is a ruby library and binary to manipulate Provisioning Profiles.
It can help you manage the Provisioning Profiles installed on your Mac (find the profiles UUIDs from the app names or bundle IDs, find detailed information on a given profile, clean up expired profiles from your Mac…) directly from the command line.
It also supports printing the output in JSON format so you can pipe the result of printing provisioning profiles info into jq
or similar tools.
$ gem install pprof
(You might need to run this command with sudo
if your gem home is a system directory)
Build from source
- Clone the repository
- Build it using
gem build pprof.gemspec
- Install it using
gem install pprof-*.gem
with the current version number)
Example usages
Find all the Provisioning Profiles that are attached to a given Team, or with a given AppID, or that will expire after a given date.
List all your Provisioning Profiles and their inner information, like the provisioned device UDIDs, the list of certificates (with their associated subject/name), etc.
Using it from the command line
Listing (and filtering) provisioning profiles
# List all provisioning profiles
$ pprof
# Filter provisioning profiles by name
$ pprof --name foo # only ones containing 'foo', case sensitive
$ pprof --name /foo/i # only ones containing 'foo', case insensitive
$ pprof --name '/foo|bar/' # only ones containing 'foo' or 'bar'
$ pprof --name /^foo$/ # only the ones exactly matching 'foo'
# Filter by AppID
$ pprof --appid com.foo # only ones containing 'com.foo'
$ pprof --appid '/com\.(foo|bar)/' # only ones containing 'com.foo' or 'com.bar'
# List only provisioning profiles having push notifications
$ pprof --aps
$ pprof --aps development
$ pprof --aps production
# List only provisioning profiles being expired or not
$ pprof --exp
$ pprof --no-exp
# List only provisioning profiles containing provisioned devices
$ pprof --has-devices
# Combine filters
$ pprof --has-devices --aps --appid com.foo
# List only the expired profiles, and pipe the resulting list to xargs to remove them all
$ pprof --exp -0 | xargs -0 rm
Printing info for a given Provisioning Profile
# Print info for a given Provisioning Profile
$ pprof '12345678-ABCD-EF90-1234-567890ABCDEF'
# Print certificates in a given PP
$ pprof --certs '12345678-ABCD-EF90-1234-567890ABCDEF'
# Print devices in a given PP
$ pprof --devices '12345678-ABCD-EF90-1234-567890ABCDEF'
# Print all info on a given PP
$ pprof --certs --devices --info '12345678-ABCD-EF90-1234-567890ABCDEF'
$ pprof -cdi '12345678-ABCD-EF90-1234-567890ABCDEF'
Printing output in JSON
# Print info about all your provisioning profiles as a JSON array
$ pprof --json
# Print info about all your provisioning profiles whose name contains "Foo", as a JSON array
$ pprof --name "Foo" --json
# Print info about all your provisioning profiles as a JSON array, including list of devices and certificates in each profile
$ pprof --json --devices --certs
# Print info about a specific provisioning profile as JSON object
$ pprof --json '12345678-ABCD-EF90-1234-567890ABCDEF'
# Print info about a specific provisioning profile as JSON object, including list of devices and certificates
$ pprof --json -c -d '12345678-ABCD-EF90-1234-567890ABCDEF'
# Use `jq` (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) to post-process the JSON output and generate some custom JSON array of objects from it
$ pprof --name 'My App' --json --devices | jq '.[] | {uuid:.UUID, name:.AppIDName, nb_profiles: .ProvisionedDevices|length}'
Using it in Ruby
require 'pprof'
# Load the Provisioning Profile
p = PProf::ProvisioningProfile.new('12345678-ABCD-EF90-1234-567890ABCDEF')
# Print various informations
puts p.name
puts p.team_name
puts p.entitlements.aps_environment
puts p.provisioned_devices.count
# Use an OutputFormatter to pretty-print the info
o = PProf::OutputFormatter.new
# You can also print into any IO other than $stdout, like a File
File.open('certs.txt', 'w') do |file|
o2 = PProf::OutputFormatter.new(file)
o2.print_info(p, :certs => true)
# And you can easily loop on all provisioning profiles and manipulate each
dir = PProf::ProvisioningProfile::DEFAULT_DIR
# `*.mobileprovision` are typically for iOS profiles, `*.provisionprofile` for Mac profiles
Dir["#{dir}/*.{mobileprovision,provisionprofile}"].each do |file|
p = PProf::ProvisioningProfile.new(file)
puts p.name
Anatomy of a Provisioning Profile
Provisioning Profiles are in fact PKCS7 files which contain a plist payload.
That plist payload itself contains various data, including some textual information (Team Name, AppID, …), dates (expiration date, etc) but also X509 Certificates (OpenSSL::X509::Certificate
new(file) => PProf::ProvisioningProfile
to_hash => Hash<String, Any>
name => String
uuid => String
app_id_name => String
app_id_prefix => String
creation_date => DateTime
expiration_date => DateTime
ttl => Int
team_ids => Array<String>
team_name => String
developer_certificates => Array<OpenSSL::X509::Certificate>
entitlements => PProf::Entitlements
provisioned_devices => Array<String>
provisions_all_devices => Bool
new(dict) => PProf::Entitlements
to_hash => Hash<String, Any>
[](key) => Any
has_key?(key) => Bool
keys => Array<String>
keychain_access_groups => Array<String>
get_task_allow => Bool
app_id => String
team_id => String
aps_environment => String
app_groups => Array<String>
beta_reports_active => Bool
healthkit => Bool
ubiquity_container_identifiers => Array<String>
ubiquity_kvstore_identifier => String
There's plenty of room for improvement, including:
- Additional filters
- Parsing of additional entitlement keys
Don't hesitate to contribute, either with an Issue to give ideas or additional keys that aren't parsed yet, or via a Pull Request to provide new features yourself!
This project is under the MIT license. See LICENSE
file for more details.