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Time Tracking for Hackers.


~> 5.8
~> 0.10
~> 0.12


 Project Readme


Timr is a time tracking tool for the Command-line, written in Ruby. You can track your time spent for a specific project. I know, there are (too) many time tracking tools and such blabla you can use. The main focus of this tool is to use it on the Command-line and make automatic reports. I love the Command-line, so I want the terminal to handle as much as possible. I don't want programms with fancy UIs. Text-based is good enough. All data are stored in YAML files. So editing can also be done by using your favorite editor.


You can either install Timr via or from source.

Install via

The preferred method of installation is via

gem install timr

Install from Source

  1. Clone git clone && cd timr.
  2. Run ./bin/ This creates the timr gem local and installs it.

Get Started

The simplest thing you can do after installation is start a new Task:

$ timr start

And after some time you probably want to stop:

$ timr stop

To show the current status:

$ timr status


A Task can have a name, a description, an estimation and many more. A Task can have multiple Tracks. One Track can have only one Task as parent. So a Task represents a collection of Tracks.


A Track is atomic. It's the smallest time unit. This is where the time comes from. It's a time span presented by a begin date time and end date time. All date times are stored as UTC and converted temporary to your local timezone.


The Stack holds Tracks. If you know Git Stashing it's very similar. Just for Tracks. The most recent Track is sometimes called the Top Track. It's either the current running Track or on pause the latest ran Track.

When first starting a new Task, a new Track will be created and pushed to the Stack. When running the Stop command this Task will be removed from the Stack.

You can push another Track to the Stack by running the Push command. It is like the Start command but without removing the previous Track from the Stack. The Push and Pop command is helpful when you need to work temporary on another Task. When running the Pop command the Top Track will be stopped and removed from the Stack. Further, the next Track on the Stack will continue immediately.


It's recommended to put each client in a separate directory.


Use -C to change the directory in which Timr should operate:

timr -C "$HOME/.timr/client1"




See timr <command> --help to read details about a specific command, or timr help <command> to open the man page for this command.

The man pages are also available online:

Start Command

The Start command always removes all Tracks from the Stack. If there is another current running Task this Task will be stopped and removed from the Stack.

timr start [<options>] [<task_id> [<track_id>]]

See more informations on the timr-start(1) man page.

Stop Command

Stopps the current running Track and removes it from the Stack.

timr stop [<options>]

See more informations on the timr-stop(1) man page.

Pause Command

Pause the current running Track.

timr pause [<options>]

See more informations on the timr-pause(1) man page.

Continue Command

Continue the previous paused Track. When a Track will be continued (or restarted) it's actual a copy using the same message.

timr continue [<options>]

See more informations on the timr-continue(1) man page.

Push Command

Sometimes you need to work on a Task only temporary. You want to track the time for this as well. For example fixing a bug. When you fixed the bug you want to continue your actual work. Here comes timr push and timr pop into the game. It modifies the Stack. When you push a new Task the below Task will be paused. On pop the Top Task will be stopped and the next below will continue.

timr push [<options>] [<task_id> [<track_id>]]

See more informations on the timr-push(1) man page.

Pop Command

Stop and pop the current running Track from the Stack.

timr pop [<options>]

See more informations on the timr-pop(1) man page.

Status Command

Print the current Stack status.

timr status [<options>]

See more informations on the timr-status(1) man page.

Log Command

Show recent Tracks.

timr log [<options>]

See more informations on the timr-log(1) man page.

Task Command

Show, add, edit, or remove a Task.

timr task <subcommand> [<options>] [<task_id>]

See more informations on the timr-task(1) man page.

Track Command

Show, add, edit, move, or remove a Track.

timr track <subcommand> [<options>] [<track_id>]

See more informations on the timr-track(1) man page.

Report Command

Export Tasks and Tracks.

timr report [<options>]

See more informations on the timr-report(1) man page.

Reset Command

Remove current running Track.

timr reset [<options>]

See more informations on the timr-reset(1) man page.

Workflow Example

Here is an example as shell commands how your workflow could look like while using Timr.

Before starting to work on a Task:

timr start

Do your work.

After finished your Task:

timr stop

But you like to name your Task at the beginning to know on what you worked:

timr start --name 'Refactor Star Wars'

In case you need to do several things on your Task provide a more specific message:

timr start --name 'Refactor Star Wars' --message 'This is what I am going to do.'

But maybe you have not set --message on start. So you can also set it on stop:

timr stop --message 'This is what I have done.'

Bash Completion

Timr comes with a completion for Bash: bin/ file is included to the Timr gem. To get the full path to bin/ run:

echo $(timr --install-basepath)/bin/

In the following examples replace /path/to/bin/ with the output of the executed echo command.

Create a link to this file in your bash_completion.d directory. Unter Linux the path is /etc/bash_completion.d. Under macOS the path is /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d. In this example we will use the path for macOS:

ln -s /path/to/bin/ /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d

Alternatively you can direct source from your ~/.bashrc file:

if [ -f /path/to/bin/ ]; then
	source /path/to/bin/

Do not forget to remove all links when deinstalling Timr.

Project Links


See Contributing page.


Copyright (C) 2016 Christian Mayer

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see