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Merb plugin that provides support for Sequel.



>= 1.1.0
>= 2.7.0
 Project Readme

merb_sequel¶ ↑

A plug-in for the Merb framework that provides support for Sequel models.

If you use my fork on github.com/pk/merb_sequel please use again the official repository on github.com/merb/merb_sequel. I’m now updating the official repository.

Plug-in is compatible with Merb 0.9.9 and higher and Sequel 2.7.0 and higher including 2.x.x and 3.x.x.

Any issues please report to https://merb.lighthouseapp.com/projects/7588-merb-plugins.

Install¶ ↑

Since 1.0.9 you can install official Merb gem:

gem install merb_sequel –source gemcutter.org

Following gems are RETIRED!!!¶ ↑

Since version 1.0.6 I’ve moved gem hosting to Gemcutter. So now you need to install gem with:

gem install pk-merb_sequel –source gemcutter.org

For versions <= 1.0.5 I used GitHub:

gem install pk-merb_sequel –source gems.github.com

Merb < 1.1¶ ↑

Add merb_sequel as a dependency to your config/dependencies.rb:

dependency ‘merb_sequel’

Merb >= 1.1, add it as a dependency to your Gemfile:¶ ↑

gem ‘merb_sequel’

Add Sequel as you ORM of choice to init.rb:

use_orm :sequel

Merb >= 1.2, add it as a dependency to your Gemfile:¶ ↑

gem ‘merb_sequel’

To activate the gem and set all needed to use Sequel just use:

require ‘merb_sequel’

Compatibility¶ ↑

Ruby 1.8.7:¶ ↑

Sequel 2.11.0

All pass

Sequel 2.12.0

All pass

Sequel 3.0.0

All pass

Sequel 3.5.0

All pass

Sequel 3.6.0

All pass

Ruby 1.9.1:¶ ↑

Sequel 2.11.0

All pass

Sequel 2.12.0

All pass

Sequel 3.0.0

All pass

Sequel 3.5.0

All pass

Sequel 3.6.0

All pass

ActiveModel compatibility¶ ↑

In Merb > 1.0.13 we use ActiveModel interface for the ORM plugins. merb_sequel now supports this for all versions of Sequel by including compatibilit layers by default or loading active model plugin when using Sequel > 3.5.0

You can use configuration to not load compatibility layer: Merb::Plugins.config[:load_activemodel_compatibility] = false

RSpec transactional examples¶ ↑

If you want to cut significantly runtime of your test suite which is using Sequel you can enable transactional examples. Just add following line to your spec_helper.rb or any spec you want to be transactional:

require 'merb_sequel/rspec/sequel'

Now each example is wrapped in a Sequel transaction and when example finishes Sequel::Error::Rollback is raised which cause transaction to rollback.

Connection options & Settings¶ ↑


  • :load_activemodel_compatibility. By default is set to true. If set to false, ActiveModelCompatibility is not loaded.

Merb Sequel plug-in uses config/database.yml for connection configuration.

Options are:

  • adapter. :sqlite is assumed by default.

  • database, default is “hey_dude_configure_your_database”. In case of SQLite this should be either :memory: or file path for SQLite.

  • db_type: default is nil. Use “mssql” to connect to MSSQL using ODBC.

  • encoding or charset, default is utf8.

  • host. localhost is assumed by default.

  • logger default is Merb.logger

  • password. WARNING: default password is an empty string.

  • socket Use socket to connect to DB.

  • username or user, default is an empty string

Generators¶ ↑

After you install the plug-in, merb-gen can generate Sequel models for you:

merb-gen model --orm=sequel Article

same with the resources

merb-gen resource --orm=sequel Article

Note that if you have specified that you use Sequel in init.rb or environment specific init file (for instance, environments/development.rb) via use_orm :sequel, you don’t need to specify –orm option explicitly when using merb-gen.

Contributors¶ ↑

Originally written by Duane Johnson (canadaduane at gmail.com).

Contributions by:

  • Wayne E. Seguin

  • Lance Carlson

  • Jacob Dunphy

  • Lori Holden

  • Pavel Kunc

  • e-mac

  • Piotr Usewicz

Maintained by Pavel Kunc (pavel.kunc at gmail.com)