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Static asset packager and compressor with versioning and built-in view helpers. Compresses files only when they need compressing.


~> 2.0.10
~> 1.0.0
~> 1.5.2
~> 0.8.7
~> 1.3.1
~> 0.6.4
 Project Readme


Static asset packager and compressor with versioning and built-in view helpers. Easy to configure, easy to use, and easy to ignore when you want to. No crazy JavaScript comment DSLs, either.

Merb and Sinatra view helpers are coming soon, as well as pluggable compression backends (YUI Compressor, Google Closure Compiler, etc.) rapper currently only includes YUI Compressor.

Packaging assets without wanting to claw your eyes out

  1. Create a config file and one or more asset type definition files.

  2. Load rapper with the config path and current environment:

     engine = "config/assets.yml", "development" )
  3. Then package the assets:

  4. That's it. Stop fussing with ridiculous asset packagers that want you to spend an hour shuffling files around for them.

Rapper configuration

Rapper is configured using a YAML file that defines the settings to be used in various server environments. Example:

base: &base
  definition_root: config/assets
  tag_style: html   # optional, ["html", "xhtml", "html5"], default: html5

  <<: *base
  bundle: false     # optional, default: true
  compress: false   # optional, default: true
  version: false    # optional, default: true
  log: stdout       # optional, ["stdout", file path], default: off
  log_verbose: true # optional, default: off

  <<: *base
  bundle: true
  compress: true
  version: true
  # optional, passed to YUI Compressor
    line_break: 2000           # default: 2000
    munge: false               # default: false
    optimize: true             # default: true
    preserve_semicolons: false # default: false

The only required setting is definition_root. (Of course, you'll still need definition files to define the asset packages that you want build. More on that below.)

Rapper definitions

The definition_root setting in the rapper config is a path to a folder containing more YAML files that define the various types of bundles you want to build (eg. stylesheets.yml, javascripts.yml). For example, JavaScripts:

--- !omap
- root: public/javascripts
- destination_root: public/assets # optional, default: root + "/assets"
- component_tag_root: /javascripts
- asset_tag_root: /javascripts/assets
- suffix: js
- assets: !omap
    - base: !omap
        - files: 
          - mootools
        - version: 7b06
    - stats: !omap
        - files: 
          - protovis
          - ext_js_full
        - version: db62

The above definition will create two asset files: public/assets/base.js and public/assets/stats.js from the component files in public/javascripts (in this case: public/javascripts/protovis.js and public/javascripts/ext_js_full.js).

Note: Definition files are YAML ordered mapping documents. This is so that version updates (which involves rapper updating the version numbers and writing out the updated definition as YAML) don't change the order of the file. This is especially useful when using git and merging branches because it prevents nasty merge conflicts.

Combining bundles

Rapper allows you to combine bundles by referring to the other bundle with a "+" prefix in the files list:

- assets: !omap
    - base: !omap
        - files: 
          - mootools
        - version: 7b06
    - extras: !omap
        - files: 
          - mootools-more
          - protovis
        - version: 25c1
    - full: !omap
        - files: 
          - +base
          - +extras
        - version: db62

View helpers

Rapper provides helper methods to generate HTML include tags for your assets in the Rapper::ViewHelpers module. Simply include it in the appropriate place for your web app / framework / widget / spaceship / row boat / whatever. It's automaticallly included for Merb because Merb people are notoriously lazy.

Rapper's view helpers respect your bundle setting. If it is true, a singe include tag for the joined asset will be returned. If bundling is false, it will return include tags for every component file of the asset (as a single string).

Rapper provides helper methods for each definition type. For instance, if you have "javascripts.yml" and "stylesheets.yml" definition files, Rapper will provide include_javascripts and include_stylesheets helper methods. Just pass the name of the asset to the helper method as a symbol and the correct HTML will be returned:

include_stylesheets :mootools
# <script src="/javascripts/assets/mootools.js"></script>


Version strings are short hashes of the before-compression asset file. This means that they will only change when the contents of the component files for an asset change and time-consuming compression will only happen when a bundle needs to be re-packaged.

Version strings are also used to enforce good browser caching habits, especially when you have a far-future expires header configured on your web server. For example, suppose you had the following asset:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/milkshake.js?v=d3va"></script>

When the contents of the asset change, the version will change in the query string:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/assets/milkshake.js?v=ae51"></script>

Browsers will automatically re-download and cache the new asset.

Rake tasks

Rapper includes Rake tasks for packaging assets. Set this up in your Rakefile: do |config|
  config[:path] = "config/assets.yml"
  config[:env] = "production"

Default namespace is rapper. The namespace can be changed as the first param: :assets do ...

Both config options are required.


Rapper's got a Gemfile. You know what to do.

bundle install --path vendor
bundle exec rake spec


  • Watch for CoffeeScript changes and automatically compile
  • Watch for Sass changes and automatically compile
  • Per-asset configuration overrides
  • Auto-setup Sinatra helpers (?)
  • Auto-setup Rails helpers (?)

Version history

  • 0.5.1 - Remove rake DSL deprecation warnings.
  • 0.5.0 - Added ability to nest bundles.
  • 0.4.0 - Switching to YUI Compressor for JavaScript compression due to its better handling of local variable compressing in scopes with eval() usage (I'm looking at you, ExtJS). Adding component_tag_root and asset_tag_root options to allow better control over URLs.
  • 0.3.0 - Remove hard Closure Compiler dependency (it will still need to be installed to compress JS), shorter view helper method names.
  • 0.2.4 - Add tag_paths() to get all file paths for a given asset.
  • 0.2.2 - Change tag_root behavior to not add .../assets path suffix when a destination_root is defined.
  • 0.2.1 - Add tag_files() to get all file paths for a given asset.
  • 0.2.0 - Custom asset destination roots, fix Rake task.
  • 0.1.1 - Rake tasks.
  • 0.1.0 - View helpers.
  • 0.0.3 - New Definition object to make working with definitions significantly easier, don't re-package assets that don't need re-packaging.
  • 0.0.2 - Compression now works and is specced.
  • 0.0.1 - Initial release. Functioning bundler, minus the view helpers.

Contributing to rapper

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
  • Fork the project
  • Start a feature/bugfix branch
  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.


Copyright (c) 2011 Tyson Tate. See LICENSE.txt for further details.