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Quick Project Templating



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Quick project templating, with optional cli wizard support

Turple can take a custom template and use it to bootstrap projects structures you commonly use instead of copy/pasting an old project and find/replacing to make it a new project.


gem install turple

Optionally you can create a Turplefile in your home directory (~/Turplefile) and include your own custom sources, and even common template data. This will prevent you from having to define your sources everytime you create a new project.

  my_remote_source: my_github_user/turple-templates
  my_local_source: ~/Documents/turple-templates
    name: Jane Doe


I always make projects the same way. There are a bunch of tools for (supposedly) making this easier/faster, but I don't like any of them. They are either too opinionated or too limiting. This is what I like.

Turple takes any kind of template format you want, a bunch of data, and inturpleates it.

Turple is best used from a command line, but it can be used directly in ruby as well. CLI FIRST...


Turple requires a path to a template, and an optional destination. If no destination is passed, it will put everything in a turple folder in your current working directory.

Turple will scan the template, determine what data is needed to process it, and prompt you for any missing data. If you wanted to run turple without the wizard, you can put a Turplefile in your destination directory with the necessary data.

e.g. Assuming our template requires a single piece of information called foo, a Turplefile in your new project directory could look something like this.

  foo: bar


Turplefile files are yaml formatted files that provided various information to turple. Turple checks in multiple locations for a Turplefile.

  • Home Directory (~/Turplefile)
    • Define your own custom defaults... Set your sources, preferred template configuration, and even common template data (e.g.
  • Template
    • Templates require a Turplefile with a configuration (esp if different from the turple defaults) and an optional data map for use with the wizard.
  • Destination
    • This file can have preset data (good for bypassing the wizard)

Turple Templates

A turple template is simply a directory containing a Turplefile, and any amount of custom folders and files your project template needs. The Turplefile inside a template has different data than a destination file. It has instructions on how to prompt a user for data, and the configuration details on how the template is built. This example uses the default turple configuration.

Remote Template

You can easily use remote templates directly, or share other user's templates by passing turple a remote source in addition to a template name. Simply separate the source name from the template name with 2 hashes (##).

Turple uses the Sourcerer gem to download remote sources to a tmp directory, so you can use any supported Sourcerer format (including github shorthand!)

# local template
turple --template /path/to/template --destination new_project_name

# local template with shorter aliases
turple -t /path/to/template -d new_project_name

# remote template (with source and template)
turple -t brewster1134/turple_templates##javascript

# remote template (with just template)
# this requires the source be loaded in your home Turplefile
turple -t javascript

# already turple'd project
turple -t my_old_project_name -d new_project_name


A Turple template requires a Turplefile the defines the template's configuration. It can also include a data map that describes all the data a template requires.

  file_ext: turple
  path_regex: '\[([A-Z_\.]+)\]'
  path_separator: .
  content_regex: '<>([a-z_\.]+)<>'
  content_separator: .
  foo: What is the foo called?
  bar: The name of the bar.
  • configuration has some very important details. (again, these are the defaults, so if your template does not have a custom configuration, it uses these values)
    • file_ext is the file extension turple looks for to tell it there is content inside the file that needs processed
    • path_regex this is a string representing a regex match to variable names
    • path_separator this is a string representing a character(s) to seperate variables strung togehter
    • content_regex & content_separator are the same as with a path, but to match file contents rather than a path.
  • data_map is a hash that matches the same structure as the data required for a template, but instead provides the details to prompt a user in case a peice of required data is missing.
    • data_map entries will be displayed with a prompt to enter missing data. you can pose a data map entry in the form of a question, or just a description of the data.

Example Template

Say you design a template using the turple default configuration, and you create a file structure like so...

  |__ my_[FOO.BAR]_dir
  |   |
  |   |__ my_[FOO.BAZ]_file.txt.turple
  |__ Turplefile

and say your my_[FOO.BAZ]_file.txt.turple file contains the following

This <>foo.baz<> file is in the <><> folder.

With a simple Turplefile containing...

    bar: What is the foo bar?
    baz: What is the foo baz?
  • Notice how the path variables match the path_regex
  • Notice how the separator of the path variables match the path_separator
  • Notice how the content variables match the content_regex
  • Notice how the separator of the content variables match the content_separator

Now let's run Turple!

Saving to: /your/current/directory/turple
There is some missing data. You will be prompted to enter each value.
What is the foo bar?
>>> # enter your value here
What is the foo baz?
>>> # enter your value here
                              !TURPLE SUCCESS!
Turpleated `Foo Template` to a new project `turple`
Paths Turpleated: 2
   Turpleated in: 1.1ms


You can run turple directly in ruby if needed as well. This example matches the template from the above example.

require 'turple'

Turple.ate '~/Code/templates/mini_ruby_project', {
  :foo => {
    :bar => 'foobar',
    :baz => 'foobaz'
}, {
  :destination => '/path/to/your/new/project',

most notably the passing of the destination in the 3rd argument (the configuration hash)

Development & Testing

gem install yuyi
yuyi -m
bundle install
bundle exec guard