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A very extensible way of viewing objects


~> 3.0.0
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View¶ ↑

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View is a DSL to help you make default representations of objects. It’s goal is not to add complex logic, but to help you make it really easy to display default elements.

Some features:

  • View will automatically display your objects as you expect them to be.

  • View is smart about blank objects, so no more checking it in your views.

  • View contains many formatters, some really complex, and is very extensible.

  • View allows for exceptions by using the power of blocks.

  • View is designed to be short and looks at home in HAML.

  • Optional support for InheritedResources.

This gem was inspired by formtastic and simple_form. It has been extracted from the helper methods I use regularly myself, but as a gem, View has still a long way to go.

Installation¶ ↑

Just add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'view'

Run ‘bundle install` and you’re ready to go!

Basic Usage¶ ↑

It’ usually done through the ‘view` helper method.

= view @post

View will try to figure out what the most logical way is to present the object you passed in. If the @post object has a title for instance, it will use that.

View will automatically try to choose the proper formatter. The following will use I18n for formatting the time correctly:

= view @post.created_at

Normally I18n.localize will throw an exception if the value were to be nil, so you’d have to check for that yourself. View does this for you.

You can specify a formatter yourself:

= view @post.created_at, :as => :date

You can add a block to specify your own behavior. The formatter is passed in as a block-variable. On the formatter the following methods are always available:

  • ‘to_s` gets the formatted result

  • ‘value` gets the original value

  • ‘options` will return a (filtered) options hash, complete with defaults


= view do |formatter|
  = link_to formatter.to_s, backend_user_path(formatter.value)

Most formatters pass their options down to the method they use, such as the date formatter:

= view @post.created_at, :format => :short

Examples¶ ↑

Now that we’ve got the basics down, let’s continue with some more advanced examples. There are a lot of formatters that do very trivial things. This is because they are meant to be used inside other formatters. Let’s start with some bigger formatters to give you an idea.

Table¶ ↑

You can render a table quite easily. If you’re displaying a collection of ActiveRecord objects, it’s even trivial:

= view @posts, :as => :table

or even:

= table_for @posts

This will display all columns, properly formatted, as you would expect. All columns might be a bit too much, so let’s slim the table down:

= table_for @posts, :fields => [ :title, :author, :published_at ]

Turn the titles into links:

= table_for @posts, :fields => [ :title, :author, :published_at ], :link => :title

Ok, nice, but this is rather ugly. This list might get very long. Also, what if you want to control how certain columns are formatted? The solution is simple: use a block:

= table_for @posts do |table|

  = table.view :title, :as => :link

  = table.view :author do |formatter|
    = link_to formatter.to_s, formatter.value

  = table.view :published_at, :as => :date

Now the power of the simple formatters can be fully appreciated.

The table formatter will display a simple table. If you want to control what the table looks like, you can add a partial to your application in ‘app/views/shared/_table.html.haml` (or erb). Since this gem is a Rails 3 engine, it will automatically choose your own version over the one provided by this gem.

One final note on tables: If you’re using the gem InheritedResources, or something similar, you can just call ‘table` from the index view, and it will automatically use the collection.

= table

See the documentation for more information on tables.

Definition lists¶ ↑

You can generate definition lists in rather the same fashion as tables. Definition Lists are great for the show pages in a backend.

On it’s own:

= view @post, :as => :definition_list

Or even:

= definition_list_for @post

Or if you’re using InheritedResources:

= definition_list

You can also specify fields:

= definition_list_for @post, :fields => [ :title, :author ]

And you can also use a block to go specific:

= definition_list_for @post do |dl|

  = dl.view :title, :as => :link
  = dl.view :author
  = dl.view :published_on, :as => :date

See the documentation for more information on definition lists.

Other formatters¶ ↑

No we’ve seen the biggest formatters, let’s look at some smaller ones.

Some of these are longer than their regular Rails counterparts. In that case, remember that they can be easily used inside the table or definition list. Most of the common Rails helpers have been converted to formatters for that reason.

Links can be quite easy:

= view @post, :as => :link

You can provide options too:

= view @post, :as => :link, :method => :delete, :confirm => "are you sure?"

And you can link to the specific versions of the page, using the awesome power of Rails’ ‘polymorphic_path`.

= view @post, :as => :link, :path => [ :edit, :backend ]


Sentences¶ ↑

Create a simple sentence of an array, propery formatting each element:

= view @post.tags, :as => :sentence

Or even create a sentence of links:

= view @post.tags, :as => :sentence, :each => { :as => :link }


There is also some support for uploaded files with paperclip.

The following displays the user’s (resized) avatar:

= view @user.avatar, :as => :image, :style => :thumbnail

Or, if it isn’t an image:

= view @project.document, :as => :file_link

Image Documentation FileLink Documentation

Booleans¶ ↑

Booleans are automatically determined and converted into “Yes” and “No”.

view @user.admin?

You can change the text via I18n:

      'true': Yup
      'false': Nope


Blank values¶ ↑

Blank values are usually caught before any other formatter. So the Blank formatter can be used even if you chose another.

So if the post hasn’t been published, it will use the blank formatter.

= view @post.published_at

Normally, the blank formatter doesn’t output anything. You can change that by using I18n:

    blank: "<em>~</em>"


Configuration¶ ↑

There a lots of ways to configure the gem itself and individual formatters too! Let’s go over the most important ones:

The ‘guess` formatter looks for methods it considers to be safe to display. The default list is

  • ‘to_label`

  • ‘display_name`

  • ‘full_name`

  • ‘title`

  • ‘username`

  • ‘login`

  • ‘value`

  • ‘to_s`

It will use the first one it can find. If you want to add a method to that list, you can add a file in your initializers and write:

View.configure do |config|
  config.guessing_methods = [ :my, :own, :methods ]

If you wrote your own formatter that you would rather use, instead of the ‘auto` formatter:

View.configure do |config|
  config.default_formatter = :my_own_formatter

There is also a default formatter for arrays, which you can change like this:

View.configure do |config|
  config.default_list_formatter = :sentence


You might have a special object, that you want to be rendered with your favorite formatter. You can let the auto formatter know about it. Say you want to display all numbers as delimited values (using the ‘number_with_delimiter` helper from Rails):

View::Auto.add :delimited do

Auto formatter

You can also customize formatters default options. To change every unit in currency, you can use this:

View::Currency.default_options = { :unit => "Cubits", :format => "%n %s" }

Remember that the Rails number formatters can also be configured using I18n.

Adding formatters¶ ↑

You can add a formatter by inheriting from ‘View::Formatter`. The only method you need to implement is the `format` method.

In the class you have access to the following methods:

  • ‘value`: the object passed in

  • ‘options`: a filtered hash of options

  • ‘all_options`: the unfiltered hash

  • ‘template`: call methods like link_to on this

If you wanted a uppercase formatter for example, you could do this:

class Uppercase < View::Formatter

  def format


The name of the formatter is automatically infered from the name of the class.

You can use the ‘.as` method to specify a different name.

class Foo < View::Formatter
  as :bar
  # etc ...

You can control which options are allowed, by adding reserved options:

class Foo < View::Formatter
  self.reserved_options = [ :foo, :bar ]

Now, the options method will return the options passed by the user, minus foo and bar. To use them, in your code, use the ‘all_options` method. This is done to easily pass the options to another method, without cluttering:

class Paragraph < View::Formatter
  def format
    template.content_tag(:p, value.to_s, options)

To more tightly control which options are allowed, specify the allowed options:

class Size < View::Formatter
  self.allowed_options = [ :separator, :delimiter, :precision ]
  def format
    template.number_to_human_size(value, options)

You can use the existing formatters as examples.


Contributing¶ ↑

Yes please! You know the drill: fork, commit, pull request, profit!

I’m especially interested in ideas for formatters and new use cases. Use the issue tracker to let me know!

License¶ ↑

Copyright 2010 Iain Hecker (, released under the MIT License.