration+file+lookup]
* {File formats}[rdoc-label:label-FILE+FORMATS]
  * {Configuration}[rdoc-label:label-Configuration]
  * {Language definition}[rdoc-label:label-Language+definition]
  * {Dictionaries}[rdoc-label:label-Dictionaries]
    * {Encoding word classes and gender information}[rdoc-label:label-Encoding+word+classes+and+gender+information]
    * {Lexicalizing multiword expressions}[rdoc-label:label-Lexicalizing+multiword+expressions]
    * {Lexicalizing compounds}[rdoc-label:label-Lexicalizing+compounds]
* {Issues and Contributions}[rdoc-label:label-ISSUES+AND+CONTRIBUTIONS]
* {Links}[rdoc-label:label-LINKS]
* {Literature}[rdoc-label:label-LITERATURE]
  * {Background and theoretical foundations}[rdoc-label:label-Background+and+theoretical+foundations]
  * {Research publications}[rdoc-label:label-Research+publications]
* {Credits}[rdoc-label:label-CREDITS]
  * {Authors}[rdoc-label:label-Authors]
  * {Contributors}[rdoc-label:label-Contributors]
* {License and Copyright}[rdoc-label:label-LICENSE+AND+COPYRIGHT]


This documentation refers to Lingo version 1.10.2


Lingo is an open source indexing system for research and teachings. The main
functions of Lingo are:

* identification of (i.e. reduction to) basic word form by means of dictionaries
  and suffix lists
* algorithmic decomposition
* dictionary-based synonymization and identification of phrases
* generic identification of phrases/word sequences based on patterns of word

=== Introduction

Lingo allows flexible and extendable linguistic analysis of text files. Here
is a minimal configuration example to analyse this README file:

      - text_reader: { files: 'README' }
      - debugger:    { eval: 'true', ceval: 'cmd!=:EOL', prompt: '<debug>:  ' }

Lingo is told to invite two attendees and wants them to talk to each other,
hence the name Lingo (= the technical language).

The first attendee is the text_reader[rdoc-ref:Lingo::Attendee::TextReader].
It can read files and communicates their content to other attendees. For this
purpose, the +text_reader+ is given an output channel. Everything that the
+text_reader+ has to say is steered through this channel. It will do nothing
further until Lingo tells the first attendee to speak. Then the +text_reader+
will open the file +README+ (as per the +files+ parameter) and pass the content
to the other attendees via its output channel.

The second attendee, debugger[rdoc-refLingo::Attendee::Debugger], does nothing
else than to put everything on the console (standard error) that comes into its
input channel. If you write the Lingo configuration which is shown above as an
example into the file <tt>readme.cfg</tt> and then run <tt>lingo -c readme -l en</tt>,
the result will look something like this:

  <debug>:  *FILE('README')
  <debug>:  "= Lingo - [...]"
  <debug>:  "Lingo allows flexible and extendable linguistic analysis [...]"
  <debug>:  "is a minimal configuration example to analyse this README [...]"
  <debug>:  *EOF('README')

What we see are lines beginning with an asterisk (<tt>*</tt>) and lines without.
That's because Lingo distinguishes between commands and data. The +text_reader+
did not only read the content of the file, but also communicated through the
commands when a file began and when it ended. This can (and will) be an
important piece of information for other attendees that will be added later.

To try out Lingo's functionality without installing it first, have a look at
{Lingo Web}[]. There you can enter some
text and see the debug output Lingo generated -- including tokenization, word
identification, decomposition, etc.

=== Attendees

Available attendees that can be used for solving a specific problem (for more
information see each attendee's documentation):

+text_reader+::     Reads files (or standard input) and puts their content into
                    the channels line by line. (see Lingo::Attendee::TextReader)
+tokenizer+::       Dissects lines into defined character strings, i.e. tokens.
                    (see Lingo::Attendee::Tokenizer)
+abbreviator+::     Identifies abbreviations and produces the long form if
                    listed in a dictionary. (see Lingo::Attendee::Abbreviator)
+word_searcher+::   Identifies tokens and turns them into words for further
                    processing. To this end, it consults the dictionaries.
                    (see Lingo::Attendee::WordSearcher)
+stemmer+::         Identifies tokens not identified by the +word_searcher+ by
                    means of stemming. (see Lingo::Attendee::Stemmer)
+decomposer+::      Tests any tokens not identified by the +word_searcher+ for
                    being compounds. (see Lingo::Attendee::Decomposer)
+synonymer+::       Extends words with their synonyms. (see
+vector_filter+::   Filters out everything and lets through only those tokens
                    that are considered useful for indexing. (see
+object_filter+::   Similar to the +vector_filter+. (see
+text_writer+::     Writes anything that it receives into a file (or to
                    standard output). (see Lingo::Attendee::TextWriter)
+formatter+::       Similar to the +text_writer+, but allows for custom output
                    formats. (see Lingo::Attendee::Formatter)
+debugger+::        Shows everything for debugging. (see
+variator+::        Tries to correct spelling errors and the like. (see
+multi_worder+::    Identifies phrases (word sequences) based on a multiword
                    dictionary. (see Lingo::Attendee::MultiWorder)
+sequencer+::       Identifies phrases (word sequences) based on patterns of
                    word classes. (see Lingo::Attendee::Sequencer)

Furthermore, it may be useful to have a look at the configuration files
<tt>lingo.cfg</tt> and <tt>en.lang</tt>.

=== Filters

Lingo is able to read HTML, XML, and PDF in addition to plain text.


Read any file, guessing the correct type automatically:

  - text_reader:     { files: $(files), filter: true }

Read HTML files specifically (accordingly for XML):

  - text_reader:     { files: $(files), filter: 'html' }

Read PDF files, either with the pdf-reader[]
gem (default):

  - text_reader:     { files: $(files), filter: 'pdf' }

or with the pdftotext[] command line tool:

  - text_reader:     { files: $(files), filter: 'pdftotext' }

=== Markup

Lingo is able to, in a limited form, parse HTML/XML and
MediaWiki[] markup.


Identify HTML/XML tags in the input stream:

  - tokenizer:       { tags: true }

Identify MediaWiki markup in the input stream:

  - tokenizer:       { wiki: true }

=== Inline annotation

Lingo is able to annotate input text inline, instead of printing results out
of context to external files.


  # read files
  - text_reader:   { files: $(files) }
  # keep whitespace
  - tokenizer:     { space: true }
  # do processing...
  - word_searcher: { source: sys-dic, mode: first }
  # insert formatted results (e.g. "[[Name::lingo|Lingo]] finds [[Noun::word|words]].")
  - formatter:     { ext: out, format: '[[%3$s::%2$s|%1$s]]', map: { e: Name, s: Noun } }

=== Plugins

Lingo has a plugin system that allows you to implement additional features
(e.g. add new attendees) or modify existing ones. Just create a file named
+lingo_plugin.rb+ in your Gem's +lib+ directory or any directory that's in
<tt>$LOAD_PATH</tt>. You can also define an environment variable
+LINGO_PLUGIN_PATH+ (by default <tt>~/.lingo/plugins</tt>) with additional
directories to load plugins from (<tt>*.rb</tt>).

A dedicated API to support writing and integrating plugins will be added in
the future.

=== Server

Lingo comes with a server daemon Lingo::Srv that exposes an HTTP interface to
Lingo's functionality. The configuration needs to ensure that input is read
from standard input (<tt>files: STDIN</tt> on +text_reader+) and output is
written to standard output (<tt>ext: STDOUT</tt> on +text_writer+).

_Example_: Start Lingo server on port 6789 with language configuration +en+
and default configuration file; server options come before <tt>--</tt>, Lingo
options come after.

  > lingosrv -p 6789 -- -l en

You can also pass Lingo options through the +LINGO_SRV_OPTS+ environment
variable (e.g., <tt>LINGO_SRV_OPTS='-l en -c /path/to/your/srv.cfg'</tt>).

==== JSON endpoint

_Example_: Ask the server about "Lingo server"; returns JSON data (output
formatted for clarity).

  > curl 'http://localhost:6789/?q=Lingo+server'
    "Lingo server" : [
      " <Lingo = [(lingo/s), (lingo/e)]>",
      " <server = [(server/s)]>"

_Example_: Ask the server about "Lingo" and "server"; returns JSON data (output
formatted for clarity).

  > curl -g 'http://localhost:6789/?q[]=Lingo&q[]=server'
    "[\"Lingo\", \"server\"]" : {
      "Lingo" : [
        " <Lingo = [(lingo/s), (lingo/e)]>"
      "server" : [
        " <server = [(server/s)]>"

==== Raw endpoint

_Example_: Ask the server about "Lingo server"; returns raw Lingo response.

  > curl --data 'Lingo server' http://localhost:6789/raw
  <Lingo = [(lingo/s), (lingo/e)]>
  <server = [(server/s)]>

_Example_: Ask the server about this file; returns raw Lingo response (output
truncated for clarity).

  > curl --data @README -H 'Content-Type: text/plain' http://localhost:6789/raw
  <Lingo = [(lingo/s), (lingo/e)]>
  <full-featured|COM = [(full-featured/k), (full/s+), (full/a+), (full/v+), (featured/a+)]>
  <automatic = [(automatic/s), (automatic/a)]>
  <indexing = [(index/v)]>
  <system = [(system/s)]>

==== Deployment

Lingo::Srv can be started directly through the provided command-line executable
+lingosrv+ (see above) or through any other Rack[]
-compatible deployment option; a +rackup+ file is included (see <tt>lingoctl
rackup srv</tt>).

_Example_: To deploy Lingo::Srv with Passenger[]
on Apache, create a symlink in the DocumentRoot pointing to the app's
<tt>public/</tt> directory; adjust the paths according to your environment
(you can use current_gem[] to
create a stable gem path):

    +-- lingo-srv -> /usr/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/lingo-x.y.z/lib/lingo/srv/public

Then put the following snippet in Apache's VirtualHost configuration:

  <VirtualHost *:80>

    RackBaseURI /lingo-srv
    <Directory /var/www/lingo-srv>
      Options -MultiViews
      SetEnv LINGO_SRV_OPTS "-l en"  # <-- Optionally set Lingo options

In order to provide your own +rackup+ file and Lingo configuration, create a
directory with those files:

    +-- lingosrv.cfg

And then point Passenger at it:

  <VirtualHost *:80>

    RackBaseURI /lingo-srv
    <Directory /var/www/lingo-srv>
      Options -MultiViews
      PassengerAppRoot /srv/lingo-srv  # <-- Add this line

Restart Apache and test the result (output formatted for clarity):

  > curl http://localhost/lingo-srv/about
    "Lingo::Srv" : {
      "version" : "x.y.z"


TODO: Full-fledged example to show off Lingo's features and provide a basis
for further discussion.


Since version 1.8.0, Lingo is available as a
RubyGem[]. So a simple <tt>gem install lingo</tt>
will install Lingo and its dependencies. You might want to run that command
with administrator privileges, depending on your environment. Then you can call
the +lingo+ executable to process your text files. See <tt>lingo --help</tt>
for available options.

Please note that Lingo requires Ruby version 2.1 or higher to run
(2.6[] is the currently recommended

Since Lingo depends on native extensions, you need to make sure that
development files for your Ruby version are installed. On Debian-based
Linux platforms, they are included in the package <tt>ruby-dev</tt>;
other distributions may have a similarly named package. On Windows, those
development files are currently not required.

On JRuby, install gdbm[] for efficient database
operations: <tt>gem install gdbm</tt>.

=== Dictionary and configuration file lookup

Lingo will search different locations to find dictionaries and configuration
files. By default, these are the current working directory, your personal Lingo
directory (<tt>~/.lingo</tt>) and the installation directory (in that order).
You can control this lookup path by either moving files up the chain (using
the +lingoctl+ executable) or by setting various environment variables.

With +lingoctl+ you can copy dictionaries and configuration files from your
personal Lingo directory or the installation directory to the current working
directory so you can modify them and they will take precedence over the
original ones. See <tt>lingoctl --help</tt> for usage information.

In order to change the search path itself, you can define the
+LINGO_PATH+ environment variable as a whole or its individual parts
+LINGO_CURR+ (the local Lingo directory), +LINGO_HOME+ (your personal
Lingo directory), and +LINGO_BASE+ (the system-wide Lingo directory).

Inside of any of these directories, dictionaries and configuration files are
typically organized in the following directory structure:

<tt>config/</tt>:: Configuration files (<tt>*.cfg</tt>).
<tt>dict/</tt>::   Dictionary source files (<tt>*.txt</tt>) in
                   language-specific subdirectories (+de/+, +en/+, ...).
<tt>lang/</tt>::   Language definition files (<tt>*.lang</tt>).
<tt>store/</tt>::  Compiled dictionaries, generated from source files.

But for compatibility reasons these naming conventions are not enforced.


Lingo uses three different types of files to determine its behaviour:
{configuration files}[rdoc-label:label-Configuration] control the details of the
indexing process; {language definitions}[rdoc-label:label-Language+definition]
specify grammar rules and dictionaries available for indexing;
dictionaries[rdoc-label:label-Dictionaries], finally, hold the
vocabulary used in indexing the input text and producing the results.

=== Configuration

Configuration files are defined in the YAML[] syntax. They
specify the attendees[rdoc-label:label-Attendees] to call in order and the
options to provide them with. The first attendee in any indexing process is
the text_reader[rdoc-ref:Lingo::Attendee::TextReader], who reads the input
text and passes it on to the other attendees. Every attendee transforms or
extends the input stream and automatically sends everything down to the next
attendee. This process may be customized by explicitly specifying the input
and/or output channels of individual attendees with the +in+ and +out+ options.


  # input is taken from the previous attendee,
  # output is sent to the named channel "syn"
  - synonymer:     { skip: '?,t', source: sys-syn, out: syn }
  # input is taken from the named channel "syn",
  # output is sent to the next attendee
  - vector_filter: { in: syn, lexicals: y, sort: term_abs }
  # input is taken from the previous attendee,
  # output is sent to the next attendee
  - text_writer:   { ext: syn, sep: "\n" }
  # input is taken from the named channel "syn"
  # (ignoring the output of the previous attendee),
  # output is sent to the next attendee
  - vector_filter: { in: syn, lexicals: m }
  # input is taken from the previous attendee,
  # output is sent to the next attendee
  - text_writer:   { ext: mul, sep: "\n" }

=== Language definition

Language definitions, like {configuration files}[rdoc-label:label-Configuration],
are defined in the YAML[] syntax. They specify the
dictionaries[rdoc-label:label-Dictionaries] to be used as well as the grammar
rules according to which the input shall be processed. These settings do not
necessarily have to coincide with an existing language, they are

=== Dictionaries

Dictionaries come in different varieties and encode the knowledge about the
vocabulary used for indexing and analysis.

Supported dictionary formats:

+SingleWord+:: One word (projection) per line. E.g. <tt>open source</tt>. (see
+MultiValue+:: Multiple words per line (separated with a unique symbol), all of
               which are interpreted as belonging to a single equivalence class.
               E.g. <tt>fax;telefax;facsimile</tt>. (see
+MultiKey+::   Similar to +MultiValue+, except that the first word will be
               treated as the preferred term (descriptor). E.g.
               <tt>fax;telefax;facsimile</tt>. (see
+KeyValue+::   One word and its associated projection per line, separated with
               a unique symbol. E.g. <tt>abfrage*query</tt>. (see
+WordClass+::  Similar to +KeyValue+, except that the projection may consist of
               multiple lexicalizations, each with its own word class and
               (optional) gender information. E.g. <tt>abort,abort #s|v</tt>,
               which is equivalent to <tt>abort,abort #s abort #v</tt>. (see

==== Encoding word classes and gender information


==== Lexicalizing multiword expressions


==== Lexicalizing compounds



If you find bugs or want to suggest new features, please report them
on GitHub[]. Include your Ruby
version (<tt>ruby --version</tt>) and the version of Lingo you are using
(<tt>lingo --version</tt>).

If you want to contribute to Lingo, please fork the project
on GitHub[] and submit a
{pull request}[]
(bonus points for topic branches).

To make sure that Lingo's tests pass, install hen[]
(typically <tt>gem install hen</tt>) and all development dependencies (either with
<tt>gem install --development lingo</tt> or manually; see <tt>rake gem:dependencies</tt>).
Then run <tt>rake test</tt> for the basic tests or <tt>rake test:all</tt> for
the full test suite.


Source code::
Bug tracker::
Travis CI::


=== Background and theoretical foundations

* Gödert, W.; Lepsky, K.; Nagelschmidt, M.: <em>{Informationserschließung und Automatisches Indexieren: ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch}[]</em>. (German) Berlin etc.: Springer, 2012.
* Lepsky, K.; Vorhauer, J.: <em>{Lingo – ein open source System für die automatische Indexierung deutschsprachiger Dokumente}[]</em>. (German) In: ABI Technik 26 (1), 2006. pp 18-29.
* Nohr, H.: <em>{Grundlagen der automatischen Indexierung: ein Lehrbuch}[]</em>. (German) Berlin: Logos, 2005.
* Hausser, R.: <em>{Grundlagen der Computerlinguistik. Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation in natürlicher Sprache}[]</em>. (German) Berlin etc.: Springer, 2000.
* Allen, J.: <em>{Natural language understanding}[]</em>. (English) Redwood City, CA: Benjamin/Cummings, 1995.
* Grishman, R.: <em>{Computational linguistics: an introduction}[]</em>. (English) Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1986.
* Salton, G.; McGill, M.: <em>{Introduction to modern information retrieval}[]</em>. (English) New York etc.: McGraw-Hill, 1983.
* Porter, M.: <em>{An algorithm for suffix stripping}[]</em>. (English) In: Program 14 (3), 1980. pp 130-137.

=== Research publications

* Busch, D.: <em>{Domänenspezifische hybride automatische­Indexierung von bibliographischen Metadaten}[]</em>. (German) In: 22 (6), 2019. pp 465-469.
* Grün, S.: <em>Mehrwortbegriffe und Latent Semantic Analysis: Bewertung automatisch extrahierter Mehrwortgruppen mit LSA</em>. (German) Düsseldorf: Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 2017.
* Siebenkäs, A.; Markscheffel, B.: <em>{Conception of a workflow for the semi-automatic construction of a thesaurus for the German printing industry}[]</em>. (English) In: Re:inventing Information Science in the Networked Society. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Information Science (ISI 2015), Zadar, Croatia, 19th-21st May 2015. Eds.: F. Pehar, C. Schlögl, C. Wolff. Glückstadt: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch, 2015. pp 217-229.
* Grün, S.: <em>Bildung von Komposita-Indextermen auf der Basis einer algorithmischen Mehrwortgruppenanalyse mit Lingo</em>. (German) Köln: Fachhochschule Köln, 2015.
* Bredack, J.; Lepsky, K.: <em>{Automatische Extraktion von Fachterminologie aus Volltexten}[]</em>. (German) In: ABI Technik 34 (1), 2014. pp 2-12.
* Bredack, J.: <em>{Terminologieextraktion von Mehrwortgruppen in kunsthistorischen Fachtexten}[]</em>. (German) Köln: Fachhochschule Köln, 2013.
* Maylein, L.; Langenstein, A.: <em>{Neues vom Relevanz-Ranking im HEIDI-Katalog der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg}[]</em>. (German) In: 16 (3), 2013. pp 190-200.
* Gödert, W.: <em>{Detecting multiword phrases in mathematical text corpora}[]</em>. (English) arXiv:1210.0852 [cs.CL], 2012.
* Jersek, T.: <em>{Automatische DDC-Klassifizierung mit Lingo: Vorgehensweise und Ergebnisse}[]</em>. (German) Köln: Fachhochschule Köln, 2012.
* Glaesener, L.: <em>{Automatisches Indexieren einer informationswissenschaftlichen Datenbank mit Mehrwortgruppen}[]</em>. (German) Köln: Fachhochschule Köln, 2012.
* Schiffer, R.: <em>{Automatisches Indexieren technischer Kongressschriften}[]</em>. (German) Köln: Fachhochschule Köln, 2007.


Lingo is based on a collective development by Klaus Lepsky and John Vorhauer.

=== Authors

* John Vorhauer <>
* Jens Wille <>

=== Contributors

* Klaus Lepsky <>
* Jan-Helge Jacobs <>
* Thomas Müller <>
* Yulia Dorokhova <>


Copyright (C) 2005-2007 John Vorhauer
Copyright (C) 2007-2019 John Vorhauer, Jens Wille

Lingo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.

Lingo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along
with Lingo. If not, see <>.