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Provides structures that support program transformations, such as refactoring or program mutation.


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~> 0.33.0


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A term rewriting library for transforming (Ruby) programs.

Basic usage

Here's a very simple example that refactors Ruby code of the form if some_predicate then true else false end to some_predicate:

require "metamorpher"

class UnnecessaryConditionalRefactorer
  include Metamorpher::Refactorer
  include Metamorpher::Builders::Ruby

  def pattern
    builder.build("if CONDITION then true else false end")

  def replacement

program = "result = if some_predicate then true else false end"
 # => "result = some_predicate"

This simple example is short, but terse! To fully understand it, you might now want to read about:

  • Fundamentals - Information on the core of metamorpher and the theory of term rewriting:

    • Building terms - how to create the data structure (terms) used by Rewriters and Matchers.
    • Matchers - how to determine whether an expression adheres to a pattern (i.e., matches a term).
    • Rewriters - how to transform expressions into other expressions.
  • Practicalities - Information on how to use metamorpher to manipulate (Ruby) programs:

    • Building Ruby terms - how to concisely create terms that represent Ruby programs.
    • Transformers - how to use rewriters to transform Ruby programs.


Metamorpher is based on the theory of term rewriting. The following sections describe how to build terms (the key data structure used in metamorpher), how to use terms to search over programs using matchers, and how to transform parts of a program using rewriters.

Note that the examples in this section operate on a fictional programming language (i.e., not Ruby). For examples that manipulate Ruby programs, see the practicalities section.

Building terms

The primary data structure used for rewriting and for matching is a term. A term is a tree (i.e., an acyclic graph). The nodes of the tree are either a:

  • Literal - a node of the abstract-syntax tree of a program.
  • Variable - a named node, which is bound to a subterm (subtree) during matching.
  • Greedy variable - a variable that is bound to a set of subterms during matching.
  • Derivation - a placeholder node, which is replaced during rewriting.
  • Term Set - a collection of terms (potentially of mixed types).

To simplify the construction of terms, metamorpher provides the Metamorpher::Builders::AST::Builder class, which is demonstrated below.

require "metamorpher"

include Metamorpher::Builder::AST

builder.literal! :succ # => succ
builder.literal! 4 # => 4

builder.variable! :n # => N
builder.greedy_variable! :n # => N+

builder.derivation! :singular do |singular, builder|
  builder.literal!(singular.name + "s")
 # [SINGULAR] -> ...

builder.derivation! :key, :value do |key, value, builder|
  builder.pair(key, value)
 # [KEY, VALUE] -> ...

 builder.either! builder.literal!(:succ), builder.variable!(:n)
 # TermSet[succ, N]

Variables can be conditional, in which case they are specified by passing a block:

builder.variable!(:method) { |literal| literal.name =~ /^find_by_/ } # => METHOD?
builder.greedy_variable!(:pairs) { |literals| literals.size.even? } #=> PAIRS+?


The builder provides a method missing shorthand for constructing literals, variables and greedy variables:

builder.succ # => succ
builder.N # => N
builder.N_ # => N+

Conditional variables can also be constructed using this shorthand:

builder.METHOD { |literal| literal.name =~ /^find_by_/ } #=> METHOD?
builder.PAIRS_ { |literal| literal.name =~ /^find_by_/ } #=> PAIRS+?

Coercion of non-terms to literals

When constructing a literal or a term set, the builder ensures that any children are converted to literals if they are not already a term:

builder.literal!(:add, :x, :y) # => add(x, y)
builder.add(:x, :y) # => add(x, y)
builder.either!(:add, :subtract) # => TermSet[add, subtract]

Without automatic coercion, the statements above would be written as follows. Note that they are more verbose:

builder.literal!(:add, builder.literal!(:x), builder.literal!(:y)) # => add(x, y)
builder.add(builder.x, builder.y) # => add(x, y)
builder.either!(builder.add, builder.subtract) # => TermSet[add, subtract]

Note that coercion isn't necessary (and isn't applied) when the children of a literal are already terms:

builder.literal!(:add, builder.variable!(:n), builder.variable!(:m)) # => add(N, M)
builder.add(builder.N, builder.M) # => add(N, M)
builder.either!(builder.N, builder.M) # => TermSet[N, M]


Matchers search for subexpressions that adhere to a specified pattern. They are used by rewriters to find transformation sites in expressions, and can also be used to search programs. For simple searches over a program's source code, a regular expression can be used. For more complicated searches, a term matching system (such as the one provided by Metamorpher::Matcher) is likely to be a better fit.

Metamorpher provides the Metamorpher::Matcher module for specifying matchers. Include it, specify a pattern and then call run(expression):

require "metamorpher"

# Use the AST builder

class SuccZeroMatcher
  include Metamorpher::Matcher
  include Metamorpher::Builders::AST

  def pattern

expression = Metamorpher.builder.succ(0) # => succ(0)
result = SuccZeroMatcher.new.run(expression)
 # => <Metamorpher::Matcher::Match root=succ(0), substitution={}>
result.matches? # => true

expression = Metamorpher.builder.succ(1) # => succ(1)
result = SuccZeroMatcher.new.run(expression)
 # => <Metamorpher::Matcher::NoMatch>
result.matches? # => false


Matching can search for several expressions to match at a time. Metamorpher provides TermSets for this purpose. Recall that TermSets are built using builder.either!

For example, we can extend our previous matcher to search for the expressions succ(0) and pred(2) at the same time.

class VerboseOneMatcher
  include Metamorpher::Matcher
  include Metamorpher::Builders::AST

  def pattern
    builder.either!(builder.succ(0), builder.pred(2))

expression = Metamorpher.builder.succ(0) # => succ(0)
result = VerboseOneMatcher.new.run(expression)
 # => <Metamorpher::Matcher::Match root=succ(0), substitution={}>
result.matches? # => true

expression = Metamorpher.builder.pred(2) # => pred(2)
result = VerboseOneMatcher.new.run(expression)
 # => <Metamorpher::Matcher::Match root=pred(2), substitution={}>
result.matches? # => true


Matching is more powerful when we can allow for some variability in the expressions that we wish to match. Metamorpher provides variables for this purpose.

For example, suppose we wish to match expressions of the form succ(X) where X could be any subexpression. The following matcher achieves this, by using a variable (x) to match the argument to succ:

class SuccMatcher
  include Metamorpher::Matcher
  include Metamorpher::Builders::AST

  def pattern

expression = Metamorpher.builder.succ(0) # => succ(0)
 # => <Metamorpher::Matcher::Match root=succ(0), substitution={:x=>0}>

expression = Metamorpher.builder.succ(1) # => succ(1)
 # => <Metamorpher::Matcher::Match root=succ(0), substitution={:x=>1}>

expression = Metamorpher.builder.succ(:n) # => succ(n)
 # => <Metamorpher::Matcher::Match root=succ(n), substitution={:x=>n}>

expression = Metamorpher.builder.succ(Metamorpher.builder.succ(:n)) # => succ(succ(n))
 # => <Metamorpher::Matcher::Match root=succ(succ(n)), substitution={:x=>succ(n)}>

Conditional variables

By default, a variable matches any literal. Matching is more powerful when variables are able to match only those literals that satisfy some condition. Metamorpher provides conditional variables for this purpose.

For example, suppose that we wish to create a matcher that only matches method calls of the form User.find_by_XXX, but not calls to User.find, User.where or User.find_by. The following matcher achieves this, by using a conditional variable (method). Note that the condition is specified via the block passed when building the variable:

class DynamicFinderMatcher
  include Metamorpher::Matcher
  include Metamorpher::Builders::AST

  def pattern
      builder.METHOD { |literal| literal.name =~ /^find_by_/ }

expression = Metamorpher.builder.literal!(:".", :User, :find_by_name) # => .(User, find_by_name)
 # => #<Metamorpher::Matcher::Match root=.(User, find_by_name), substitution={:method=>find_by_name}>

expression = Metamorpher.builder.literal!(:".", :User, :find) # => .(User, find)
 # => #<Metamorpher::Matcher::NoMatch>

Greedy variables

Sometimes a matcher needs to be able to match an expression that contains a variable number of subexpressions. Metamorpher provides greedy variables for this purpose.

For example, suppose that we wish to create a matcher that works for an expression, add, that can have 1 or more children. The following matcher achieves this, by using a greedy variable (args).

class MultiAddMatcher
  include Metamorpher::Matcher
  include Metamorpher::Builders::AST

  def pattern

 # => #<Metamorpher::Matcher::Match root=add(1,2), substitution={:args=>[1, 2]}>

 # => #<Metamorpher::Matcher::Match root=add(1,2,3), substitution={:args=>[1, 2, 3]}>


Rewriters perform small, in-place changes to an expression. They can be used for program transformations, such as refactorings. For some simple program transformations, a regular expression can be used on the program source. For more complicated transformations, a term rewriting system (such as the one provided by Metamorpher::Rewriter) is likely to be a better fit.

Metamorpher provides the Metamorpher::Rewriter module for specifying rewriters. Include it, specify a pattern and a replacement, and then call reduce(expression):

require "metamorpher"

class SuccZeroRewriter
  include Metamorpher::Rewriter
  include Metamorpher::Builders::AST

  def pattern
    builder.literal! :succ, 0

  def replacement
    builder.literal! 1

expression = Metamorpher.builder.succ(0) # => succ(0)
SuccZeroRewriter.new.reduce(expression) # => 1

Note that reduce has no effect when called on an expression that does not match pattern:

expression = Metamorpher.builder.succ(1) # => succ(1)
SuccZeroRewriter.new.reduce(expression) # => succ(1)

A call to reduce will return a literal that cannot be reduced any further by this rewriter:

expression = Metamorpher.builder.add(
 # => succ(0)

SuccZeroRewriter.new.reduce(expression) # => add(1, 1)

A call to apply will instead return a literal after a single application of the rewriter:

SuccZeroRewriter.new.apply(expression) # => add(1, succ(0))

Both reduce and apply can optionally take a block, which is called immediately before the matching term is replaced with the rewritten term:

SuccZeroRewriter.new.reduce(expression) do |matching, rewritten|
  puts "About to replace #{matching.inspect} at position #{matching.path} with #{rewritten.inspect}"
 # About to replace 'succ(0)' at position [0] with '1'
 # About to replace 'succ(0)' at position [1] with '1'
 # =>


Rewriting is more powerful when we are able to adjust the expression that is substituted for a captured variable. Metamorpher provides derivations for this purpose. (You may wish to read the section on variables before looking at the following example).

For example, suppose that we wish to create a rewriter that pluralises any literal. The following rewriter achieves this, by using a derivation (see the implementation of replacement) to create a new literal after an expression has been matched. Crucially, the derivation uses data from the captured literal when building the replacement literal:

class PluraliseRewriter
  include Metamorpher::Rewriter
  include Metamorpher::Builders::AST

  def pattern

  def replacement
    builder.derivation! :singular do |singular|
      builder.literal!(singular.name + "s")

PluraliseRewriter.new.apply(Metamorpher.builder.literal! "dog") # => "dogs"

Derivations can be based on more than one captured variable. In which case the call to derivation! and the block take more than one argument:

builder.derivation! :key, :value do |key, value|
  builder.literal!(:pair, key, value)

When deriving a variable's value without changing it, there's no need to supply a block:

builder.derivation! :value
# builder.derivation! :value { |value| value }

To obtain the entire match during a derivation, use the special variable &:

class ReverseVariables
  include Metamorpher::Rewriter
  include Metamorpher::Builders::AST

  def pattern
    builder.literal!(:send, nil, builder.VAR)

  def replacement
    builder.derivation! :& do |match|
      builder.literal(:send, match, :reverse)


Metamorpher provides modules that can be used to simplify the transformation of Ruby programs. This section describes how to build metamorpher terms that represent Ruby programs, and how to refactor Ruby programs. Matchers and Rewriters can be used to manipulate Ruby programs too.

Note that metamorpher is not limited to manipulating Ruby programs. For more details on how metamorpher works and its language-independent core, see the fundamentals section.

Building Ruby terms

To match, rewrite or refactor Ruby programs, it's necessary to create terms that represent Ruby programs. Metamorpher provides the Metamorpher::Builders::Ruby::Builder class to simplify this process.

Recall that term is a tree (i.e., an acyclic graph), whose nodes are either a:

  • Literal - a node of the abstract-syntax tree of a program.
  • Variable - a named node, which is bound to a subterm (subtree) during matching.
  • Greedy variable - a variable that is bound to a set of subterms during matching.
  • Derivation - a placeholder node, which is replaced during rewriting.
  • Term Set - a collection of terms (potentially of mixed types).

The following examples demonstrate the way in which terms can built from strings that resemble Ruby programs:

require "metamorpher"

include Metamorpher::Builders::Ruby

builder.build("2") # => int(2)
builder.build("2 + 2") # => send(int(2), +, int(2))

To build terms that contain variables, use uppercase characters. To build a greedy variable, ensure the name of the variable ends with an underscore:

builder.build("2 + ADDEND") # => send(int(2), +, ADDEND)
builder.build("hello(PARAMS_)") # => send(, hello, PARAMS+)

Variables can be conditional, in which case they are specified by appending a call to ensuring:

  .build("METHOD_CALL(:foo, :bar)")
  .ensuring(METHOD_CALL) { |m| m.name =~ /^find_by_/ }
 # => METHOD?

Similar, derivations can be specified by appending a call to deriving:

  .build("PLURAL(:foo, :bar)")
  .deriving("PLURAL", "SINGULAR") do |singular|
    builder.build(singular.name.to_s + "s")
 # [SINGULAR] -> ...

  .deriving("HASH", "KEY", "VALUE") do |key, value|
    builder.build("[#{key}, #{value}]")
 # [KEY, VALUE] -> ...

To build a term sets, provide several arguments:

builder.build("true", "false") # => TermSet[true, false]


Transformers are rewriters that are specialised for rewriting program source code. A transformer parses a program's source code, rewrites the source code, and returns the unparsed, rewritten source code.

Metamorpher provides two types of transformers:

  • Refactorer - produces a single transformed program that contains all rewritings together
  • Mutator - produces a set of transformed programs where each program contains a single rewriting

For example, for the pattern 1 + 1, the replacement 2 and the input program (1 + 1) * (1 + 1):

  • A refactorer will produce (2) * (2)
  • A mutator will produce [(2) * (1 + 1), (1 + 1) * (2)].

Metamorpher provides the Metamorpher::Refactorer and Metamorpher::Mutator modules for constructing classes that perform refactorings or mutations.

To construct a refactorer, include the relevant module, specify a pattern and a replacement, and then call refactor(src):

require "metamorpher"

class UnnecessaryConditionalRefactorer
  include Metamorpher::Refactorer
  include Metamorpher::Builders::Ruby

  def pattern
    builder.build("if CONDITION then true else false end")

  def replacement

program = "a = if some_predicate then true else false end; " \
          "b = if another_predicate then true else false end"
 # => "a = some_predicate; b = another_predicate"

Similarly to construct a mutator, include the relevant module, specify a pattern and an array of replacements, and then call mutate(src):

require "metamorpher"

class LessThanMutator
  include Metamorpher::Mutator
  include Metamorpher::Builders::Ruby

  def pattern
    builder.build("A < B")

  def replacements
    builder.build("A > B", "A == B")

program = "a = foo < bar; b = bar < baz"
 # => [
 #       "a = foo > bar; b = bar < baz",
 #       "a = foo == bar; b = bar < baz",
 #       "a = foo < bar; b = bar > baz",
 #      "a = foo < bar; b = bar == baz"
 #    ]

The remainder of this section discusses only refactorers, but note that mutators have all of the same functionality as refactorers (but provides methods prefixed with mutate rather than refactor).

The refactor method can optionally take a block, which is called immediately before the matching code is replaced with the refactored code:

source = "a = if some_predicate then true else false end;" \
  "b = if some_other_predicate then true else false end;"

UnnecessaryConditionalRefactorer.new.refactor(source) do |refactoring|
  puts "About to replace '#{refactoring.original_code}' " \
       "at position #{refactoring.original_position} " \
       "with '#{refactoring.transformed_code}'"
 # About to replace 'if some_predicate then true else false end' at position 4..45 with 'some_predicate'
 # About to replace 'if some_other_predicate then true else false end' at position 51..98 with 'some_other_predicate'
 #  => "a = some_predicate;b = some_other_predicate;"

The Metamorpher::Refactorer module also defines a refactor_file(path) method, which can be used to apply refactoring to a file stored on disk:

path = File.expand_path("refactorable.rb", "/Users/louis/code/mutiny")
 # => "/Users/louis/code/mutiny/refactorable.rb"

 # => ... (refactored code)

UnnecessaryConditionalRefactorer.new.refactor_file(path) do |refactoring|
  # works just like the block passed to refactor
 # => ... (refactored code)

You might prefer the refactor_files(paths) method, if you'd like to refactor several files at once:

paths = Dir.glob(File.expand_path(File.join("**", "*.rb"), "/Users/louis/code/mutiny"))
 # => ["/Users/louis/code/mutiny/lib/mutiny.rb", ...]

 # Note that refactor_files returns a Hash rather than a String
 # => { "/Users/louis/code/mutiny/lib/mutiny.rb" => (refactored code), ... }

 # Note that refactor_files yields for each file: its path, its new contents, and its refactoring sites
UnnecessaryConditionalRefactorer.new.refactor_files(path) do |path, new_contents, sites|
  puts "In #{path}:"

  sites.each do |site|
    puts "\tAbout to replace '#{refactoring.original_code}' " \
         "at position #{refactoring.original_position} " \
         "with '#{refactoring.transformed_code}'"
 # In /Users/louis/code/mutiny/lib/mutiny.rb:
 #     About to replace 'if some_predicate then true else false end' at position 4..45 with 'some_predicate'
 # ...
 # => { "/Users/louis/code/mutiny/lib/mutiny.rb" => (refactored code), ... }

Refactoring programs written in other languages

By default, Metamorpher::Refactorer assumes that you wish to refactor Ruby programs, and will attempt to require the parser and unparser gems. If instead you wish to use a different Ruby parser / unparser or you wish to refactor a program written in a language other than Ruby, you should specify a different driver, as shown below. (A Metamorpher::Driver is responsible for transforming source code to metamorpher terms, and vice-versa).

class JavaRefactorer
  include Metamorpher::Refactorer

  def driver

  def pattern

  def replacement


Below are a few examples of using metamorpher to perform refactorings on Ruby code.

Refactor Rails where(...).first

The following refactoring can be used to slightly tidy up code that uses ActiveRecord. Specifically, it refactors expressions of the form User.where(...).first to expressions of the form User.find_by(...).

require "metamorpher"

class RefactorWhereFirstToFindBy
  include Metamorpher::Refactorer
  include Metamorpher::Builders::Ruby

  def pattern

  def replacement

This example was put together following a suggestion from Sam Saffron and was applied to the discourse project. Complete code for the example (which includes refactorers for the impacted RSpec tests) is here.

Refactor Rails dynamic find_by

The following refactoring can be used to switch from ActiveRecord's dynamic find_by method to a version that uses a hash.

require "metamorpher"

class RefactorWhereFirstToFindBy
  include Metamorpher::Refactorer
  include Metamorpher::Builders::Ruby

  def pattern
     .ensuring("METHOD") { |f| f.name[/^find_by_/] }

  def replacement
     .deriving("HASH", "METHOD", "PARAMS") do |method, params|
       keys = attributes_from_dynamic_finder(method.name.to_s)
       values = params.map { |p| driver.unparse(p) }
       builder.build(create_hash_string(keys, values))


  # Extracts an array of attributes from the name of a dynamic
  # finder, such as find_by_asset_id_and_object_path.
  def attributes_from_dynamic_finder(dynamic_finder)

  # Builds a string representation of a hash from a set of keys
  # and a corresponding set of values
  def create_hash_string(keys, values)
    "{" + create_pairs_string(keys, values) + "}"

  def create_pairs_string(keys, values)
     .map { |k, v| ":#{k} => #{v}" }

This example was put together following a suggestion from Brian Morearty.


Add these line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'metamorpher'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install metamorpher


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Thank-you to the authors of other projects and resources that have inspired metamorpher, including:

  • Paul Klint's tutorial on term rewriting, which metamorpher is heavily based on.
  • Jim Weirich's Builder gem, which heavily influenced the design of Metamorpher::Builders::AST::Builder.