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Ruby_git_hooks is a library to allow easy writing and installing of git hooks in Ruby. It abstracts away the differences between different hook interfaces and supplies implementations of some common Git hooks. It allows overriding "git clone" to automatically install your prefered hooks.


~> 1.3
>= 0
>= 0


 Project Readme


RubyGitHooks sets up a reasonable development environment for git hooks.

Git, by default, gives you information that doesn't instantly map to what you want. A pre-receive hook, for instance, doesn't just give you the content that's being received. You have to extract the content by running git commands. If you want to write a pre-receive hook that can also be used pre-commit, you have to do a fair bit of wrapping.

RubyGitHooks does that extracting and wrapping for your convenience.


To use with a single Ruby installation:

gem install ruby_git_hooks

Remember that ruby_git_hooks is invoked by Git -- it won't normally run with Bundler. Not only do you not need to add it to your Gemfile, it probably won't help. So make sure ruby_git_hooks is installed for every Ruby you use day-to-day from the command line.

To use with Pivotal Tracker:

Setup the Pivotal API token with git:

git config pivotal.token {your-pivotal-tracker-token}

Verify that config parameter is correct:

git config --get pivotal.token

Writing Hook Scripts

Your new hook script should have a Ruby shebang line (see below). You can use the included hooks or define your own.

The hook should be copied or symlinked to the appropriate location, of the form ".git/hooks/hook-name".

Here's an example: a pre-receive hook that uses the shebang line to require ruby_git_hooks/case_clash, then runs it.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Put this file in .git/hooks/pre-receive and make it executable!
require "ruby_git_hooks/case_clash"

RubyGitHooks.run CaseClashHook.new

Multiple Git Hooks, One RubyGitHook

You can put a single hook script in and symlink it from one or more git-hook locations:

> cp my_hook.rb .git/hooks/
> chmod +x .git/hooks/my_hook.rb
> ln -s .git/hooks/my_hook.rb .git/hooks/pre-commit
> ln -s .git/hooks/my_hook.rb .git/hooks/pre-receive

Use this when the hook is meaningful in more than one situation. Watch out! You don't want four or five of the same email notification.

Multiple Hooks and RubyGitHooks.register

You can call register on multiple hooks and then run them:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Put in .git/hooks/post-receive and make it executable!
require "ruby_git_hooks/case_clash"
require "ruby_git_hooks/copyright_check"

RubyGitHooks.register CaseClashHook.new
RubyGitHooks.register CopyrightCheck.new "domain" => "my_company.com",
       "from" => "MyCo Inc. Copyright Reminders",
       "via" => {
                  :address => "smtp.my_company.com",
                  :domain => "my_company.com"

RubyGitHooks.run  # Run both

Run By Git Hook Type

You can have a single RubyGitHook file and symlink it to all supported git hooks. But then you probably don't want every RubyGitHook to run for each type of git hook -- your pre-commit and post-commit hooks may be different, for instance.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Put in .git/hooks/post-receive and make it executable!
require "ruby_git_hooks/case_clash"
require "ruby_git_hooks/copyright_check"

if RubyGitHooks.current_hook =~ /pre-/
  RubyGitHooks.run CaseClashHook.new

if RubyGitHooks.current_hook =~ /post-/
  RubyGitHooks.run CopyrightCheck.new "domain" => "my_company.com",
       "from" => "MyCo Inc. Copyright Reminders",
       "via" => {
                  :address => "smtp.my_company.com",
                  :domain => "my_company.com"

New Hook Types

You can declare a new hook type in your file if you like:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "ruby_git_hooks"

class TestHook < RubyGitHooks::Hook
  def check
    fnords = file_contents.values.any? { |v| v.include?("fnord") }

    puts "You may not check in the Fnords!" if fnords


RubyGitHooks.run TestHook.new

New Hooks on Clone

It's annoying that you don't automatically get hooks when you clone a new repo. Often you want the same (or many of the same) hooks everywhere -- don't allow incomplete merges to be re-committed, for instance, or don't accept commit messages with non-ASCII characters.

Those preferences are specific to you, but not specific to the repo. Clearly you should have a personal ~/.git_hooks directory containing your preferred hooks, which are then copied into each new repo you clone. Ruby_git_hooks does exactly that, but the commane is "git hclone" instead of "git clone" unless you override it.

You can also call "git add-hooks" to refresh the project's hooks from your ~/.git_hooks directory, in case your hooks have changed or files may have been corrupted. This also works if you cloned without hooks or otherwise have an existing repository without your hooks.

Using .bashrc to Override Git Clone

To override "git clone" itself, you'll need a hack to your .bashrc The hack below allows you to add an executable like "git-clone" to your path and have it be used in preference to the regular git-clone in git --exec-path.

You can also skip this hack and always use "git hclone" instead of "git clone" if you want hooks installed.

# NOTE: Stolen from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2500586/setting-git-default-flags-on-commands
# Git supports aliases defined in .gitconfig, but you cannot override Git
# builtins (e.g. "git log") by putting an executable "git-log" somewhere in the
# PATH. Also, git aliases are case-insensitive, but case can be useful to create
# a negated command (gf = grep --files-with-matches; gF = grep
# --files-without-match). As a workaround, translate "X" to "-x". 
    typeset -r gitAlias="git-$1"
    if 'which' "$gitAlias" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        "$gitAlias" "$@"
    elif [[ "$1" =~ [A-Z] ]]; then
        # Translate "X" to "-x" to enable aliases with uppercase letters.
        translatedAlias=$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/[A-Z]/-\l\0/g')
        "$(which git)" "$translatedAlias" "$@"
        "$(which git)" "$@"

Using RubyGitHooks with RVM

To install ruby_git_hooks on RVM in all Rubies and gemsets:

rvm all do bash -l -c "rvm use @global && gem install ruby_git_hooks"

If you install a new Ruby then you'll need to install ruby_git_hooks in its global gemset as well. Also, you'll need to install any gems that your own personal hooks use, also in all gemsets.

If you don't want to do that, you'll need to create an rvm wrapper and use it for the shebang line -- see below.

If you're using Git 1.7.X rather than 1.8.X, Git will prepend /usr/bin to your path before running your hook -- you'll probably get the system Ruby by accident instead of the one you want. You can upgrade to Git 1.8.X, or create an rvm wrapper and use that.

To create an rvm wrapper:

rvm wrapper 1.9.3 githooks ruby

You can give your own Ruby version instead of 1.9.3, and an optional gemset if you want the git hooks to use one. Then see "Using RubyGitHooks with a Custom Shebang Line" below.

Using RubyGitHooks with a Custom Shebang Line

If you don't want to use your current Ruby (with Git 1.8.X) or system Ruby (with Git 1.7.X), you'll need to set the shebang line for your hooks to the appropriate interpreter.

If you're creating your own hook files, it's clear how to do this.

But for RubyGitHooks' unit tests and generated hooks, you'll need to tell it what shebang line to use.

Set it as an environment variable:

> export RUBYGITHOOKS_SHEBANG='#!/usr/bin/env /home/UserName/.rvm/bin/githooks_ruby'

You need this set when generating hook scripts or running the unit tests of RubyGitHooks itself, but not later when using the hooks.

You need the /usr/bin/env in it because your wrapper is a shellscript, and a shebang can't point to another shellscript on most systems.

API and Hook Documentation

Documentation of individual hooks can be found in the YARD docs:

gem install yard redcarpet
# Now open doc/_index.html in a browser of your choice


This library is tested primarily on Mac OS X with Git 1.8.X, RVM and Ruby 1.9.X.

It should be compatible with Git 1.7.X, Ruby 2.0.X and other Unix-like systems.

It is not expected to work on Ruby 1.8.X. Please upgrade.

It is not expected to work on Windows systems. We would accept patches to help fix this, but I don't know how reasonable it will be. Git on Windows is often problematic.

It should be usable on non-RVM systems, including those using other Ruby version managers like rbenv.


Running our tests

For now, to run the tests you need to be sure to have the latest code actually installed.

  • gem build ruby_git_hooks.gemspec
  • gem install ruby_git_hooks-0.0.34.gem (but use your real file name)
  • rake test

It Says It's Not Installed

Sometimes you can get an error saying that ruby_git_hooks isn't installed when you try a git operation.

Simple stuff to try:

  • Reinstall ruby_git_hooks in all RVM Rubies (see INSTALLATION) and the system Ruby, if any.

  • Upgrade Git to 1.8.2 or higher.

  • If you don't use /usr/bin/ruby, move it to /usr/bin/old_ruby so it doesn't get in the way. Your system Ruby is probably ancient Ruby 1.8.7 and everything sane uses 1.9.2 or higher.

Obvious problems:

  • Not installed. Fix this for the Ruby or gemset that git runs.

  • Running in a wrong/unexpected Ruby. Often this is /usr/bin/ruby, the system Ruby and/or Ruby 1.8.7. You can move the bad Ruby out of the way. Or you can install ruby_git_hooks into it. Or you can adjust paths, shebang lines and environment variables to make git run the right Ruby. Note that Git 1.7 adds /usr/bin to the front of your path so you may get an expected Ruby. Git 1.8 does not. Consider upgrading.

  • Running in Bundler without meaning to. If your hook's shebang includes or can run Bundler and you're using a Gemfile without ruby_git_hooks then it's basically not installed. Usually the right answer is "don't run Bundler for your git hooks." Otherwise you'll have to add ruby_git_hooks to your Gemfile and/or add a new Gemfile to .git/hooks.

Ruby 1.8.7

We specifically do not test on Ruby 1.8.7.

We don't try to sabotage it, but it's not on our radar.

There's a good chance that ruby_git_hooks doesn't work on 1.8.7 at any given time. This won't change. Ruby 1.8.7 is ancient and as of June 2013 will no longer even receive security fixes. Please upgrade. Seriously, it's time.

We do support systems like Macs with 1.8.7 as /usr/bin/ruby. But you may need a custom shebang line with an rvm wrapper.

Git 1.7

Git 1.7 has had some problems, and may have more. Specifically:

  • Git 1.7 does not set up parent-branch tracking by default, and some of our unit tests may require that.
  • Git 1.7 prepends /usr/bin to the path when running hooks (see above).

We make a best effort to support it, but 1.8 is a smoother experience.

Contributing to RubyGitHooks

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

License and Copying

Ruby Git Hooks is released under the MIT License by OL2, Inc. Please see the file LICENSE.txt for a copy of this license.