Pferd is a Ruby gem that generates an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of your Ruby on Rails models, automatically grouping models by their domain. This is useful when you are in the process of modularising your codebase, and want to visualise various domain configurations without having to move code around.
The diagram (optionally) highlights domain boundary violations, giving you insights into possible cross-domain coupling issues.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'pferd'
And then execute:
bundle install
Or install it directly using:
gem install pferd
To generate an ERD, simply run:
rake pferd:generate
Defining Domains
Pferd groups your models by domain using the @domain
YARD tag. To specify the domain of a model, add a YARD comment above the model class definition. For example:
# @domain payments
class Transaction < ApplicationRecord
# Model code
If a model does not have a @domain
tag, it will be placed in the default domain (Global
by default).
Pferd comes with configurable options that you can customise. Below is the default configuration:
# Establish some default configs
Pferd.configure do |config|
# Classes without an explicit domain tag should be in this domain
config.default_domain_name = 'Global'
# Exclude these classes
config.ignored_classes = []
# Exclude classes nested in these modules
config.ignored_modules = ['ActiveStorage']
# Load models matching these glob-paths
config.model_dirs = ['app/models']
# The name of the generated output file
config.output_file_name = 'pferd.png'
How to customise:
You can modify the configuration within an initializer (config/initializers/pferd.rb
Pferd.configure do |config|
config.default_domain_name = 'Core'
config.ignored_classes = ['SomeTemporaryModel']
config.ignored_modules = ['ActiveStorage', 'ActionMailbox']
config.model_dirs = ['app/models', 'engines/*/app/models']
config.output_file_name = 'custom_erd.png'
Domain Boundary Violations
Pferd will analyse your model associations and highlight where models reference entities from another domain. Violations will be clearly marked in the ERD using special edge styles (e.g., dashed or highlighted lines).
This feature helps you identify and address cases where models may be overstepping domain boundaries, promoting better separation of concerns within your codebase.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration.
Pferd is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.