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SmartImage provides a cross-platform solution for image compositing that works on both MRI and JRuby. If using RMagick feels like swatting a fly with a nucler missile, and ImageScience just doesn't get you there, SmartImage is hopefully at that sweet spot in the middle


>= 1.2.9


>= 0.1.1
>= 2.12.2
 Project Readme


"It's like a Swiss Army Knife for images, but one of those tiny ones you can keep on your keychain"

SmartImage provides a cross-platform solution for image compositing that works on both MRI and JRuby. If using RMagick feels like swatting a fly with a nuclear missile, and ImageScience just doesn't get you there, SmartImage is hopefully at that sweet spot in the middle.

The functionality available in the current version is somewhat limited, but should be added easily in the future thanks to a focus on modularity and a clear codebase free of lots of platformisms that normally hinder portability.

The goal of SmartImage is to support the most common image compositing tasks in a Ruby-like API while not becoming bloated and huge like RMagick, and also remaining portable across multiple Ruby implementations, including JRuby.


SmartImage works by implementing a platform-specific SmartImage::Canvas class that encompasses all of the low level image manipulation primitives. Two such canvases are currently available:

  • SmartImage::RMagickCanvas: a canvas backend based on the RMagick gem
  • SmartImage::JavaCanvas: a canvas backend based on Java AWT/Graphics2D APIs

Can it create thumbnails for my Ruby on Rails-based web application?

Yes, SmartImage CAN create thumbnails for your Ruby on Rails-based web application! And it can do it in the most cross-platform manner imaginable! If you are looking for a thumbnail solution that will allow you to safely migrate your web application to JRuby in the future, look no further than SmartImage.

To use SmartImage in your Rails application, simply add the following to config/environment.rb:

config.gem 'smartimage'

(there is an appropriate place to put this line, BTW. The exact location is left as an exercise to the reader)

You can also

 $ gem install smartimage # now use it like 
 >> require 'rubygems'
 >> require 'smartimage'

That's it! Now wherever you would like to generate thumbnails, use the following:

  :width  => 69,
  :height => 42

This will generate a thumbnail which is at most 69 pixels wide (but could be smaller) and at most 42 pixels tall (but again, could be smaller). It looks at the file extension to determine the output format. We specified a .jpg so it will output a JPEG encoded image.

Why could it be smaller, you ask? Because SmartImage preserves the aspect ratio of the original image by default. SmartImage allows you to set aside space of a predetermined width/height, but will ensure images are scaled with their aspect ratio preserved.

Don't like this behavior? Want to stretch out your thumbnails all weird? Just turn it off:

  :width  => 69,
  :height => 42,
  :preserve_aspect_ratio => false

Tada! Stretched-out images! Yay!

What if I want to work with raw image data instead of files?

SmartImage provides both file-based and data-based methods for every API. All the APIs are the same, except file-based APIs have "_file" on the end.

For example, above we used the SmartImage.thumbnail_file API. However, there's also a SmartImage.thumbnail API that works on raw image data:

thumbnail = SmartImage.thumbnail image, :width => 69, 
                                        :height => 42, 
                                        :format => :jpg

This API produces a thumbnail in-memory from the given input image, also in-memory. We've requested a .jpg thumbnail, with a max width of 69 and a max height of 42.

If an image format isn't specified, the default is PNG.

Converting image types:

This is similar to the above, but like

converted_image = SmartImage.thumbnail image, :format => :jpg # default is to convert to png, available "to" types are jpg, png, gif.

What other APIs are available?

SmartImage allows you to successively manipulate an image buffer. Here's an example and below is the deconstruction:, 42) do |image|
  image.composite_file 'mongoose.jpg', :width => 115,
                                       :height => 95,
                                       :preserve_aspect_ratio => false

  image.alpha_mask_file 'mask.png'
  image.composite_file  'overlay.png'
  image.write 'output.png'

The first thing to notice is that takes a width, a height, and a block. Creating a new SmartImage makes a new image "canvas" that you can draw to. However, all the drawing must take place within the block. You can't do things with SmartImages outside the block. The block yields you a SmartImage object that you can manipulate willy nilly within the block. But after the block, it's kaput, sorry. This is because certain silly C extensions lack the ability to garbage collect memory safely and require safe allocation and deallocation of memory.

The first thing we do is composite an image file onto the buffer. Just like the SmartImage.thumbnail_file method we give it an options has with a width, height, and aspect ratio preservation options.

After that an alpha mask is applied. SmartImage supports applying alpha masks in the form of grayscale images where white is opaque and black is transparent.

After that, a glossy overlay is composited over the top of the canvas.

When it's all done, we write to an output file. We've specified 'output.png' so it will write a PNG image to the given file.

Doesn't RMagick leak memory?

It does if you use it wrong. There are experimental attempts to safely garbage collect RMagick images. However, your best bet is to work with an API which is designed so you can't leak memory, which is exactly what SmartImage provides.

SmartImage would be over 9000 times better if it...

Please fork me! I'm sure there's a whole world of better backends that SmartImage could be using on MRI-like interpreters than RMagick. Imagine a lightweight FFI wrapper to libfreeimage or something to that effect.

If there's something SmartImage doesn't do that you'd like it do to, please send me a pull request. Just keep in mind that cross-implementation consistency is a major focus of SmartImage, so if you implement a new image backend it should implement all methods of SmartImage::BaseCanvas, and if you wish to add a new method to either SmartImage or SmartImage::BaseCanvas it should work across all implementations.

Mailing List, Author Info

You can subscribe to the SmartImage mailing list by sending email to:

SmartImage was created by Tony Arcieri. You can contact him through github or follow him on Twitter at @bascule. He also frequents IRC on freenode as tarcieri.


SmartImage assumes your Ruby interpreter supports the absurdly powerful RMagick library, unless you're running JRuby, in which case it uses the absurdly powerful Java Graphics2D library and AWT.

Mongoose courtesy Wikimedia Commons