🔥 Nero
Nero is a RubyGem that offers declarative YAML-tags to simplify config files, e.g. for requiring and coercion of env-vars.
Additionally, it allows you to create your own.
# env-var with default value
secret: !env [SECRET, "dummy"]
# optional env-var with coercion
debug?: !env/bool? DEBUG
# required env-var (only when getting the production-root)
secret: !env SECRET
# int coercion
max_threads: !env/integer [MAX_THREADS, 5]
# something custom
cache_ttl: !duration [2, hours]
- 💎 declarative YAML-tags for e.g. requiring and coercing env-vars
- 🛠️ add custom tags
- 🛤️
stand-in - ♻️ Zeitwerk-only dependency
Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:
bundle add nero
It's early days - the API and included tags will certainly change. Check the CHANGELOG when upgrading.
Given the following config:
# config/settings.yml
# env-var with a fallback
secret: !env [SECRET, "dummy"]
# Though the default is false, explicitly providing "false"/"off"/"n"/"no" also works.
debug?: !env/bool? DEBUG
# fail-fast on absence of SECRET
secret: !env SECRET
# always an integer
max_threads: !env/integer [MAX_THREADS, 5]
Loading this config:
# Loading development
Nero.load_config("config/settings", root: :development)
# ...and no ENV-vars were provided
#=> {secret: "dummy", debug?: false}
# ...with ENV {"debug" => "true"}
#=> {secret: "dummy", debug?: true}
# Loading production
Nero.load_config("config/settings", root: :production)
# ...and no ENV-vars were provided
# raises error: key not found: "SECRET" (KeyError)
# ...with ENV {"SECRET" => "s3cr3t", "MAX_THREADS" => "3"}
#=> {secret: "s3cr3t", max_threads: 3}
The following tags are provided:
!env KEY
,!env? KEY
Resp. to fetch or get a value fromENV
:--- # required secret: !env SECRET # optional, with fallback: secret: !env [SECRET, "dummy-fallback"] # ...or nil secret: !env? SECRET
- to coerce env-values:
:port: !env/integer [PORT, 3000] threads: !env/integer? THREADS # nil when not provided
:# required (valid values 'y(es)'/'n(o)', 'true'/'false', 'on'/'off') over18: !env/bool OVER18 # optional, with fallback: secure: !env/bool [SECURE, true] # ...or false: debug?: !env/bool? DEBUG
Create a Pathname:config: !path config # combining tags: asset_folder: !path - !env PROJECT_ROOT - /public/assets
Create a URI:smtp_url: !uri - smtps:// - !env SMTP_CREDS - @smtp.gmail.com
Using Ruby's format specifications:smtp_url: !str/format - smtps://%s:%s@smtp.gmail.com - !env SMTP_USER - !env SMTP_PASS # using references smtp_url: !str/format fmt: smtps://%<user>s:%<pass>s@smtp.gmail.com user: !env SMTP_USER pass: !env SMTP_PASS
Add one yourself:
Nero.configure do |nero|
nero.add_tag("foo") do |coder|
# coder.type is one of :scalar, :seq or :map
# e.g. respective YAML:
# ---
# !foo bar
# ---
# !foo
# - bar
# ---
# !foo
# bar: baz
# Find the value in the respective attribute, e.g. `coder.scalar`:
# Other configuration options:
# `config_dir` (default: Pathname.pwd) - path used for expanding non-Pathnames passed to `load_config`, e.g.
# `Nero.load_config(:app)` loads file `Pathname.pwd / "app.yml"`.
nero.config_dir = Rails.root / "config"
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem
file to rubygems.org.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/eval/nero.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.