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A DSL to write visual novels games in Ruby using TyranoBuilder


~> 1.14
~> 5.10
~> 12.3
~> 3.4
~> 0.15.1
~> 0.9.12
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A DSL to write visual novels games in Ruby using TyranoBuilder.

TyranoBuilder is a good tool has many features like native web export but I don't like to click-heavy interface to write.

The goal is to provide a simple syntax you can use directly or you can build upon.

You create your TyranoBuilder project with the specific options and the library is used to modify the content without touching the other things.

The project is a WIP: I add things as I need them, if you have any issue or need something please ask me.

If you use it for a published VN, please tell me: it would make me happy and I'll add a link to it in this page.


declare_character 'Shinji', 
    'default' => 'default_stance.jpg',
    'angry' => 'angry.jpg'

declare_background 'School', 'background/school.jpg'

set_title_screen_background 'School'

start_scene 'First scene'
set_background 'School'
show_character 'Shinji', 'default', 434, 128
display_text 'Shinji', 'Hello!'
set_character_stance 'Shinji', 'angry'
display_text nil, 'Do you want to go in the eva ?'
ask_question [
                     'text' => 'Yes!',
                     'left' => 200,
                     'top' => 200,
                     'scene' => 'Second scene'
                     'text' => 'No!',
                     'left' => 200,
                     'top' => 300,
                     'scene' => 'Third scene',
                     'label' => 'a label'
start_scene 'Second scene'

How to use it

The simples use case :

  • Install TyranoBuilder
  • Create a project in it
  • Install the gem
  • Execute tyrano-dsl dsl tyrano PATH_TO_YOUR_RUBY_CODE.rb PATH_TO_YOUR_TYRANO_PROJECT in your project directory.

PATH_TO_YOUR_TYRANO_PROJECT should look like /Users/u/Library/Application\ Support/Steam/steamapps/common/TyranoBuilder/myproject/Test

If everything is OK it should update the files in your TyranoBuilder project.

You can then reopen the project in TyranoBuilder and see the changes.

If there is an error it should be displayed and the message should help you to fix the problem.

General format

tyrano-dsl import-format export-format import-path export-path

Imports formats

  • dsl the Ruby DSL, import-path must be the path to the main Ruby file
  • tyrano import from a Tyrano project, import-path must be the path to the Tyrano project

Export formats

  • dsl the Ruby DSL, export-path must be the path to the directory to export to
  • graph print the game as a graph in the console in the Graphviz format so you can visualize it
  • tyrano export the game to replace the current content of the Tyrano project, export-path must be the path to the Tyrano project
  • text print the text content of the game in the console so you can easily proofread it, in this case export-path is not used

Current vocabulary

  • Background
    • declare_background Declare a background
    • set_background Set the background
  • Characters
    • declare_character Declare a character
    • hide_character Hide a character
    • set_character_stance Change the stance of a character
    • show_character Show a character
  • Content
    • ask_question Ask a question
  • Jump & Labels
    • declare_label Declare a label
    • conditional_jump Jump to somewhere if a condition is met
    • jump Jump to somewhere
  • Variables
    • declare_variable Declare a variable
    • update_variable Update a variable
  • Misc
    • clear_messages Clear all messages
    • hide_message_window Hide the message window
    • include_file Include a file
    • show_message_window Show the message window
    • start_scene Start a new scene


declare_background Declare a background

declare_background(name, images_path)

  • name is a String representing the background's name
  • images_path is a String indicating the path to the background images
declare_background 'School', 'background/school.jpg'

set_background Set the background


  • name is a String representing the background's name
set_background 'School'


declare_character Declare a character

declare_character(name, stances)

  • name is a String representing the character's name
  • stances is a Hash{String => String} providing a list of stances with the path to their corresponding images
declare_character 'Shinji', 
    'default' => 'default_stance.jpg',
    'angry' => 'angry.jpg'

hide_character Hide a character


  • name is a String representing the character's name
hide_character 'Shinji'

set_character_stance Change the stance of a character

set_character_stance(name, stance)

  • name is a String representing the character's name
  • stance is a String defining the stance name
  • duration (optional) is an Integer defining the duration of the transition, default is 600
set_character_stance 'Shinji', 'angry'
set_character_stance 'Shinji', 'angry', 300

show_character Show a character

show_character(name, stance, left, top)

  • name is a String representing the character's name
  • stance is a String defining the stance name
  • left is an Integer defining the left position
  • top is an Integer defining the top position
show_character 'Shinji', 'default', 434, 128


ask_question Ask a question


  • possible_answers is a list of possible answers with the corresponding target
    • text is a String representing the text of the answer
    • left is an Integer defining the left position
    • top is an Integer defining the top position
    • scene is a String indicating the name of the scene to jump if the answer is selected
    • label (optional) is a String indicating the name of the label in the scene to jump if the answer is selected
ask_question [
                     'text' => 'Yes',
                     'left' => 200,
                     'top' => 200,
                     'scene' => 'Second scene'
                     'text' => 'No',
                     'left' => 200,
                     'top' => 300,
                     'scene_name' => 'Third scene',
                     'label_name' => 'a label'

Jump & Labels

declare_label Declare a label


  • name is a String representing the label's name
declare_label 'my label'

conditional_jump Jump to somewhere if a condition is met

conditional_jump(variable, operator, value, scene, label)

  • variable is a String indicating the name of the variable to be tested
  • operator is a String indicating the comparison operator to use: <, == (equal), >, != (different)
  • value is a String or a Float indicating the thing to compare the variable to, it can be a numerical value or the name of another variable
  • scene is a String indicating the name of the scene to jump to
  • label (optional) is a String indicating the name of the label in the scene to jump to
conditional_jump 'variable_1', '<', 10, 'Scene two'
conditional_jump 'variable_1', '=', 'variable_2', 'Scene two', 'Label three'

jump Jump to somewhere

jump(scene, label)

  • scene is a String indicating the name of the scene to jump to
  • label (optional) is a String indicating the name of the label in the scene to jump to
jump 'Scene two'
jump 'Scene two', 'Label three'


declare_variable Declare a variable

declare_variable(variable_name, initial_value)

  • variable_name is a String representing the variable name
  • initial_value (optional) is a Float or a String representing the variable initial value
declare_variable 'happiness', 25

update_variable Update a variable

update_variable(variable_name, operation, value)

  • variable_name is a String representing the variable name
  • operator is a String indicating the operation to apply
    • = set the variable with the value
    • += add the value to the variable
    • -= substract the value from the variable
    • *= multiply the value with the variable
    • /= divide the value with the variable
    • %= set the variable with the reminder of the division with the value
  • value is a String or a Float indicating the thing to use as a value, it can be a numerical value or the name of another variable
update_variable 'happiness', '=', 25
update_variable 'happiness', '+', 'calmness'


clear_messages Clear all messages



hide_message_window Hide the message window



include_file Include a file


  • name is a file_name representing the file to include
include_file 'other_scene.rb'

show_message_window Show the message window



start_scene Start a new scene


  • name is a String representing the scene's name
start_scene 'First scene'

How the thing works

The tool works like a compiler:

  • the first pass parse the initial version into an intermediate version
  • the intermediate pass create the world and validate the content
  • the last pass generate the result
  • the content is applied to disk



Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub.

This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The code is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.