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With penctl-ruby you can add and remove servers to a pen server list and to change settings without the need to restart the pen balancer.
 Project Readme

Description¶ ↑

penctl-ruby is a ruby implementation of penctl, a tool to control pen load balancers (a load balancer for “simple” tcp based protocols such as http or smtp): siag.nu/pen/

With penctl-ruby you can add and remove servers to a pen server list and to change settings without the need to restart the pen balancer. Without the need for a penctl binary.

While pen’s regular balancing works fine, issuing commands through the control port can be a bit flakey at times. That’s why penctl-ruby has retries built in - it will try to issue your command up to five times. Important commands like add_server() and remove_server() make very sure pen has received them correctly and return true or false accordingly.

keywords: balancer, pen, penctl, rails, gem

Documentation¶ ↑

RDocs at rdoc.info/projects/jayniz/penctl-ruby

Installation¶ ↑

Installing penctl-ruby is quite simple:

sudo gem install penctl-ruby -s http://gemcutter.org

If you want it as plugin, just do:

script/plugin install git://github.com/jayniz/penctl-ruby.git

Basic Usage¶ ↑

First you have to load the gem. In a Rails project, just do:

$ c
Loading development environment (Rails x.y.z)
>> require 'rubygems'
>> require 'pen_balancer'

If you’re not in a rails project, you have to add some more path info (this path will not work for you, if you have rubygems.rb somewhere else):

$ irb
>> require '/opt/local/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb'
>> require 'pen_balancer'

Let’s say you started a pen balancer on some server with some command like ‘pen -C`. You can then create a PenBalancer object to talk to a pen balancer running on a remote machine.

>> pen = PenBalancer.new ''
=> #<PenBalancer:0x11eb74c @pen="">

If you want to know which servers this pen is balancing requests to, you can issue the servers command:

>> pen.servers
=> [{:conn=>0, :port=>12501, :hard=>0, :addr=>"", :sx=>89116821, :slot=>0, :rx=>2891017284, :max=>0},
    {:conn=>0, :port=>12101, :hard=>0, :addr=>"", :sx=>3178050, :slot=>1, :rx=>46267355, :max=>0}, 
    {:conn=>0, :port=>0, :hard=>0, :addr=>"", :sx=>0, :slot=>2, :rx=>0, :max=>0}, 
    {:conn=>0, :port=>0, :hard=>0, :addr=>"", :sx=>0, :slot=>3, :rx=>0, :max=>0}]

As you can see, there are still two unused slots left. Let’s make use of them!

Adding servers to the pool (or removing them)¶ ↑

Let’s add another server to the pool and check if it’s there:

>> pen.add_server '', 12301
=> true
>> pen.servers
=> [{:conn=>0, :port=>12501, :hard=>0, :addr=>"", :sx=>89116821, :slot=>0, :rx=>2891017284, :max=>0}, 
    {:conn=>0, :port=>12101, :hard=>0, :addr=>"", :sx=>3178050, :slot=>1, :rx=>46267355, :max=>0}, 
    {:conn=>0, :port=>12301, :hard=>0, :addr=>"", :sx=>0, :slot=>2, :rx=>0, :max=>0}, 
    {:conn=>0, :port=>0, :hard=>0, :addr=>"", :sx=>0, :slot=>3, :rx=>0, :max=>0}]

Actually you don’t have to check if the new server is really there. After attempting to add the server to the pool, it retrieves the server list and makes sure the new server is really there and returns true. If you try to add a server to the pool that exists already, penctl-ruby will complain. Let’s try to add the same server again

>> p.add_server '', 12301
ArgumentError: Server is in the pool already
  from ./lib/pen_balancer.rb:41:in `add_server'
  from (irb):15

To remove a server from the pool, you just call:

>> pen.remove_server '', 12301
=> true

Changing and reading runtime configuration¶ ↑

There are a couple of readonly and also writeable runtime variables to pen. Most of them are also documented in ‘man penctl` (or online at linux.die.net/man/1/penctl). You can get/set numerical configuration parameters of a remote pen balancer quite easily.

>> pen.client_acl=3
=> 3

Fetching it goes like this:

>> pen.client_acl
=> 3

Accordingly, you can set booleans (please note that you cannot get the current value):

>> pen.stubborn=false
=> false

There are also values you can only read, but not write:

>> pen.conn_max
=> 256

Last but not least, you can issue some commands (telling the pen balancer to exit, if you started it with the -X flag, for example):

>> pen_without_x_flag.exit!
=> ["Exit is not enabled; restart with -X flag"]
>> pen_with_x_flag.exit!
=> []

Managing access control lists (ACLs)¶ ↑

You can define 10 policies to be used for access control. They are organized in slots from 0 to 9. To set the ACL in slot 2, you could issue:

>> pen.set_acl_entry(2, :policy => 'permit', :source_ip => '', :netmask => '')

Now we could configure pen to use this policy for client connections:

>> p.client_acl=2
=> 2

And to configure pen to use this policy for control port connections (don’t lock yourself out :):

>> p.control_acl=2
=> 2

To remove a policy from the ACL, you would do (effectively allowing all connections):

>> p.remove_acl_entry 0
=> []

API¶ ↑

The most important functions are adding/removing and blacklisting/whitelisting servers along with ACL management (see above). The rest of the API is inspired by penctl’s manpage:

Boolean (you can only set, but not get, these)¶ ↑

pen.ascii=true            # Communication dumps in ascii format (cf option -a).
pen.ascii=false           # Communication dumps in hex format.
pen.block=true            # Do not make sockets nonblocking.
pen.block=false           # Make sockets nonblocking.
pen.delayed_forward=true  # Always wait for the next round of the main loop before
                          # forwarding data. Normally pen tries to do that immediately.
pen.delayed_forward=false # Try to forward data immediately, to avoid the overhead of
                          # copying it to a temporary buffer and waiting for the next
                          # main loop round.
pen.hash=true             # Use a hash on the client IP address for initial server selection.
pen.hash=false            # Do not use a hash.
pen.http=true             # Add X-Forwarded-For headers to http requests.
pen.http=false            # Do not add X-Forwarded-For headers.
pen.roundrobin=true       # Use round-robin server selection without client tracking
pen.roundrobin=false      # Try to route the same client to the same server over time
pen.stubborn=true         # If the initial server selection is unavailable, close the
                          # client connection without trying another
pen.stubborn=false        # If one server does not work, use another
pen.weight=true           # Use weight for server selection.
pen.weight=false          # Do not use weight for server selection.

Numeric (you can get and set these)¶ ↑

pen.blacklist=60   # Set blacklsit time to 60 seconds
pen.client_acl=5   # Check connecting clients against access list N (default 0).
pen.control_acl=3  # Check accesses to the control port against access list N (default 0).
pen.debug=3        # Set debug level to 3
pen.timeout=50     # Return current connect timeout in seconds.
pen.tracking=5     # Set tracking time, i.e. how long clients will be remembered. The
                   # default 0 will never expire clients based on time

Readonly attributes¶ ↑

pen.clients_max  # Return max number of clients
pen.conn_max     # Return max number of simultaneous connections
pen.control      # Return (address and) port where pen listens for control connections
pen.listen       # Return (address and) port pen listens to for incoming client connections
pen.status       # Print status information in html format
pen.recent(5)    # Shows which clients have connected in the last N seconds (default 300)

Commands¶ ↑

pen.exit!               # Exit. Only available if pen was started with the -X option
pen.include!(filename)  # Read commands from filename
pen.write!(filename)    # Write the current configuration into a file which can be used to
                        # start pen. If FILE is omitted, the configuration is written into
                        # pen's original configuration file


The :log and :web_stat methods are not yet implemented

Bugs and Feedback¶ ↑

If you discover any bugs or want to drop a line, feel free to email me: On gmail.com my name is jannis.

penctl-ruby License: MIT Version: 0.1.2