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Ruby tools for interacting with the Borrow Direct consortial services


~> 5.0
< 2, >= 1.0.2
~> 10.0
~> 2.9
~> 1.11


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Ruby tools for programmatic access to BorrowDirect consortial system, powered by Relais D2D software.

Using API as well as deep-linking to search results and possibly other stuff.

May also work with other Relais D2D setups with configuration or changes, no idea.


Some configuration at boot, perhaps in a Rails initializer:

# REQUIRED: Set your BD api_key
BorrowDirect::Defaults.api_key = "your bd api key"

# Or, you likely have a different api key for production and
# testing/dev, if in Rails this is one way to handle that:
BorrowDirect::Defaults.api_key = Rails.env.production? ? "production_bd_api" : "dev_bd_api"

# Uses BD Test system by defualt, if you want to use production system instead
BorrowDirect::Defaults.api_base = BorrowDirect::Defaults::PRODUCTION_API_BASE

# Set a default BD LibrarySymbol for your library
BorrowDirect::Defaults.library_symbol = "YOURSYMBOL"

# If you want to do FindItem requests with a default generic patron
# barcode
BorrowDirect::Defaults.find_item_patron_barcode = "9999999"

# BorrowDirect can take an awful long time to respond sometimes. 
# How long are you willing to wait? (Seconds, default 30)
BorrowDirect::Defaults.timeout = 10

Then you can do things.

Find an item's requestability (FindItem api)

# with default generic patron set in config find_item_patron_barcode
response = BorrowDirect::FindItem.new.find(:isbn => "1212121212")
# Returns a BorrowDirect::FindItem::Response

# Or with specific patron, with default library symbol
BorrowDirect::FindItem.new(patron_barcode).find(:isbn => "121212").requestable?

Make a request (RequestItem api)

request_number = BorrowDirect::RequestItem.new(patron_barcode).make_request(pickup_location, :isbn => "1212121212")
# Will return request number, or nil if couldn't be requested. 
# Or, use make_request! (with exclamation point) to raise if
# can't be requested. 

Get patron's current requests (RequestQuery api)

items = BorrowDirect::RequestQuery.new(patron_barcode).requests
# Returns an array of BorrowDirect::RequestQuery::Item
items.each do |item|
   item.date_submitted # a ruby DateTime

# Or use a BD 'type' argument


All BD API's will requires an AuthorizationID as of late summer/fall 2015. Our ruby API still accepts a barcode/library symbol pair instead, with both values possibly coming from configured local deaults. The ruby code will make a separate request to retrieve the AuthorizationID behind the scenes, so it can use it.

If you already have an AuthorizationID, you can set pass it in to re-use, and avoid the extra call, using #with_auth_id on any BD API request.

response = BorrowDirect::FindItem.new(patron_barcode).find(:isbn => isbn)
auth_id  = response.auth_id

BorrowDirect::RequestItem.new(patron_barcode).with_auth_id(auth_id).make_request(pickup_location, :isbn => isbn)

If you pass in an expired or bad AID, we should raise a BorrowDirect::InvalidAidError. (Some unpredictability and inconsistency in remote system error messages may prevent us from catching and classing as an InvalidAidError, if you notice report and we'll try to fix or report upstream.)

Generate a query into BorrowDirect

Sometimes you may want to send the user to specific search results inside the standard BorrowDirect HTML interface. We include a helper class for generating such queries.

This helper class currently assumes you run a front-end "redirect" script to authenticate your users and send them to BorrowDirect, and depends on that. You will need to ensure your script also takes anyquery=X URL query parameter sent to it, and includes this in the auth redirect to BorrowDirect.

BorrowDirect::Defaults.html_base_url = "https://university.edu/borrow_direct_auth_redirector"

# Generate a link to search results:
BorrowDirect::GenerateQuery.new.query_url_with(:isbn => "1234435445")

# Multiple fields can be included, their values will be treated
# as phrase searches, and boolean AND'd together. All the fields
# from the BorrowDirect "advanced search" are supported
    :author => "John Smith", 
    :title => "Some Book",
    :keyword => "stuff",
    :subject => "medicine",
    :isbn => "1234435445")

Or specify your own query passed as a string, possibly a complex one using BD's undocumented syntax that you figure out. Use BorrowDirect::GenerateQuery.escape to escape values, but don't CGI escape the input.

query = %Q{isbn="#{BorrowDirect::GenerateQuery.escape('1212')}" and (ti="#{BorrowDirect::GenerateQuery.escape('foo')}" or ti="#{BorrowDirect::GenerateQuery.escape('bar')}")}
BorrowDirect::GenerateQuery.new.query_url_with query

For the common case of doing an author-title keyword search, this gem has some suggested normalization it applies to author and title, to maximize chances of succesful hits. (limiting to 5 words in title, searching on main title only not subtitle, etc.)

BorrowDirect::GenerateQuery.new.normalized_author_title_query(:title => some_title, :author => some_author)


In error conditions, a BorrowDirect::Error may be thrown -- including request timeouts when BD is taking too long to respond. You can set timeout value with default config, or for each api object.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'borrow_direct'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install borrow_direct

Running tests

Test coverage is with Minitest::Spec -- if more convenient, you can use Minitest::Unit style instead. But we do not use rspec; and we use Minispec assertion style (assert_x) not expectation style please (not x.must_).

Run tests with *rake test

  • or a specific test file with ruby -Ilib:test ./test/some_test.rb

Tests are recorded with the VCR gem, so tests can be re-run without actually contacting BorrowDirect server, it uses the recorded transactions.

To re-run tests with live HTTP connections to BD

  • delete all or some of the cassettes in ./test/vcr_cassettes
  • set shell ENV variables BD_LIBRARY_SYMBOL and BD_PATRON to values that will be used for testing, and re-recording cassettes
  • There are some constants at the top of the testing file that identify ISBN's expected to have certain characteristics (like being requestable, or not). If those characteristics are not true for your library, you may need to reset those constants to values that meet expected conditions.

Your barcode and library symbol credentials are not stored in the VCR cassettes, they are filtered out.

The tests are run against the BD test system, but the email address associated with the BD_PATRON will likely still get multiple emails generated to it as a result of testing.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/borrow_direct/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request