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Simple gem that allows you to run any Mongoid query using a hash API. Perfect for RESTful APIs


~> 1.8
~> 10.0
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Important: text with strikethrough are future features not yet implemented

That's the little brother of ActiveHashRelation gem.

Simple gem that allows you to manipulate Mongoid queries using Hash/JSON. For instance:

apply_filters(resource, {name: 'RPK', start_date: {leq: "2014-10-19"}, act_status: "ongoing"})

It's perfect for filtering a collection of resources on APIs.

It should be noted that apply_filters calls MongoidHashQuery::FilterApplier class underneath with the same params.

*A user could retrieve resources based on unknown attributes (attributes not returned from the API) by brute forcing which might or might not be a security issue. If you don't like that check whitelisting.

New! You can now do aggregation queries.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mongoid_hash_query'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mongoid_hash_query

How to use

The gem exposes only one method: apply_filters(resource, hash_params, include_associations: false, model: nil). resource is expected to be an Mongoid::Criteria. That way, you can add your custom filters before calling apply_filters.

In order to use it you have to include MongoidHashQuery module in your class. For instance in a Rails API controller you would do:

class Api::V1::ResourceController < Api::V1::BaseController
  include MongoidHashQuery

  def index
    resources = apply_filters(Resource.all, params)

    authorized_resources = policy_scope(resource)

    render json: resources



For each param, apply_filters method will search in the model (derived from the first param, or explicitly defined as the last param) all the record's field names and associations. (filtering based on scopes are not working at the moment but will be supported soon). For each column, if there is such a param, it will apply the filter based on the column type. The following column types are supported:


Mongo's documents have an id, names _id of type BSON::ObjectId. You can just pass in id instead of _id:

  • {id: 5}
  • {id: [1,3,4,5,6,7]}

Integer, Float, BigDecimal, Date, Time or Datetime

You can apply an equality filter:

  • {example_column: 500} or using a hash as a value you get more options:
  • {example_field: {le: 500}}
  • {example_field: {leq: 500}}
  • {example_field: {ge: 500}}
  • {example_field: {geq: 500}}

Of course you can provide a compination of those like:

  • {example_column: {geq: 500, le: 1000}}

The same api is for Float, BigDecimal, Date, Time or Datetime.


I am not sure how Mongoid converts input to boolean but according to that spec a value to be true must be one of the following: [true, 1, '1', 't', 'T', 'true', 'TRUE']. Anything else is false.

  • {example_field: true}
  • {example_field: 0}


You can apply an equality filter:

  • {example_field: test}

Soon you will be able to send in regex..


You can apply an equality filter on hashes like that:

  • {example_field: {foo: 'bar', bar: 'foo'}}

Or you can apply a regex in like that:

  • {example_field: {foo: {regex: true, value: 'bar', ignore_case: true}, bar: 'foo'}}


A limit param defines the number of returned resources. For instance:

  • {limit: 10}

However I would strongly advice you to use a pagination gem like Kaminari, and use page and per_page params.


You can apply sorting using the property and order attributes. For instance:

  • {created_at: 'desc'}

If there is no column named after the property value, sorting is skipped.

Associations (later)

If the association is a belongs_to or has_one, then the hash key name must be in singular. If the association is has_many the attribute must be in plural reflecting the association type. When you have, in your hash, filters for an association, the sub-hash is passed in the association's model. For instance, let's say a user has many microposts and the following filter is applied (could be through an HTTP GET request on controller's index method):

  • {email:, microposts: {created_at { leq: 12-9-2014} }


If you want to filter based on a scope in a model, the scope names should go under scopes sub-hash. For instance the following:

  • { scopes: { planned: true } }

will run the .planned scope on the resource.


If you don't want to allow a column/association/scope just remove it from the params hash.

Filter Classes (later)

Sometimes, especially on larger projects, you have specific classes that handle the input params outside the controllers. You can configure the gem to look for those classes and call apply_filters which will apply the necessary filters when iterating over associations.

In an initializer:

MongoidHashQuery.configure do |config|
  config.has_filter_classes = true
  config.filter_class_prefix = 'Api::V1::'
  config.filter_class_suffix = 'Filter'

With the above settings, when the association name is resource,, params[resource]).apply_filters will be called to apply the filters in resource association.

Aggregation Queries

Sometimes we need to ask the database queries that act on the collection but don't want back an array of elements but a value instead! Now you can do that by simply calling the aggregations method inside the controller:

aggregations(resource, {
  aggregate: {
    integer_column: { avg: true, max: true, min: true, sum: true },
    float_column: {avg: true, max: true, min: true },
    datetime_column: { max: true, min: true }

and you will get a hash (HashWithIndifferentAccess) back that holds all your aggregations like:

  aggregations: {
    "float_column"=>{"avg"=>25.5, "max"=>50, "min"=>1},
    "integer_column"=>{"avg"=>4.38, "sum"=>219, "max"=>9, "min"=>0},
    "datetime_at"=>{"max"=>2015-06-11 20:59:14 UTC, "min"=>2015-06-11 20:59:12 UTC}

These attributes usually go to the "meta" section of your serializer. In that way it's easy to parse them in the front-end (for ember check here). Please note that you should apply the aggregations after you apply the filters (if there any) but before you apply pagination!


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