Winston Mongodb Rails
Initial alpha release, still tied to a rails application config. There are no test, and some tight coupling deep in the code. This is an internal tool in the early stages of open source Hopefully this should be improved in later releases.
Add the gem to your Gemfile
gem 'winston_mongodb_rails'
Add config/initializers/mongo_logger.rb
app_config = Rails.application.config
Mog = WinstonMongodbRails::MongoLogger.create_logger(app_config, ((app_config.paths.log.to_a rescue nil) || app_config.paths['log']).first)
For mongo configuration, you need to add the configuration of the mongodb database to config/mongo_logger.yml
, config/mongoid.yml
or config/database.yml
username: username
password: password
database: logs
replicaset: ['', '']
replicaset_name: 'replicaset_name'
username: username
password: password
database: logs
host: localhost
Mog.error "This is an error", object_to_inspect
Mog.debug "Debug message" "Info message"