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Pinterest API + Ruby!
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Ruby Pinterest

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Use the Pinterest API with Rails!

List, Get, Create, Update and Delete Pins, Boards, and Board Sections with Rails Pinterest API

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "rails-pinterest"

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Gem install

Or install with:

$ gem install rails-pinterest

and require with:

require "pinterest"


  • Get your API access from https://developers.pinterest.com/apps/
  • After creating an app, click into the app to generate an access token
  • Or for automated refreshing of tokens check out this guide (this is done in your own app and is unavailable on the API)


For a quick test you can pass your token directly to a new client:

client = Pinterest::Client.new(access_token: "pina_access_token_goes_here")

With Config

For a more robust setup, you can configure the gem with your API keys, for example in an pinterest.rb initializer file. Never hardcode secrets into your codebase - instead use something like dotenv to pass the keys safely into your environments.

Pinterest.configure do |config|
    config.access_token = ENV.fetch("PINTEREST_ACCESS_TOKEN")

If you use Rails 7, you would probably store your key in credentials.yml, then you can do something like this:

Pinterest.configure do |config|
    config.access_token = Rails.application.credentials[Rails.env.to_sym].dig(:pinterest, :api_key)

Then you can create a client like this:

client = Pinterest::Client.new

You can still override the config defaults when making new clients; any options not included will fall back to any global config set with Pinterest.configure. e.g. in this example the uri_base, request_timeout, etc. will fallback to any set globally using Pinterest.configure, with only the access_token overridden:

client = Pinterest::Client.new(access_token: "access_token_goes_here")

Custom timeout or base URI

The default timeout for any request using this library is 120 seconds. You can change that by passing a number of seconds to the request_timeout when initializing the client. You can also change the base URI used for all requests.

client = Pinterest::Client.new(
    access_token: "access_token_goes_here",
    uri_base: "https://api.pinterest.com/",
    request_timeout: 240,
    extra_headers: {
      "accept" => "application/json",
      "content-type": "application/json",

or when configuring the gem:

Pinterest.configure do |config|
    config.access_token = ENV.fetch("PINTEREST_ACCESS_TOKEN") # Or Rails.application.credentials[Rails.env.to_sym].dig(:pinterest, :api_key) for Rails 7
    config.uri_base = "https://api.pinterest.com/",
    config.request_timeout = 240 # Optional
    config.extra_headers = {
      "accept" => "application/json",
      "content-type": "application/json",
    } # Optional

Running in Console

Easily run tests in console with bin/console

# Examples

# Getting a board
client = Pinterest::Client.new(access_token: "your-access-token-here")
response = client.boards.get_boards

puts response
# => {"items"=>[{"description"=>"", "owner"=>{"username"=>"otakuweebcloset"}, "pin_count"=>18, "created_at"=>"2023-04-29T02:51:52", "name"=>"Studio Ghibli", "follower_count"=>38, "id"=>"996421554995231927", "privacy"=>"PUBLIC", "collaborator_count"=>1, "media"=>{"pin_thumbnail_urls"=>["https://i.pinimg.com/150x150/d2/62/89/d26289f4b7a6e416fad950d2852c4efd.jpg", "https://i.pinimg.com/150x150/d3/e5/56/d3e556ee6420375d1569b8bf4ed601d3.jpg", "https://i.pinimg.com/150x150/fc/76/6c/fc766c458b76bc4086c2f0a1516d8a72.jpg", "https://i.pinimg.com/150x150/83/8f/0b/838f0b7c5ede1b463c5308c82d36670f.jpg", "https://i.pinimg.com/150x150/b9/31/e9/b931e904ca48b2efcfc2b80fe8b3667e.jpg"], "image_cover_url"=>"https://i.pinimg.com/400x300/8b/32/30/8b3230e318f9ed950b6da24a727d4895.jpg"}, "board_pins_modified_at"=>"2023-06-20T16:00:18.116000"}], "bookmark"=>nil}

# Getting a pin
client.pins.get_pin(id: 996421486285872538)
# =>  {"board_owner"=>{"username"=>"otakuweebcloset"}, "created_at"=>"2023-05-03T04:45:05", "creative_type"=>"REGULAR",....

# Getting a list of board pins
client.boards.get_board_pins(id: 996421554995231927)
# => {"items"=>[{"description"=>"The full mystery is revealed in our....


How to do simple get and post with boards

# https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/api/v5/

# GET list of boards

response = client.boards.get_boards

# POST to create a board
parameters = {
    :name=>"give it some name", 
    :description=>"and a description"
response = client.pins.create_board(parameters: parameters)


How to do simple get and post with pins

# https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/api/v5/

# GET list of pins

response = client.pins.get_pin(id: 996421486285872538)

# POST to create a pin
parameters = {
        source_type: "image_url",
        url: "https://imagifyr.com/assets/home_logo-a52a3541ab2751e842ac524a7e20e85218d26732face6731494b87c32712eace.png",
response = client.pins.create_pin(parameters: parameters)


How to get exchange your authorization code for an access token (step 3)

# https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/getting-started/authentication/

# POST /oauth/tokens to exchange authorization code for access token

# 1. Build the client
client = Pinterest::Client.new(access_token: "fake-token-because-you-dont-have-this-yet", client_id: "client-id" , secret_key: "secret-key")

# 2. Build parameters
parameters = {
  'grant_type'    => 'authorization_code', # Required from Pinterest
  'code'          => params[:code].to_s, # Replace with the actual authorization code
  'redirect_uri'  => "your-redirect-uri"

# 3. Get the access token
response = client.oauth.retrieve_oauth_token(parameters: parameters)
puts response
# { "access_token": "{an access token string prefixed with 'pina'}", "refresh_token": "{a refresh token string prefixed with 'pinr'}", "response_type": "authorization_code", ..

How to refresh your access tokens

# https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/api/v5/#tag/oauth

# POST /oauth/tokens to refresh tokens
parameters = {
    refresh_token: "your-refresh-token-goes-here", 
    grant_type: 'refresh_token' # Keep it as 'refresh_token' as per Pinterest API requirements
    scope: 'whatever-new-scopes-desired' #optional
response = client.oauth.retrieve_oauth_token(parameters: parameters)
puts response
# { "response_type": "refresh_token", "access_token": "string", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 0, "scope": "string" }

Running the Oauth Refresh Token in Console

# https://developers.pinterest.com/docs/api/v5/#tag/oauth

# 1. Create the client
client = Pinterest::Client.new(refresh_token: "your-refresh-token", access_token: "can-be-any-fake-or-real-token", client_id: 'client-id-or-app-id' , secret_key: "secret-key")

# 2. Set up the params
parameters = {
    refresh_token: "your-refresh-token-goes-here", 
    grant_type: 'refresh_token' # Keep it as 'refresh_token' as per Pinterest API requirements
    scope: 'whatever-new-scopes-desired' #optional

# 3. Retrieve refreshed access_token
response = client.oauth.retrieve_oauth_token(parameters: parameters)
puts response
# { "response_type": "refresh_token", "access_token": "string", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 0, "scope": "string" }

NOTE: This is likely how you'll be doing it if you manage multiple Pinterest Apps for users in your web/mobile app. Because you'll have multiple access_tokens and refresh_tokens, you can't have this in an .env configuration. You'll likely create new clients every time you refresh with your users' or customers' saved access/refresh_tokens.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. You can run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.


Update the version number in version.rb, update CHANGELOG.md, run bundle install to update Gemfile.lock, delete previous rails-pinterest-{number}.gem, run gem build rails-pinterest.gemspec, commit the changes,and then run sudo bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org by gem push rails-pinterest-{number}.gem.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/royalgiant/rails-pinterest. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Ruby Pinterest project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


Project heavily influenced by https://github.com/alexrudall/ruby-openai. Great project, go give them a star!

Where Is Rails-Pinterest Used?

Currently used by Imagifyr to allow creators to schedule their content. SEO Optimized with AI.