

No commit activity in last 3 years
No release in over 3 years
Wesabot is a Campfire bot framework we've been using and developing at Wesabe since not long after our inception. It started as a way to avoid parking tickets near our office ("Wes, remind me in 2 hours to move my car"), and has evolved into an essential work aid. When you enter the room, Wes greets you with a link to the point in the transcript where you last left. You can also ask him to bookmark points in the transcript, send an sms message (well, an email) to someone, or even post a tweet, among other things. His functionality is easily extendable via plugins.


>= 0
~> 2.6.0


 Project Readme


Wesabot, the Campfire bot framework.


Wesabot is a Campfire bot framework we've been using and developing at Wesabe since not long after our inception. It started as a way to avoid parking tickets near our office ("Wes, remind me in 2 hours to move my car"), and has evolved into an essential work aid. When you enter the room, Wes greets you with a link to the point in the transcript where you last left. You can also ask him to bookmark points in the transcript, send an sms message (well, an email) to someone, or even post a tweet, among other things. His functionality is easily extendable via plugins.

To give Wes new powers, simply drop a plugin file in the plugins directory and restart Wes (or, via the ReloadPlugin, he can be told to reload himself). See campfire/polling_bot/sample_plugin.rb for more information, or just browse the included plugins. Some of the plugins are somewhat Wesabe-specific (like DeployPlugin, which lets us see what commits are on deck to be deployed), but can be adapted or ignored as you see fit.

If any of your plugins need to use a database, just drop a Datamapper model in the plugins/models directory and it will be automatically loaded.



Wesabot can be installed as a gem, but Nokogiri is required, and it has rather complicated prerequisites that vary by platform, so rather than reproducing that information here, please see

You'll also need to install SQLite3, and, at least on Ubuntu, the sqlite3 development libraries (sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev). If you have specific installation instructions for other platforms, please feel free to send a pull request with changes to this README.

Installing as a Gem

gem install wesabot

Installing from Git

Clone this repository, then cd to it and run bundle install.


The first thing you need to do is to create a Campfire user for your bot, and make sure that user has access to whichever room(s) you would like the bot to appear in. Log into Campfire as that user and get the API token (click on "My info" in the upper right corner).

Wesabot has four required parameters:

  • subdomain - your Campfire subdomain
  • api_token - the Campfire API token
  • room - the room in which you'd like the bot to appear
  • datauri - the sqlite3 database uri/path

These parameters can be passed in either via a YAML config file, or on the command-line. See config/wesabot.yml.sample for a sample configuration file.


bin/wesabot -c config/wesabot.yml
bin/wesabot -d example -r Sandbox -t ecca8793813bd3e5720d9d562285db --database /path/to/database.db

Run wesabot --help for usage information.

A few important things to note:

  • The SQLite database does not need to exist initially--wesabot will create one at the path you specify.

  • On some systems (Ubuntu, at least) you will need to use the --ssl-no-verify (-k) option, at least until the next release of Faraday, which includes a fix for looking up SSL certs in the system store. If you run wesabot and get the error:

      /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/net/http.rb:1060:in `request': undefined method `closed?' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

    That is the cause. (Run it again in verbose mode to see the SSL error.)

Once Wes (or whatever you decide to name your bot) is running, you can see a list of available commands by entering into Campfire:

Wes, help

That list currently looks like:

 - resolve <error number>
     mark an error as resolved
 - unresolve <error number>
     mark an error as unresolved

 - bookmark: <name>
     bookmark the current location

 - <enable|disable> debugging
     enable or disable debug mode

 - what's on deck for <project>?
     shortlog of changes not yet deployed to production
 - what's on deck for <project> staging?
     shortlog of changes not yet deployed to staging

 - (disable|turn off) greetings
     don't say hi when you log in (you grump)
 - (enable|turn on) greetings
     say hi when you log in
 - toggle greetings
     disable greetings if enabled, enable if disabled. You know--toggle.
 - catch me up|ketchup
     gives you a link to the point in the transcript where you last logged out

 - help
     this message

 - (photo|image|picture) of <subject>
     find a new picture of <subject>
 - search (google|flickr) for a (photo|image|picture) of <subject>
     search the stated service for a new picture of <subject>

 - reload
     update and reload Wes

 - remind (me|<person>) [in] <time string> to <message>
     set up a reminder
 - remind (me|<person>) to <message> (in|on|at|next|this) <time string>
     set up a reminder
 - [list|show] [person]['s] reminders
     display current reminders for yourself or person
 - delete reminder <n>
     delete your reminder #n

 - set my sms address to: <address>
     set your sms address
 - set <person>'s sms address to
     set someone else's sms address
 - (sms|text|txt) <person>: <message>
     send an sms message
 - list sms addresses
     list all sms addresses

 - time
     say the current time

 - tweet: <message>
     post <message> to the configured user's twitter account
 - save tweet: <message>
     save <message> for later
 - show tweets
     shows the queued tweets for the configured user's twitter account
 - show next tweet
     shows the oldest queued twitter message
 - post next tweet
     sends the oldest queued twitter message
 - post tweet <n>
     sends the <n>th tweet from the list
 - delete tweet <n>
     deletes the <n>th tweet from the list

 - what are (people|is everyone) saying about <subject>
     search twitter for tweets on <subject>
 - what's the word on <subject>
     search twitter for tweets on <subject>