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A test harness for rspec and cucumber which allows for separating responsibility between setting up the context and interacting with the browser, and cleaning up the step definition files.



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Test Harness

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Test Harness is a testing framework which allows for clean separation of test responsibilities.


Test Harness is available as a rubygem from rubygems.org

gem install test-harness

Or add to your Gemfile: group :development, :test do gem 'test-harness' end



Using Test Harness with Cucumber and Rspec allows you to isolate and DRY both setup code (GIVEN) and your UI driver and observer (UI) from the actual tests. This allows you to focus on testing and removes the cluter of details communicating with the database (for setup), and communicating with the browser (for verification).

Test Harness will autoload the files in /given and /ui folders, where it expects specific patterns for filenames and defined classes as discussed below.

Cucumber DSL Example

1. features/some_test.feature

Feature steps should be abstract at a level high enough for customer or product manager to easily understand.

Feature: Login feature
Scenario: Login
  Given a user
  When I submit valid credentials
  Then I am logged in

2. features/step_definitions/login_step.rb

Step definition should also be at a high level void of most details, and easy to follow for the developer. It is best to keep each step to few lines of code (3 is a good max). Notice the syntax of the assertions 'should be_something.

Test Harness provides four objects that you can use in a step definition, three of them you can use here (given, uid, uiv), and hopefully the fourth one (mm - for Mental Model) you only need to use within the test harness artifacts.

Given /^a user$/ do

When /^I submit valid credentials$/ do

Then /^I am logged in$/ do
  uiv.login_form.should be_logged_in

3. test_harness/given/login.rb

The given/ folder holds the objects which performs the setup for the test. It is preferred that you assign a single responsibility for each file to make it easy to follow and understand.

Notice that the file name is significant in this folder where the file name is used to autoload a class of the camlized format (file_name looks for class FileName)

Mental Model

The mm object is visible through out the test components, and is used to hold objects needed during the test. Typically, the given drive sets up the database or any other required setup, and assigns needed objects into the Mental Model mm object. Since the mm object is an OpenStruct, you can freely add any new attributes by simply assigning them values. (e.g., mm.whatever = WhatEver.create 'somethng', 'or', 'another')

The mm.subject is a special attribute of the Mental Model (mm). It's attribute (e.g., id) are used to build the (url's) path of the component under test. You can assign

class TestHarness
  class Given
    module Login
      def a_user
        mm.subject = User.create("my@email.com", "password")

4. test_harness/ui/login_form.rb

The UI drivers are used to communicate with the browser. The UID (UI Driver) is used for driving the browser (Do the clicking) and the UIV (UI View) driver does the inspection (Do the looking). This separation of responsibilities makes it easier to figure out where to expect code.

Notice that the file name is significant in this folder where the file name is used to autoload a class of the camlized format (file_name looks for class FileName). The filename is further used in the step definition file to refer to this component under test.

Ideally, a single web page could be divided into multiple UI components. For example, on a login page, there is a form which could be a single component, and there could be a header which could be a separate component, and a footer would be a separate component.

I. component block

This block allows you to group constants, procs, and whatever else you might need for testing this component. You can assign any attributes to the component block which will be available in the UIDriver and UIView classes below.

The path, within attributes are special:

  1. path: is used by the uid#show method to construct the url that it navigates to. You have few options: a. String: component.path = 'widgets/:widget_id', TestHarness will look for :widget_id in few places as follows: * mm.subject.widget_id, * mm.subject[:widget_id] (if mm.subject is a Hash) * mm.widget_id, * mm.widget.id

    b. Proc: component.path = lambda {|mm| 'widges/are/%s' % mm.whatever}

  2. within: is used to limit the search for any CSS elements to the children of this css identifier.

II. UIView block

UIView objects Do the looking. Use this block to define methods used by the uiv object in the step definitions. These typically respond with a true/false for a should assertion (e.g., uiv.login_form.should be_logged_in, will corropsond to method UIView#logged_in? in the ui/login_form.rb)

III. UIDriver block

UIDriver objects Do the clicking. Use this block to define methods used by the uid object in the step definitions. These typically are verbs which perfom actions in the browser.

require "ui_component"
class TestHarness
  class LoginForm < TestHarness::UIComponent
    component do |c|
      c.path = '/login'
      c.within = 'form'
      c.username = 'username'
      c.password = 'password'
      c.submit = 'input[name=commit]'

    class UIView
      def logged_in?
        browser.current_url == index_url # check truth about being logged in

    class UIDriver
      def submit_valid_credentials
        fill_in component.username, :with => mm.subject.username
        fill_in component.password, :with => mm.subject.password

      def submit
        find(:css, component.submit).click

Cucumber Setup

In the feature/support/setup_test_harness.rb

require 'thwait'
require 'test_harness'
require 'spec/factories'  # if you use factories

autoload_path: Allows you to set the path where test_harness files are found. Putting them in the Rails.root/app folder proves problematic as they get autoloaded in production. However, depending on how you setup you Gemfile, the test-harness gem might be excluded, and the server will fail to load. Defaults to 'test_harness'.

namespace: Sets the class namespace for your test_harness files. Specify this as a string, not a constant. Defaults to 'TestHarness'.

TestHarness.configure do |c|
  c.browser = Capybara
  c.autoload_path = Rails.root.join('test_harness')
  c.namespace = 'MyHarness'


Capybara.server_port = 33399
Capybara.run_server = false
Capybara.default_host = 'http://localhost'

# This is supposed to allow Selenium to wait until ajax requests are finished
Before do
  page.driver.options[:resynchronize] = true

@rack_server_pid = fork do

at_exit do
  Process.kill(9, @rack_server_pid)

Contributing to test_harness

Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet. Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it. Fork the project. Start a feature/bugfix branch. Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution. Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.


Copyright (c) 2012 Maher Hawash. See LICENSE.txt for further details.