There's a lot of open issues
A long-lived project that still receives updates
WebMock allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP requests.


>= 0.48.0
>= 0.7.16
>= 1.0.0
>= 0.27.5
>= 0.8.0
>= 2.2.4
>= 5.0.0
>= 0.4.18
> 1.6
> 3.5.0
>= 3.1.0
>= 3.0.0
>= 0.5.0


>= 2.8.0
>= 0.3.2
>= 0.4.0, < 2.0.0
 Project Readme


Gem Version Build Status Code Climate Mentioned in Awesome Ruby

Library for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests in Ruby.


  • Stubbing HTTP requests at low http client lib level (no need to change tests when you change HTTP library)
  • Setting and verifying expectations on HTTP requests
  • Matching requests based on method, URI, headers and body
  • Smart matching of the same URIs in different representations (also encoded and non encoded forms)
  • Smart matching of the same headers in different representations.
  • Support for Test::Unit
  • Support for RSpec
  • Support for MiniTest

Supported HTTP libraries

Supported Ruby Interpreters

  • MRI 2.6
  • MRI 2.7
  • MRI 3.0
  • MRI 3.1
  • MRI 3.2
  • MRI 3.3
  • JRuby


gem install webmock

or alternatively:

# add to your Gemfile
group :test do
  gem "webmock"

or to install the latest development version from github master

git clone
cd webmock
rake install

Upgrading from v1.x to v2.x

WebMock 2.x has changed somewhat since version 1.x. Changes are listed in


Create a file features/support/webmock.rb with the following contents:

require 'webmock/cucumber'


Add the following code to test/test_helper:

require 'webmock/minitest'


Add the following code to spec/spec_helper:

require 'webmock/rspec'


Add the following code to test/test_helper.rb

require 'webmock/test_unit'

Outside a test framework

You can also use WebMock outside a test framework:

require 'webmock'
include WebMock::API




Stubbed request based on uri only and with the default response

stub_request(:any, "")

Net::HTTP.get("", "/")    # ===> Success

Stubbing requests based on method, uri, body and headers

stub_request(:post, "").
  with(body: "abc", headers: { 'Content-Length' => 3 })

uri = URI.parse("")
req =
req['Content-Length'] = 3

res = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http|
  http.request(req, "abc")
end    # ===> Success

Matching request body and headers against regular expressions

stub_request(:post, "").
  with(body: /world$/, headers: {"Content-Type" => /image\/.+/}).
  to_return(body: "abc")

uri = URI.parse('')
req =
req['Content-Type'] = 'image/png'

res = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http|
  http.request(req, 'hello world')
end    # ===> Success

Matching request body against a hash. Body can be URL-Encoded, JSON or XML.

stub_request(:post, "").
  with(body: {data: {a: '1', b: 'five'}})'', "data[a]=1&data[b]=five",
  content_type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')    # ===> Success'', '{"data":{"a":"1","b":"five"}}',
  content_type: 'application/json')    # ===> Success'', '<data a="1" b="five" />',
  content_type: 'application/xml')    # ===> Success

Matching request body against partial hash.

stub_request(:post, "").
  with(body: hash_including({data: {a: '1', b: 'five'}}))'', "data[a]=1&data[b]=five&x=1",
:content_type => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')    # ===> Success

Matching custom request headers

stub_request(:any, "").
  with(headers:{ 'Header-Name' => 'Header-Value' })

uri = URI.parse('')
req =
req['Header-Name'] = 'Header-Value'

res = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http|
  http.request(req, 'abc')
end    # ===> Success

Matching multiple headers with the same name

stub_request(:get, '').
  with(headers: {'Accept' => ['image/jpeg', 'image/png'] })

req ="/")
req['Accept'] = ['image/png']
req.add_field('Accept', 'image/jpeg')
Net::HTTP.start("") {|http| http.request(req) }    # ===> Success

Matching requests against provided block

stub_request(:post, "").with { |request| request.body == "abc" }'', 'abc')    # ===> Success

Request with basic authentication header

stub_request(:get, "").with(basic_auth: ['user', 'pass'])
# or
# stub_request(:get, "").
#   with(headers: {'Authorization' => "Basic #{ Base64.strict_encode64('user:pass').chomp}"})

Net::HTTP.start('') do |http|
  req ='/')
  req.basic_auth 'user', 'pass'
end    # ===> Success
Important! Since version 2.0.0, WebMock does not match credentials provided in Authorization header and credentials provided in the userinfo of a url. I.e. stub_request(:get, "") does not match a request with credentials provided in the Authorization header.

Request with basic authentication in the url

stub_request(:get, "")

RestClient.get('')    # ===> Success

Matching uris using regular expressions

stub_request(:any, /example/)

Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> Success

Matching uris using lambda

stub_request(:any, ->(uri) { true })

Matching uris using RFC 6570 - Basic Example

uri_template = "{id}/"
stub_request(:any, uri_template)

Net::HTTP.get('', '/webmock/')    # ===> Success

Matching uris using RFC 6570 - Advanced Example

uri_template = "{id}.json{?x,y,z}{&other*}"
stub_request(:any, uri_template)

  '/thing/5.json?x=1&y=2&z=3&anyParam=4')    # ===> Success

Matching query params using hash

stub_request(:get, "").with(query: {"a" => ["b", "c"]})

RestClient.get("[]=b&a[]=c")    # ===> Success

Matching partial query params using hash

stub_request(:get, "").
  with(query: hash_including({"a" => ["b", "c"]}))

RestClient.get("[]=b&a[]=c&x=1")    # ===> Success

Matching partial query params using hash_excluding

stub_request(:get, "").
  with(query: hash_excluding({"a" => "b"}))

RestClient.get("")    # ===> Failure
RestClient.get("")    # ===> Success

Stubbing with custom response

stub_request(:any, "").
  to_return(body: "abc", status: 200,
    headers: { 'Content-Length' => 3 })

Net::HTTP.get("", '/')    # ===> "abc"

Set appropriate Content-Type for HTTParty's parsed_response.

stub_request(:any, "").to_return body: '{}', headers: {content_type: 'application/json'}

Response with body specified as IO object'/tmp/response_body.txt', 'w') { |f| f.puts 'abc' }

stub_request(:any, "").
  to_return(body:'/tmp/response_body.txt'), status: 200)

Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> "abc\n"

Response with JSON body

stub_request(:any, "").
  to_return_json(body: {foo: "bar"})

Net::HTTP.get('', '/') # ===> "{\"foo\": \"bar\"}"

Response with custom status message

stub_request(:any, "").
  to_return(status: [500, "Internal Server Error"])

req ="/")
Net::HTTP.start("") { |http| http.request(req) }.
  message    # ===> "Internal Server Error"

Replaying raw responses recorded with curl -is

curl -is > /tmp/example_curl_-is_output.txt
raw_response_file ="/tmp/example_curl_-is_output.txt")

from file

stub_request(:get, "").to_return(raw_response_file)

or string

stub_request(:get, "").to_return(

Responses dynamically evaluated from block

stub_request(:any, '').
  to_return { |request| {body: request.body} }'', 'abc')    # ===> "abc\n"

Responses dynamically evaluated from lambda

stub_request(:any, '').
  to_return(lambda { |request| {body: request.body} })'', 'abc')    # ===> "abc\n"

Dynamically evaluated raw responses recorded with curl -is

curl -is > /tmp/

stub_request(:get, "").
  to_return(lambda { |request|"/tmp/#{}.txt") })

Responses with dynamically evaluated parts

stub_request(:any, '').
  to_return(body: lambda { |request| request.body })'', 'abc')    # ===> "abc\n"

Rack responses

class MyRackApp
    [200, {}, ["Hello"]]

stub_request(:get, "").to_rack(MyRackApp)'')    # ===> "Hello"

Raising errors

Exception declared by class

stub_request(:any, '').to_raise(StandardError)'', 'abc')    # ===> StandardError

or by exception instance

stub_request(:any, '').to_raise("some error"))

or by string

stub_request(:any, '').to_raise("some error")

Raising timeout errors

stub_request(:any, '').to_timeout'', 'abc')    # ===> RestClient::RequestTimeout

Multiple responses for repeated requests

stub_request(:get, "").
  to_return({body: "abc"}, {body: "def"})
Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> "abc\n"
Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> "def\n"

#after all responses are used the last response will be returned infinitely

Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> "def\n"

Multiple responses using chained to_return(), to_raise() or to_timeout declarations

stub_request(:get, "").
  to_return({body: "abc"}).then.  #then() is just a syntactic sugar
  to_return({body: "def"}).then.

Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> "abc\n"
Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> "def\n"
Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> MyException raised

Specifying number of times given response should be returned

stub_request(:get, "").
  to_return({body: "abc"}).times(2).then.
  to_return({body: "def"})

Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> "abc\n"
Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> "abc\n"
Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> "def\n"

Removing unused stubs

stub_get = stub_request(:get, "")

Real requests to network can be allowed or disabled


stub_request(:any, "").to_return(body: "abc")

Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> "abc"

Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> /.+Something.+/


Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> Failure

External requests can be disabled while allowing localhost

WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true)

Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> Failure

Net::HTTP.get('localhost:9887', '/')    # ===> Allowed. Perhaps to Selenium?

External requests can be disabled while allowing specific requests

Allowed requests can be specified in a number of ways.

With a String specifying a host name:

WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow: '')

RestClient.get('', '/')    # ===> Failure
RestClient.get('', '/')      # ===> Allowed
RestClient.get('', '/') # ===> Allowed

With a String specifying a host name and a port:

WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow: '')

RestClient.get('', '/')    # ===> Failure
RestClient.get('', '/')      # ===> Failure
RestClient.get('', '/') # ===> Allowed

With a Regexp matching the URI:

WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow: %r{ample\.org/foo})

RestClient.get('', '/foo/bar') # ===> Allowed
RestClient.get('', '/foo')          # ===> Allowed
RestClient.get('', '/bar')          # ===> Failure

With an object that responds to #call, receiving a URI object and returning a boolean:

denylist = ['', '', '']
allowed_sites = lambda{|uri|
  denylist.none?{|site| }
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow: allowed_sites)

RestClient.get('', '/')  # ===> Allowed
RestClient.get('', '/') # ===> Failure
RestClient.get('', '/')        # ===> Failure

With an Array of any of the above:

WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow: [
  lambda{|uri| % 2 == 0 },

RestClient.get('', '/') # ===> Allowed
RestClient.get('', '/')       # ===> Allowed
RestClient.get('', '/')         # ===> Allowed
RestClient.get('', '/')     # ===> Failure

Connecting on Net::HTTP.start

HTTP protocol has 3 steps: connect, request and response (or 4 with close). Most Ruby HTTP client libraries treat connect as a part of request step, with the exception of Net::HTTP which allows opening connection to the server separately to the request, by using Net::HTTP.start.

WebMock API was also designed with connect being part of request step, and it only allows stubbing requests, not connections. When Net::HTTP.start is called, WebMock doesn't know yet whether a request is stubbed or not. WebMock by default delays a connection until the request is invoked, so when there is no request, Net::HTTP.start doesn't do anything. This means that WebMock breaks the Net::HTTP behaviour by default!

To workaround this issue, WebMock offers :net_http_connect_on_start option, which can be passed to WebMock.allow_net_connect! and WebMock.disable_net_connect! methods, i.e.

WebMock.allow_net_connect!(net_http_connect_on_start: true)

This forces WebMock Net::HTTP adapter to always connect on Net::HTTP.start. At the time of connection being made there is no information about the request or URL yet, therefore WebMock is not able to decide whether to stub a request or not and all connections are allowed. To enable connections only to a specific domain (e.g. your test server) use:

WebMock.allow_net_connect!(net_http_connect_on_start: "")

Setting Expectations

Setting expectations in Test::Unit

require 'webmock/test_unit'

stub_request(:any, "")

uri = URI.parse('')
req =
req['Content-Length'] = 3

res = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http|
  http.request(req, 'abc')

assert_requested :post, "",
  headers: {'Content-Length' => 3}, body: "abc",
  times: 1    # ===> Success

assert_not_requested :get, ""    # ===> Success

assert_requested(:post, "",
  times: 1) { |req| req.body == "abc" }

Expecting real (not stubbed) requests


Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> Success

assert_requested :get, ""    # ===> Success

Setting expectations in Test::Unit on the stub

stub_get = stub_request(:get, "")
stub_post = stub_request(:post, "")

Net::HTTP.get('', '/')


Setting expectations in RSpec on WebMock module

This style is borrowed from fakeweb-matcher

require 'webmock/rspec'

expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, "").
  with(body: "abc", headers: {'Content-Length' => 3}).twice

expect(WebMock).not_to have_requested(:get, "")

expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:post, "").
  with { |req| req.body == "abc" }
# Note that the block with `do ... end` instead of curly brackets won't work!
# Why? See this comment

expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, "").
  with(query: {"a" => ["b", "c"]})

expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, "").
  with(query: hash_including({"a" => ["b", "c"]}))

expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, "").
  with(body: {"a" => ["b", "c"]},
    headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'})

Setting expectations in RSpec with a_request

expect(a_request(:post, "").
  with(body: "abc", headers: {'Content-Length' => 3})).
  to have_been_made.once

expect(a_request(:post, "")).to have_been_made.times(3)

expect(a_request(:post, "")).to have_been_made.at_least_once

expect(a_request(:post, "")).
  to have_been_made.at_least_times(3)

expect(a_request(:post, "")).to have_been_made.at_most_twice

expect(a_request(:post, "")).to have_been_made.at_most_times(3)

expect(a_request(:any, "")).not_to have_been_made

expect(a_request(:post, "").with { |req| req.body == "abc" }).
  to have_been_made

expect(a_request(:get, "").with(query: {"a" => ["b", "c"]})).
  to have_been_made

expect(a_request(:get, "").
  with(query: hash_including({"a" => ["b", "c"]}))).to have_been_made

expect(a_request(:post, "").
  with(body: {"a" => ["b", "c"]},
    headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'})).to have_been_made

Setting expectations in RSpec on the stub

stub = stub_request(:get, "")
# ... make requests ...
expect(stub).to have_been_requested

Clearing stubs and request history

If you want to reset all current stubs and history of requests use WebMock.reset!

stub_request(:any, "")

Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> Success


Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ===> Failure

assert_not_requested :get, ""    # ===> Success

Clearing request counters

If you want to reset only the counters of the executed requests use WebMock.reset_executed_requests!

stub  = stub_request(:get, "")
stub2 = stub_request(:get, "")

Net::HTTP.get('', '/')
Net::HTTP.get('', '/')

Net::HTTP.get('', '/')

expect(stub).to have_been_requested.times(2)
expect(stub2).to have_been_requested.times(1)


expect(stub).not_to have_been_requested
expect(stub2).not_to have_been_requested

Disabling and enabling WebMock or only some http client adapters

# Disable WebMock (all adapters)

# Disable WebMock for all libs except Net::HTTP
WebMock.disable!(except: [:net_http])

# Enable WebMock (all adapters)

# Enable WebMock for all libs except Patron
WebMock.enable!(except: [:patron])

Matching requests

An executed request matches stubbed request if it passes following criteria:

  • When request URI matches stubbed request URI string, Regexp pattern or RFC 6570 URI Template
  • And request method is the same as stubbed request method or stubbed request method is :any
  • And request body is the same as stubbed request body or stubbed request body is not specified
  • And request headers match stubbed request headers, or stubbed request headers match a subset of request headers, or stubbed request headers are not specified
  • And request matches provided block or block is not provided

Precedence of stubs

Always the last declared stub matching the request will be applied i.e:

stub_request(:get, "").to_return(body: "abc")
stub_request(:get, "").to_return(body: "def")

Net::HTTP.get('', '/')    # ====> "def"

Matching URIs

WebMock will match all different representations of the same URI.

I.e all the following representations of the URI are equal:


The following URIs with userinfo are also equal for WebMock


or these

" path/?a=my param&b=c"
" path/?a=my param&b=c"
" path/?a=my param&b=c"
" path/?a=my param&b=c"

If you provide Regexp to match URI, WebMock will try to match it against every valid form of the same url.

I.e /my path/ will match because it is equivalent of path

Matching with URI Templates

If you use Addressable::Template for matching, then WebMock will defer the matching rules to Addressable, which complies with RFC 6570.

If you use any of the WebMock methods for matching query params, then Addressable will be used to match the base URI and WebMock will match the query params. If you do not, then WebMock will let Addressable match the full URI.

Matching headers

WebMock will match request headers against stubbed request headers in the following situations:

  1. Stubbed request has headers specified and request headers are the same as stubbed headers
    i.e stubbed headers: { 'Header1' => 'Value1', 'Header2' => 'Value2' }, requested: { 'Header1' => 'Value1', 'Header2' => 'Value2' }

  2. Stubbed request has headers specified and stubbed request headers are a subset of request headers
    i.e stubbed headers: { 'Header1' => 'Value1' }, requested: { 'Header1' => 'Value1', 'Header2' => 'Value2' }

  3. Stubbed request has no headers
    i.e stubbed headers: nil, requested: { 'Header1' => 'Value1', 'Header2' => 'Value2' }

WebMock normalises headers and treats all forms of same headers as equal: i.e the following two sets of headers are equal:

{ "Header1" => "value1", content_length: 123, X_CuStOm_hEAder: :value }

{ header1: "value1", "Content-Length" => 123, "x-cuSTOM-HeAder" => "value" }

Recording real requests and responses and replaying them later

To record your application's real HTTP interactions and replay them later in tests you can use VCR with WebMock.

Request callbacks

WebMock can invoke callbacks stubbed or real requests:

WebMock.after_request do |request_signature, response|
  puts "Request #{request_signature} was made and #{response} was returned"

invoke callbacks for real requests only and except requests made with Patron

WebMock.after_request(except: [:patron],
                      real_requests_only: true) do |req_signature, response|
  puts "Request #{req_signature} was made and #{response} was returned"

Bugs and Issues

Please submit them here

Issue triage Open Source Helpers

You can contribute by triaging issues which may include reproducing bug reports or asking for vital information, such as version numbers or reproduction instructions. If you would like to start triaging issues, one easy way to get started is to subscribe to webmock on CodeTriage.


If you have any suggestions on how to improve WebMock please send an email to the mailing list

I'm particularly interested in how the DSL could be improved.


In order to work on Webmock you first need to fork and clone the repo. Please do any work on a dedicated branch and rebase against master before sending a pull request.


The initial lines of this project were written during New Bamboo Hack Day Thanks to my fellow Bambinos for all the great suggestions!

People who submitted patches and new features or suggested improvements. Many thanks to these people:

  • Ben Pickles
  • Mark Evans
  • Ivan Vega
  • Piotr Usewicz
  • Nick Plante
  • Nick Quaranto
  • Diego E. "Flameeyes" Pettenò
  • Niels Meersschaert
  • Mack Earnhardt
  • Arvicco
  • Sergio Gil
  • Jeffrey Jones
  • Tekin Suleyman
  • Tom Ward
  • Nadim Bitar
  • Myron Marston
  • Sam Phillips
  • Jose Angel Cortinas
  • Razic
  • Steve Tooke
  • Nathaniel Bibler
  • Martyn Loughran
  • Muness Alrubaie
  • Charles Li
  • Ryan Bigg
  • Pete Higgins
  • Hans de Graaff
  • Alastair Brunton
  • Sam Stokes
  • Eugene Bolshakov
  • James Conroy-Finn
  • Salvador Fuentes Jr
  • Alex Rothenberg
  • Aidan Feldman
  • Steve Hull
  • Jay Adkisson
  • Zach Dennis
  • Nikita Fedyashev
  • Lin Jen-Shin
  • David Yeu
  • Andreas Garnæs
  • Roman Shterenzon
  • Chris McGrath
  • Stephen Celis
  • Eugene Pimenov
  • Albert Llop
  • Christopher Pickslay
  • Tammer Saleh
  • Nicolas Fouché
  • Joe Van Dyk
  • Mark Abramov
  • Frank Schumacher
  • Dimitrij Denissenko
  • Marnen Laibow-Koser
  • Evgeniy Dolzhenko
  • Nick Recobra
  • Jordan Elver
  • Joe Karayusuf
  • Paul Cortens
  • jugyo
  • aindustries
  • Eric Oestrich
  • erwanlr
  • Ben Bleything
  • Jon Leighton
  • Ryan Schlesinger
  • Julien Boyer
  • Kevin Glowacz
  • Hans Hasselberg
  • Andrew France
  • Jonathan Hyman
  • Rex Feng
  • Pavel Forkert
  • Jordi Massaguer Pla
  • Jake Benilov
  • Tom Beauvais
  • Mokevnin Kirill
  • Alex Grant
  • Lucas Dohmen
  • Bastien Vaucher
  • Joost Baaij
  • Joel Chippindale
  • Murahashi Sanemat Kenichi
  • Tim Kurvers
  • Ilya Vassilevsky
  • gotwalt
  • Leif Bladt
  • Alex Tomlins
  • Mitsutaka Mimura
  • Tomy Kaira
  • Daniel van Hoesel
  • Ian Asaff
  • Ian Lesperance
  • Matthew Horan
  • Dmitry Gutov
  • Florian Dütsch
  • Manuel Meurer
  • Brian D. Burns
  • Riley Strong
  • Tamir Duberstein
  • Stefano Uliari
  • Alex Stupakov
  • Karen Wang
  • Matt Burke
  • Jon Rowe
  • Aleksey V. Zapparov
  • Praveen Arimbrathodiyil
  • Bo Jeanes
  • Matthew Conway
  • Rob Olson
  • Max Lincoln
  • Oleg Gritsenko
  • Hwan-Joon Choi
  • SHIBATA Hiroshi
  • Caleb Thompson
  • Theo Hultberg
  • Pablo Jairala
  • Insoo Buzz Jung
  • Carlos Alonso Pérez
  • trlorenz
  • Alexander Simonov
  • Thorbjørn Hermanse
  • Mark Lorenz
  • tjsousa
  • Tasos Stathopoulos
  • Dan Buettner
  • Sven Riedel
  • Mark Lorenz
  • Dávid Kovács
  • fishermand46
  • Franky Wahl
  • ChaYoung You
  • Simon Russell
  • Steve Mitchell
  • Mattias Putman
  • Zachary Anker
  • Emmanuel Sambo
  • Ramon Tayag
  • Johannes Schlumberger
  • Siôn Le Roux
  • Matt Palmer
  • Zhao Wen
  • Krzysztof Rygielski
  • Magne Land
  • yurivm
  • Mike Knepper
  • Charles Pence
  • Alexey Zapparov
  • Pablo Brasero
  • Cedric Pimenta
  • Michiel Karnebeek
  • Alex Kestner
  • Manfred Stienstra
  • Tim Diggins
  • Gabriel Chaney
  • Chris Griego
  • Taiki Ono
  • Jonathan Schatz
  • Jose Luis Honorato
  • Aaron Kromer
  • Pavel Jurašek
  • Jake Worth
  • Gabe Martin-Dempesy
  • Michael Grosser
  • Aleksei Maridashvili
  • Ville Lautanala
  • Koichi ITO
  • Jordan Harband
  • Tarmo Tänav
  • Joe Marty
  • Chris Thomson
  • Vít Ondruch
  • George Ulmer
  • Christof Koenig
  • Chung-Yi Chi
  • Olexandr Hoshylyk
  • Janko Marohnić
  • Pat Allan
  • Rick Song
  • NARUSE, Yui
  • Piotr Boniecki
  • Olia Kremmyda
  • Michał Matyas
  • Matt Brictson
  • Kenny Ortmann
  • redbar0n
  • Lukas Pokorny
  • Arkadiy Tetelman
  • Kazato Sugimoto
  • Olle Jonsson
  • Pavel Rosický
  • Geremia Taglialatela
  • Koichi Sasada
  • Yusuke Endoh
  • Grey Baker
  • SoonKhen OwYong
  • Pavel Valena
  • Adam Sokolnicki
  • Jeff Felchner
  • Eike Send
  • Claudio Poli
  • Csaba Apagyi
  • Frederick Cheung
  • Fábio D. Batista
  • Andriy Yanko
  • y-yagi
  • Rafael França
  • George Claghorn
  • Alex Junger
  • Orien Madgwick
  • Andrei Sidorov
  • Marco Costa
  • Ryan Davis
  • Brandur
  • Samuel Williams
  • Patrik Ragnarsson
  • Alex Coomans
  • Vesa Laakso
  • John Hawthorn
  • guppy0356
  • Thilo Rusche
  • Andrew Stuntz
  • Lucas Uyezu
  • Bruno Sutic
  • Ryan Kerr
  • Adam Harwood
  • Ben Koshy
  • Jesse Bowes
  • Marek Kasztelnik
  • ce07c3
  • Jun Jiang
  • Oleksiy Kovyrin
  • Matt Larraz
  • Tony Schneider
  • Niklas Hösl
  • Johanna Hartmann
  • Alex Vondrak
  • Will Storey
  • Eduardo Hernandez
  • ojab
  • Giorgio Gambino
  • Timmitry
  • Michael Fairley
  • Ray Zane
  • Go Sueyoshi
  • Cedric Sohrauer
  • Akira Matsuda
  • Mark Spangler
  • Henrik Nyh
  • Yoann Lecuyer
  • Lucas Arnaud
  • Marc Rohloff
  • inkstak
  • Yuki Inoue
  • Brandon Weaver
  • Josh Nichols
  • Ricardo Trindade
  • Earlopain
  • James Brown
  • Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA
  • Étienne Barrié
  • Matt Brown
  • Victor Maslov
  • Gio Lodi
  • Ryan Brooks
  • Jacob Frautschi
  • Christian Schmidt
  • Rodrigo Argumedo

For a full list of contributors you can visit the contributors page.


Thank you Fakeweb! This library was inspired by FakeWeb. I imported some solutions from that project to WebMock. I also copied some code i.e Net:HTTP adapter. Fakeweb architecture unfortunately didn't allow me to extend it easily with the features I needed. I also preferred some things to work differently i.e request stub precedence.


Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Bartosz Blimke. See LICENSE for details.