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Provides Rake tasks to manage gem hosting on AWS S3 without the need for a separate gem server. This is especially useful for hosting private gems.


~> 1.64
>= 0
 Project Readme

S3 Gem Host Build Status

This gem provides rake tasks for publishing and managing Ruby gems hosted on Amazon S3.


Add this gem to your gem's Gemfile:

# Gemfile
gem 's3_gem_host'

Require bundler/gem_tasks (recommended) and this gem in your Rakefile

# Rakefile

require 'bundler/gem_tasks' # Recommended
require 's3_gem_host'

Run rake -T and you should see this Gem's tasks available for use.

➜ rake -T
rake build                      # Build your-gem-x.x.x.gem into the pkg directory
rake clean                      # Remove any temporary products
rake clobber                    # Remove any generated files
rake install                    # Build and install your-gem-x.x.x.gem into system gems
rake install:local              # Build and install your-gem-x.x.x.gem into system gems without network access
rake release[remote]            # Create tag vx.x.x and build and push your-gem-x.x.x.gem to rubygems.org
rake s3_gem_host:push           # Publish a newly built gem version to S3
rake s3_gem_host:yank[version]  # Remove a previously published gem version from S3
rake spec                       # Run RSpec code examples


Set the following environment variables (such as when using this gem in your CI/CD pipeline):

  • S3_GEM_HOST_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The AWS Access Key ID to use to write to your S3 bucket
  • S3_GEM_HOST_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The AWS Secret Access Key to use to write to your S3 bucket
  • S3_GEM_HOST_BUCKET: The S3 bucket where you want to host your gems. This must be an existing S3 bucket. You should create a new S3 bucket for hosting your gems. Multiple gems may be hosted in the same bucket.
  • S3_GEM_HOST_AWS_REGION: The AWS region where your S3 bucket is hosted; defaults to 'us-east-1'


  1. Create an S3 bucket to be your "gem server".
  • Each gem you publish will maintain its own source via a root directory in this bucket.
  1. You will need to provide https access to your S3 bucket to use it as a Bundler gem source as Bundler does not support S3 sources natively. An easy way is to use a CloudFront distribution, which you can secure via http basic auth using a Lambda Function. See Wiki for instructions.

  2. Your gem publishing pipleline should look something like this:

    1. bundle exec rake release:guard_clean # from bundler/gem_tasks: check for any uncommitted files
    2. bundle exec rake build # from bundler/gem_tasks: build your new gem file
    3. bundle exec rake release:source_control_push # from bundler/gem_tasks: tag and push the new version to source control
    4. bundle exec rake s3_gem_host:push # from this gem: push your gem to S3
    • You will receive an error if you are missing any of the required ENV variables - see Configuration
  3. Use your gem via the source option. The root directory of the source is your gem name, i.e.

# Gemfile

gem 'your-private-gem', source: 'https://username:password@yours3bucket/your-private-gem'

Yanking a Gem

You can unpublish a gem from S3 using the s3_gem_host:yank Rake task. For example:

  • bundle exec rake s3_gem_host:yank[2.10.1] will remove your gem version 2.10.1 from the S3 bucket and associated index.

How it works

  1. The rake task s3_gem_host:push pulls down the current contents of your S3 bucket into a cache dir, starting at /{gem_name}
  2. Your newly built gem is copied into the cache dir
  3. An index is created using the gem generate_index command
  4. All files are pushed back up to S3

Using your S3 Gem Host

See the Wiki.