No release in over 3 years
Low commit activity in last 3 years
REST client for HelpScout V2 mailbox reports


~> 2.0
>= 12.3.3
~> 3.0
~> 3.8


 Project Readme


Build status Gem Version

Simple to use client for interacting with the Report Endpoints for the HelpScout V2 Mailbox API

It uses the following HelpScout gems:


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'helpscout-mailbox-v2-reports'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install helpscout-mailbox-v2-reports


Table of Contents


Company Reports

  • get_company
  • get_company_customers_helped
  • get_company_drilldown

Conversation Reports

  • get_conversations
  • get_conversations_new_conversations
  • get_conversations_channel_volumes
  • get_conversations_busiest_times
  • get_conversations_drilldown
  • get_conversations_drilldown_by_field
  • get_conversations_new_conversations_drilldown
  • get_conversations_received_message_stats

Doc Reports

  • get_docs

Happiness Reports

  • get_happiness
  • get_happiness_ratings

Productivity Reports

  • get_productivity
  • get_productivity_first_response_time
  • get_productivity_replies_sent
  • get_productivity_resolution_time
  • get_productivity_resolved
  • get_productivity_response_time

User Reports

  • get_user
  • get_user_conversation_history
  • get_user_customers_helped
  • get_user_drilldown
  • get_user_happiness
  • get_user_happiness_drilldown
  • get_user_replies
  • get_user_resolutions

Chat Reports

  • get_chat

Email Reports

  • get_email

Phone Reports

  • get_phone


Creates a new Client class and authorises the client with HelpScout

Parameter Type Description
client_id string Required HelpScout API client id
client_secret string Required HelpScout API client secret
base_url string Optional HelpScout API url (defaults to
require 'helpscout/mailbox/v2/reports'

client = 'some id', client_secret: 'keep it secret')
# => 'BMEv1lmcNgDBpOFNHo8TPlODMrF3BG5T'

Company Reports


The company report provides statistics about your company performance over a given time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how performance changed between the two ranges.

Maps to Company Overall Report

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
response = client.get_company
# =>
# {
#   "filterTags" : [ {
#     "id" : 123,
#     "name" : "sample-tag"
#   } ],
#   "current" : {
#     "startDate" : "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z",
#     "endDate" : "2015-01-31T23:59:59Z",
#     "customersHelped" : 28,
#     "closed" : 94,
#     "totalReplies" : 62,
#     "totalUsers" : 5,
#     "totalDays" : 30,
#     "repliesPerDayPerUser" : 0.41333333333333333,
#     "repliesPerDay" : 2.066666666666667,
#     "resolvedPerDay" : 0.03333333333333333
#   },
#   "previous" : {
#     "startDate" : "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z",
#     "endDate" : "2014-01-31T23:59:59Z",
#     "customersHelped" : 27,
#     "closed" : 49,
#     "totalReplies" : 636,
#     "totalUsers" : 4,
#     "totalDays" : 30,
#     "repliesPerDayPerUser" : 5.3,
#     "repliesPerDay" : 21.2,
#     "resolvedPerDay" : 0.4666666666666667
#   },
#   "deltas" : {
#     "customersHelped" : 3.703703703703698,
#     "totalReplies" : -90.25157232704403,
#     "repliesPerDay" : -90.25157232704403,
#     "closed" : 91.83673469387755,
#     "totalUsers" : 25.0,
#     "repliesPerDayPerUser" : -92.20125786163523
#   },
#   "users" : [ {
#     "customersHelped" : 26,
#     "happinessScore" : 66.66666666666666,
#     "previousCustomersHelped" : 16,
#     "replies" : 58,
#     "name" : "John Smith",
#     "previousHappinessScore" : 23.529411764705884,
#     "previousReplies" : 40,
#     "user" : "1",
#     "previousHandleTime" : 0.0,
#     "handleTime" : 78.96
#   } ]
# }


The customers helped report provides statistics about how many customers were helped over a given time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how the number of customers helped changed between the two ranges.

Maps to Company Customers Helped

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
view_by enumeration Represents the resolution at which data is returned; valid values are: day, week or month view_by: day
response = client.get_company_customers_helped
# => "{\"current\":[{\"date\":\"2020-03-09T13:30:00Z\",\"customers\":58}],\"previous\":[{\"date\":\"2020-02-24T13:30:00Z\",\"customers\":69}]}"


This report is similar to the Company Report, but instead of returning statistics about the company, it drills down and returns the conversation data that makes up the Company Report.

Maps to Company Drilldown

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
page number The page number page: 2
rows number Number of result to return per page; defaults to 25; maximum is 50 rows: 30
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
range enumeration Range valid values are replies, firstReplyResolved, resolved responseTime, firstResponseTime, handleTime Defaults responseTime range: replies
range_id number Range ID details, only valid if range is used range_id: 2
response = client.get_company_drilldown
# =>
# {
#   "conversations" : {
#     "pages" : 157,
#     "page" : 1,
#     "count" : 1561,
#     "results" : [ {
#       "id" : 583,
#       "number" : 12345,
#       "type" : "email",
#       "mailboxid" : 2,
#       "attachments" : false,
#       "subject" : "Sample subject",
#       "status" : "active",
#       "threadCount" : 6,
#       "preview" : "This is a preview...",
#       "customerName" : "John Smith",
#       "customerEmail" : "",
#       "customerIds" : [ 2 ],
#       "modifiedAt" : "2015-04-24T18:59:49Z",
#       "assignedid" : 4,
#       "tags" : [ {
#         "id" : 123,
#         "name" : "sample-tag",
#         "color" : "none"
#       } ],
#       "assignedName" : "Mary Jones"
#     } ]
#   }
# }

Conversation Reports


The conversations report provides statistics about conversation volume over a given time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how conversation volume changed between the two ranges.

Maps to Conversations Overall Report

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
response = client.get_conversations

# =>
# {
#   "filterTags" : [ {
#     "name" : "tag a",
#     "id" : 2
#   }, {
#     "name" : "tag b",
#     "id" : 3
#   } ],
#   "busiestDay" : {
#     "day" : 3,
#     "hour" : 0,
#     "count" : 411
#   },
#   "busyTimeStart" : 11,
#   "busyTimeEnd" : 13,
#   "current" : {
#     "startDate" : "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z",
#     "endDate" : "2015-01-31T23:59:59Z",
#     "totalConversations" : 1816,
#     "conversationsCreated" : 1698,
#     "newConversations" : 1698,
#     "customers" : 1302,
#     "conversationsPerDay" : 60
#   },
#   "previous" : {
#     "startDate" : "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z",
#     "endDate" : "2014-01-01T23:59:59Z",
#     "totalConversations" : 2080,
#     "conversationsCreated" : 1976,
#     "newConversations" : 1976,
#     "customers" : 1479,
#     "conversationsPerDay" : 67
#   },
#   "deltas" : {
#     "newConversations" : -14.068825910931,
#     "totalConversations" : -12.692307692308,
#     "customers" : -11.967545638945,
#     "conversationsCreated" : -14.068825910931,
#     "conversationsPerDay" : -10.44776119403
#   },
#   "tags" : {
#     "count" : 351,
#     "top" : [ {
#       "id" : 1,
#       "count" : 1465,
#       "previousCount" : 1651,
#       "percent" : 80.671806167401,
#       "previousPercent" : 79.375,
#       "deltaPercent" : 1.2968061674009
#     }, {
#       "name" : "tag a",
#       "id" : 2,
#       "count" : 51,
#       "previousCount" : 63,
#       "percent" : 2.8083700440529,
#       "previousPercent" : 3.0288461538462,
#       "deltaPercent" : -0.22047610979329
#     }, {
#       "name" : "tag b",
#       "id" : 406031,
#       "count" : 24,
#       "previousCount" : 20,
#       "percent" : 1.3215859030837,
#       "previousPercent" : 0.96153846153846,
#       "deltaPercent" : 0.36004744154524
#     } ]
#   },
#   "customers" : {
#     "count" : 1816,
#     "top" : [ {
#       "count" : 31,
#       "deltaPercent" : 0.31281768891901,
#       "id" : 1,
#       "name" : "John Smith",
#       "percent" : 1.7070484581498,
#       "previousCount" : 29,
#       "previousPercent" : 1.3942307692308
#     }, {
#       "count" : 12,
#       "deltaPercent" : -0.10843781768892,
#       "id" : 2,
#       "name" : "Mary Jones",
#       "percent" : 0.66079295154185,
#       "previousCount" : 16,
#       "previousPercent" : 0.76923076923077
#     } ]
#   },
#   "replies" : {
#     "count" : 109,
#     "top" : [ {
#       "name" : "Saved Reply 1",
#       "id" : 1,
#       "mailboxId" : 1,
#       "count" : 16,
#       "previousCount" : 9,
#       "percent" : 0.88105726872247,
#       "previousPercent" : 0.43269230769231,
#       "deltaPercent" : 0.44836496103016
#     }, {
#       "name" : "Saved Reply 2",
#       "id" : 2,
#       "mailboxId" : 1,
#       "count" : 13,
#       "previousCount" : 12,
#       "percent" : 0.715859030837,
#       "previousPercent" : 0.57692307692308,
#       "deltaPercent" : 0.13893595391393
#     } ]
#   },
#   "workflows" : {
#     "count" : 240,
#     "top" : [ {
#       "name" : "Workflow 1",
#       "id" : 1,
#       "count" : 90,
#       "previousCount" : 82,
#       "percent" : 4.9559471365639,
#       "previousPercent" : 3.9423076923077,
#       "deltaPercent" : 1.0136394442562
#     }, {
#       "name" : "Workflow 2",
#       "id" : 2,
#       "count" : 75,
#       "previousCount" : 91,
#       "percent" : 4.1299559471366,
#       "previousPercent" : 4.375,
#       "deltaPercent" : -0.24504405286344
#     } ]
#   },
#   "customFields" : {
#     "count" : 1,
#     "fields" : [ {
#       "id" : 8,
#       "name" : "Account Type",
#       "mailboxId" : 1234,
#       "values" : [ {
#         "name" : "Paying Customer",
#         "id" : 7,
#         "count" : 1442,
#         "percent" : 55.12232415902141
#       }, {
#         "name" : "Trial Customer",
#         "id" : 11,
#         "count" : 273,
#         "percent" : 10.435779816513762
#       } ],
#       "summary" : {
#         "total" : 2616,
#         "totalAnswered" : 2241,
#         "previousTotal" : null,
#         "previousTotalAnswered" : null,
#         "unansweredDelta" : 14.3348623853211,
#         "unansweredPreviousPercent" : 0,
#         "unansweredPercent" : 14.3348623853211
#       }
#     } ]
#   }
# }


The new conversations report provides a summary of new conversation volume over a given time range.

Maps to Conversations - New Conversations

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
view_by enumeration Represents the resolution at which data is returned; valid values are: day, week or month view_by: day
response = client.get_conversations_new_conversations
# => "{\"current\":[{\"start\":\"2020-03-09T13:30:00Z\",\"count\":62}],\"previous\":[{\"start\":\"2020-02-24T13:30:00Z\",\"count\":69}]}"


This report shows conversation volumes split by chat, phone and email channels.

Maps to All Channels - Volumes by Channel

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
view_by enumeration Represents the resolution at which data is returned; valid values are: day, week or month view_by: day
response = client.get_conversations_channel_volumes
# => "{\"current\":[{\"date\":\"2020-03-09T13:30:00Z\",\"chat\":0,\"email\":62,\"phone\":0}],\"previous\":[{\"date\":\"2020-02-24T13:30:00Z\",\"chat\":0,\"email\":69,\"phone\":0}]}"


The busiest time of day report provides a summary of which days and times had the highest coversation volume. Days/hours are reported using the company’s time zone.

Maps to Conversations - Busiest Time of Day

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
response = client.get_conversations_busiest_times
# =>
# [ {
#   "day" : 1,
#   "hour" : 0,
#   "count" : 3
# }, {
#   "day" : 1,
#   "hour" : 1,
#   "count" : 2
# }, {
#   "day" : 7,
#   "hour" : 22,
#   "count" : 12
# }, {
#   "day" : 7,
#   "hour" : 23,
#   "count" : 4
# } ]


This report is similar to the Conversations Report, but instead of returning statistics about conversation volume, it drills down and returns the conversation data that makes up the Conversations Report.

Maps to Conversations - Drilldown

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
page number The page number page: 2
rows number Number of result to return per page; defaults to 25; maximum is 50 rows: 30
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
response = client.get_conversations_drilldown
# =>
# {
#   "conversations" : {
#     "pages" : 157,
#     "page" : 1,
#     "count" : 1561,
#     "results" : [ {
#       "id" : 583,
#       "number" : 12345,
#       "type" : "email",
#       "mailboxid" : 2,
#       "attachments" : false,
#       "subject" : "Sample subject",
#       "status" : "active",
#       "threadCount" : 6,
#       "preview" : "This is a preview...",
#       "customerName" : "John Smith",
#       "customerEmail" : "",
#       "customerIds" : [ 2 ],
#       "modifiedAt" : "2015-04-24T18:59:49Z",
#       "assignedid" : 4,
#       "tags" : [ {
#         "id" : 123,
#         "name" : "sample-tag",
#         "color" : "none"
#       } ],
#       "assignedName" : "Mary Jones"
#     } ]
#   }
# }


This report is similar to the Conversations Report, but instead of returning statistics about conversation volume, it drills down and returns the conversation data (by conversation field) that makes up the Conversations Report.

Maps to Conversations - Drilldown by Field

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
page number The page number page: 2
rows number Number of result to return per page; defaults to 25; maximum is 50 rows: 30
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
field enumeration Field to drill down; valid values: tagid (for tags), replyid (for saved replies), workflowid (for workflows), customerid (for most active customers) Defaults to customerid field: customerid
field_id number The identifier on which to drill down; can be an identifier representing a tag, saved reply, workflow, or customer field_id: 2
response = client.get_conversations_drilldown_by_field
# =>
# {
#   "conversations" : {
#     "pages" : 157,
#     "page" : 1,
#     "count" : 1561,
#     "results" : [ {
#       "id" : 583,
#       "number" : 12345,
#       "type" : "email",
#       "mailboxid" : 2,
#       "attachments" : false,
#       "subject" : "Sample subject",
#       "status" : "active",
#       "threadCount" : 6,
#       "preview" : "This is a preview...",
#       "customerName" : "John Smith",
#       "customerEmail" : "",
#       "customerIds" : [ 2 ],
#       "modifiedAt" : "2015-04-24T18:59:49Z",
#       "assignedid" : 4,
#       "tags" : [ {
#         "id" : 123,
#         "name" : "sample-tag",
#         "color" : "none"
#       } ],
#       "assignedName" : "Mary Jones"
#     } ]
#   }
# }


This report is similar to the New Conversations Report, but instead of returning statistics about new conversation volume, it drills down and returns the actual new conversations that makes up the New Conversations Report.

Maps to Conversations - New Conversations Drilldown

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
page number The page number page: 2
rows number Number of result to return per page; defaults to 25; maximum is 50 rows: 30
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
response = client.get_conversations_new_conversations_drilldown
# =>
# {
#   "conversations" : {
#     "pages" : 157,
#     "page" : 1,
#     "count" : 1561,
#     "results" : [ {
#       "id" : 583,
#       "number" : 12345,
#       "type" : "email",
#       "mailboxid" : 2,
#       "attachments" : false,
#       "subject" : "Sample subject",
#       "status" : "active",
#       "threadCount" : 6,
#       "preview" : "This is a preview...",
#       "customerName" : "John Smith",
#       "customerEmail" : "",
#       "customerIds" : [ 2 ],
#       "modifiedAt" : "2015-04-24T18:59:49Z",
#       "assignedid" : 4,
#       "tags" : [ {
#         "id" : 123,
#         "name" : "sample-tag",
#         "color" : "none"
#       } ],
#       "assignedName" : "Mary Jones"
#     } ]
#   }
# }


The received messages report provides a summary of the volume of received messages over a given time range. Only messages from customers are counted.

Maps to Conversations - Received Messages Statistics

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
view_by enumeration Represents the resolution at which data is returned; valid values are: day, week or month view_by: day
response = client.get_conversations_received_message_stats
# => "{\"current\":[{\"date\":\"2020-03-09T13:30:00Z\",\"messages\":126}],\"previous\":[{\"date\":\"2020-02-24T13:30:00Z\",\"messages\":146}]}"

Doc Reports


The Docs report provides statistics about Docs usage (searches, top articles, etc.) over a given time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how usage changed between the two ranges.

Maps to Docs Overall Report

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
sites string List of comma separated docs site IDs sites: 5215163545667acd25394b5c or sites:5215163545667acd25394b5c,5214c77c45667acd25394b51
response = client.get_docs
# =>
# {
#   "current" : {
#     "visitors" : 10723,
#     "browseAction" : 88.94575230296827,
#     "sentAnEmailResult" : 0.3450526904784109,
#     "foundAnAnswerResult" : 72.93667816842301,
#     "searchAction" : 11.05424769703173,
#     "failedResult" : 26.71826914109857,
#     "docsViewedPerVisit" : 0.9329443525211182
#   },
#   "popularSearches" : [ {
#     "count" : 22,
#     "id" : "pricing",
#     "results" : 4
#   }, {
#     "count" : 21,
#     "id" : "beacon",
#     "results" : 9
#   } ],
#   "failedSearches" : [ {
#     "count" : 2,
#     "id" : "knowlege"
#   }, {
#     "count" : 1,
#     "id" : "auto-advance"
#   } ],
#   "topArticles" : [ {
#     "count" : 2295,
#     "name" : "Email commands ",
#     "siteId" : "52244cc53e3e9bd67a3dc68c",
#     "id" : "524db929e400c2199a391f39",
#     "collectionId" : "524491b4e4b0145597daf4e4"
#   } ],
#   "topCategories" : [ {
#     "count" : 1153,
#     "name" : "Productivity",
#     "siteId" : "52444cc53e3e9bd67a3dc28c",
#     "id" : "52b5a3b6e4b0a3b4e5ec64d3",
#     "articles" : 20
#   }, {
#     "count" : 790,
#     "name" : "Copying Email to Help Scout",
#     "siteId" : "52444cc53e3e9bd67b3dc68c",
#     "id" : "52548414e4b0772073dac6d0",
#     "articles" : 17
#   } ],
#   "deltas" : {
#     "failedResult" : 2.4021178109331593,
#     "docsViewedPerVisit" : 2.561943903720043,
#     "foundAnAnswerResult" : -2.7056392137487535,
#     "visitors" : -14.622392395035643,
#     "browseAction" : -2.154856275773497,
#     "searchAction" : 2.1548562757735183,
#     "sentAnEmailResult" : 0.30352140281560414
#   }
# }

Happiness Reports


The happiness report provides information about how many Great, Okay, and Not Good ratings your company received for each period in a specified time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how happiness ratings changed between the two time ranges.

Maps to Happiness Overall Report

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
response = client.get_happiness
# =>
# {
#   "current" : {
#     "ratingsPercent" : 35.77981651376147,
#     "okay" : 30.909090909090907,
#     "great" : 37.27272727272727,
#     "happinessScore" : 5.454545454545457,
#     "okayCount" : 34,
#     "totalCustomersWithRatings" : 39,
#     "notGoodCount" : 35,
#     "ratingsCount" : 110,
#     "notGood" : 31.818181818181817,
#     "greatCount" : 41,
#     "totalCustomers" : 109
#   },
#   "previous" : {
#     "ratingsPercent" : 32.03047366677708,
#     "great" : 31.65735567970205,
#     "okay" : 36.49906890130354,
#     "happinessScore" : -0.1862197392923619,
#     "okayCount" : 392,
#     "totalCustomersWithRatings" : 967,
#     "notGoodCount" : 342,
#     "ratingsCount" : 1074,
#     "notGood" : 31.843575418994412,
#     "greatCount" : 340,
#     "totalCustomers" : 3019
#   },
#   "deltas" : {
#     "okay" : -5.589977992212631,
#     "great" : 5.615371593025223,
#     "okayCount" : -91.3265306122449,
#     "happinessScore" : 5.640765193837819,
#     "notGoodCount" : -89.76608187134502,
#     "notGood" : -0.02539360081259545,
#     "greatCount" : -87.94117647058823
#   }
# }


The happiness ratings report provides a company’s ratings for over a specified time range.

Maps to Happiness Ratings Report

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
page number The page number page: 2
sort_field enumeration Must be one of number, modifiedAt, rating Defaults to rating sort_field: rating
sort_order enumeration Must be one of ASC or DESC Defaults to ASC sort_order: ASC
rating enumeration Rating to filter on, valid values are: great, ok, all, not-good rating: great
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
response = client.get_happiness_ratings
# =>
# {
#   "results" : [ {
#     "number" : 222043,
#     "threadid" : 1169815634,
#     "threadCreatedAt" : "2017-09-15T11:57:14Z",
#     "id" : 432207336,
#     "type" : "email",
#     "ratingId" : 1,
#     "ratingCustomerId" : 121198824,
#     "ratingComments" : "Thanks for the clear reply, Amanda!",
#     "ratingCreatedAt" : "2017-09-15T12:26:53Z",
#     "ratingCustomerName" : "Alexander the Great",
#     "ratingUserId" : 69013,
#     "ratingUserName" : "Amanda Herrington"
#   }, {
#     "number" : 226983,
#     "threadid" : 1169298612,
#     "threadCreatedAt" : "2017-09-15T03:52:30Z",
#     "id" : 432031326,
#     "type" : "email",
#     "ratingId" : 1,
#     "ratingCustomerId" : 121972376,
#     "ratingComments" : "Super helpful!",
#     "ratingCreatedAt" : "2017-09-15T14:54:27Z",
#     "ratingCustomerName" : "Mikey Mikelson",
#     "ratingUserId" : 76859,
#     "ratingUserName" : "Shawna Herring"
#   } ],
#   "page" : 1,
#   "count" : 100,
#   "pages" : 2
# }

Productivity Reports


The productivity report provides a snapshot of productivity over a given time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how productivity changed between the two ranges.

If you would like to see the conversation data that make up this report, please use the Company Drilldown endpoint

Maps to Productivity Overall Report

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
office_hours boolean Whether to take office hours into consideration in the report (defaults to false); office hours must be enabled if true is passed, otherwise the default of false will be used office_hours: true
response = client.get_productivity
# =>
# {
#   "filterTags" : [ {
#     "id" : 123,
#     "name" : "sample-tag"
#   } ],
#   "current" : {
#     "startDate" : "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z",
#     "endDate" : "2015-01-31T23:59:59Z",
#     "totalConversations" : 1,
#     "resolutionTime" : 2278004.0,
#     "repliesToResolve" : 2.0,
#     "responseTime" : 2278004,
#     "firstResponseTime" : 2278004,
#     "resolved" : 1,
#     "resolvedOnFirstReply" : 0,
#     "closed" : 94,
#     "repliesSent" : 62,
#     "handleTime" : 6,
#     "percentResolvedOnFirstReply" : 0.0
#   },
#   "previous" : {
#     "startDate" : "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z",
#     "endDate" : "2014-01-31T23:59:59Z",
#     "totalConversations" : 14,
#     "resolutionTime" : 6531211.714285715,
#     "repliesToResolve" : 2.2142857142857144,
#     "responseTime" : 4850412,
#     "firstResponseTime" : 5138913,
#     "resolved" : 14,
#     "resolvedOnFirstReply" : 5,
#     "closed" : 49,
#     "repliesSent" : 636,
#     "handleTime" : 0,
#     "percentResolvedOnFirstReply" : 0.35714285714285715
#   },
#   "deltas" : {
#     "totalConversations" : -92.85714285714286,
#     "repliesSent" : -90.25157232704403,
#     "firstResponseTime" : -55.67148149813006,
#     "resolved" : -92.85714285714286,
#     "repliesToResolve" : -9.677419354838712,
#     "closed" : 91.83673469387755,
#     "resolvedOnFirstReply" : -100.0,
#     "responseTime" : -53.03483497896673,
#     "handleTime" : 0.0,
#     "resolutionTime" : -65.12126539984419
#   },
#   "responseTime" : {
#     "count" : 1,
#     "previousCount" : 14,
#     "ranges" : [ {
#       "id" : 10,
#       "count" : 1,
#       "previousCount" : 12,
#       "percent" : 100.0,
#       "previousPercent" : 85.71428571428571
#     } ]
#   },
#   "handleTime" : {
#     "count" : 1,
#     "previousCount" : 14,
#     "ranges" : [ {
#       "id" : 1,
#       "count" : 1,
#       "previousCount" : 14,
#       "percent" : 100.0,
#       "previousPercent" : 100.0
#     } ]
#   },
#   "firstResponseTime" : {
#     "count" : 1,
#     "previousCount" : 14,
#     "ranges" : [ {
#       "id" : 10,
#       "count" : 1,
#       "previousCount" : 12,
#       "percent" : 100.0,
#       "previousPercent" : 85.71428571428571
#     } ]
#   },
#   "repliesToResolve" : {
#     "count" : 1,
#     "previousCount" : 14,
#     "ranges" : [ {
#       "id" : 2,
#       "count" : 1,
#       "previousCount" : 4,
#       "percent" : 100.0,
#       "previousPercent" : 28.57142857142857,
#       "resolutionTime" : 2278004
#     } ]
#   }
# }


This report provides average first response times for each period in a specified time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how first response time changed between the two ranges.

Maps to Productivity - First Response Time

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
office_hours boolean Whether to take office hours into consideration in the report (defaults to false); office hours must be enabled if true is passed, otherwise the default of false will be used office_hours: true
view_by enumeration Represents the resolution at which data is returned; valid values are: day, week or month view_by: day
response = client.get_productivity_first_response_time
# => "{\"current\":[{\"date\":\"2020-03-09T13:30:00Z\",\"time\":77134}],\"previous\":[{\"date\":\"2020-02-24T13:30:00Z\",\"time\":160951}]}"


This report provides the number of replies sent for each period in a specified time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how the number of replies sent changed between the two ranges.

Maps to Productivity - Replies Sent

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
office_hours boolean Whether to take office hours into consideration in the report (defaults to false); office hours must be enabled if true is passed, otherwise the default of false will be used office_hours: true
view_by enumeration Represents the resolution at which data is returned; valid values are: day, week or month view_by: day
response = client.get_productivity_replies_sent
# => "{\"current\":[{\"date\":\"2020-03-09T13:30:00Z\",\"replies\":86}],\"previous\":[{\"date\":\"2020-02-24T13:30:00Z\",\"replies\":109}]}"


This report provides average resolution times for each period in a specified time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how average resolution time changed between the two ranges.

Maps to Productivity - Resolution Time

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
office_hours boolean Whether to take office hours into consideration in the report (defaults to false); office hours must be enabled if true is passed, otherwise the default of false will be used office_hours: true
view_by enumeration Represents the resolution at which data is returned; valid values are: day, week or month view_by: day
response = client.get_productivity_resolution_time
# => "{\"current\":[{\"date\":\"2020-03-09T13:30:00Z\",\"time\":423588}],\"previous\":[{\"date\":\"2020-02-24T13:30:00Z\",\"time\":642356}]}"


This report provides the number of resolved conversations for each period in a specified time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how the number of resolved conversations changed between the two ranges.

Maps to Productivity - Resolved

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
office_hours boolean Whether to take office hours into consideration in the report (defaults to false); office hours must be enabled if true is passed, otherwise the default of false will be used office_hours: true
view_by enumeration Represents the resolution at which data is returned; valid values are: day, week or month view_by: day
response = client.get_productivity_resolved
# => "{\"current\":[{\"date\":\"2020-03-09T13:30:00Z\",\"resolved\":49}],\"previous\":[{\"date\":\"2020-02-24T13:30:00Z\",\"resolved\":47}]}"


This report provides average response times for each period in a specified time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how response time changed between the two ranges.

Maps to Productivity - Response Time

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
office_hours boolean Whether to take office hours into consideration in the report (defaults to false); office hours must be enabled if true is passed, otherwise the default of false will be used office_hours: true
view_by enumeration Represents the resolution at which data is returned; valid values are: day, week or month view_by: day
response = client.get_productivity_response_time
# => "{\"current\":[{\"date\":\"2020-03-09T13:30:00Z\",\"time\":82731}],\"previous\":[{\"date\":\"2020-02-24T13:30:00Z\",\"time\":115673}]}"

User Report


Please note that if a team ID is used instead of an user ID, the report calculates summary data for all team members.

The report provides a snapshot of a user or team activity over a specified time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how activity changed between the two ranges.

Maps to User/Team Overall Report

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
office_hours boolean Whether to take office hours into consideration in the report (defaults to false); office hours must be enabled if true is passed, otherwise the default of false will be used office_hours: true
user number User for whom the report is generated Defaults 1 user: 1
response = client.get_user
# =>
# {
#   "filterTags" : [ {
#     "id" : 123,
#     "name" : "sample-tag"
#   } ],
#   "user" : {
#     "id" : 4,
#     "hasPhoto" : true,
#     "createdAt" : "2010-09-03T15:55:48Z",
#     "name" : "John Smith",
#     "totalCustomersHelped" : 6580,
#     "photoUrl" : ""
#   },
#   "current" : {
#     "startDate" : "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z",
#     "endDate" : "2015-01-31T23:59:59Z",
#     "totalDays" : 30,
#     "resolved" : 1,
#     "conversationsCreated" : 15,
#     "closed" : 3,
#     "totalReplies" : 58,
#     "resolvedOnFirstReply" : 0,
#     "percentResolvedOnFirstReply" : 0.0,
#     "repliesToResolve" : 2.0,
#     "handleTime" : 78.96,
#     "happinessScore" : 66.66666666666666,
#     "responseTime" : 2278004,
#     "resolutionTime" : 2278004.0,
#     "repliesPerDay" : 1.9333333333333333,
#     "customersHelped" : 26,
#     "totalConversations" : 19,
#     "conversationsPerDay" : 0.6333333333333333,
#     "busiestDay" : 5
#   },
#   "previous" : {
#     "startDate" : "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z",
#     "endDate" : "2014-01-31T23:59:59Z",
#     "totalDays" : 30,
#     "resolved" : 12,
#     "conversationsCreated" : 2,
#     "closed" : 33,
#     "totalReplies" : 40,
#     "resolvedOnFirstReply" : 4,
#     "percentResolvedOnFirstReply" : 0.3333333333333333,
#     "repliesToResolve" : 2.1666666666666665,
#     "handleTime" : 0.0,
#     "happinessScore" : 23.529411764705884,
#     "responseTime" : 2357169,
#     "resolutionTime" : 4318101.5,
#     "repliesPerDay" : 1.3333333333333333,
#     "customersHelped" : 16,
#     "totalConversations" : 42,
#     "conversationsPerDay" : 0.4
#   },
#   "deltas" : {
#     "totalConversations" : -54.761904761904766,
#     "customersHelped" : 62.5,
#     "happinessScore" : 43.13725490196077,
#     "repliesPerDay" : 45.000000000000014,
#     "resolvedOnFirstReply" : -100.0,
#     "handleTime" : 0.0,
#     "conversationsPerDay" : 58.33333333333333,
#     "resolved" : -91.66666666666666,
#     "repliesToResolve" : -7.692307692307687,
#     "activeConversations" : -54.761904761904766,
#     "totalReplies" : 44.99999999999999,
#     "closed" : -90.9090909090909,
#     "responseTime" : -3.3584779029420475,
#     "resolutionTime" : -47.245241919394445,
#     "conversationsCreated" : 650.0
#   }
# }


The conversation history report provides details about a user’s conversations for over a specified time range.

Maps to User Conversation History

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
office_hours boolean Whether to take office hours into consideration in the report (defaults to false); office hours must be enabled if true is passed, otherwise the default of false will be used office_hours: true
user number User for whom the report is generated Defaults 1 user: 1
status enumeration Conversation status, one of active, pending, closed user: 1
page number The page number page: 2
sort_field enumeration Must be one of number, modifiedAt, rating Defaults to number sort_field: rating
sort_order enumeration Must be one of ASC or DESC Defaults to ASC sort_order: ASC
response = client.get_user_conversation_history
# =>
# {
#   "results" : [ {
#     "id" : 416351186,
#     "number" : 222002,
#     "customers" : [ {
#       "id" : 138946703,
#       "name" : "Peter Peters"
#     } ],
#     "avgHandleTime" : 279,
#     "firstResponseTime" : 1878,
#     "repliesSent" : 1,
#     "responseTime" : 1878,
#     "resolveTime" : 1878
#   }, {
#     "id" : 4845671933,
#     "number" : 221955,
#     "customers" : [ {
#       "id" : 137966680,
#       "name" : "Alex Ballena"
#     } ],
#     "avgHandleTime" : 154,
#     "firstResponseTime" : 8307,
#     "repliesSent" : 1,
#     "responseTime" : 8307,
#     "resolveTime" : 8307
#   } ],
#   "page" : 1,
#   "count" : 2303,
#   "pages" : 20
# }


This reports provides the number of customers a user helped for each period in a specified time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how the number of customers helped changed between the two time ranges.

Maps to User Customers Helped

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
user number User for whom the report is generated Defaults 1 user: 1
view_by enumeration Represents the resolution at which data is returned; valid values are: day, week or month view_by: day
response = client.get_user_customers_helped
# => "{\"current\":[{\"date\":\"2020-03-09T13:30:00Z\",\"customers\":17}],\"previous\":[{\"date\":\"2020-02-24T13:30:00Z\",\"customers\":16}]}"


This report is similar to the User Report, but instead of returning statistics about users, it drills down and returns the conversation data that makes up the User Report.

Maps to User Drill-down

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
user number User for whom the report is generated Defaults 1 user: 1
page number The page number page: 2
rows number Number of result to return per page; defaults to 25; maximum is 50 rows: 30
response = client.get_user_drilldown
# =>
# {
#   "conversations" : {
#     "results" : [ {
#       "id" : 430221821,
#       "number" : 226358,
#       "type" : "email",
#       "mailboxid" : 85,
#       "attachments" : false,
#       "subject" : "Folder Not Appearing",
#       "status" : "active",
#       "threadCount" : 3,
#       "preview" : "Hi Reginald, We actually need this workflow to run on the following condition",
#       "customerName" : "Owen Freheim",
#       "modifiedAt" : "2017-09-12T11:22:11Z",
#       "assignedid" : 0,
#       "waitingSince" : "2017-09-12T11:22:11Z",
#       "waitingSinceType" : 2,
#       "tags" : [ {
#         "id" : 1277761,
#         "name" : "folder-refresh",
#         "color" : "none"
#       } ]
#     }, {
#       "id" : 430120638,
#       "number" : 226333,
#       "type" : "email",
#       "mailboxid" : 85,
#       "attachments" : true,
#       "subject" : "Troubles with water level",
#       "status" : "active",
#       "threadCount" : 4,
#       "preview" : "Hey there seems to be an issue with the following levels...",
#       "customerName" : "Water service",
#       "modifiedAt" : "2017-09-12T11:23:06Z",
#       "assignedid" : 0,
#       "waitingSince" : "2017-09-12T11:21:50Z",
#       "waitingSinceType" : 2,
#       "tags" : [ ]
#     } ],
#     "page" : 1,
#     "count" : 101,
#     "pages" : 2
#   }
# }


The happiness report provides information about how many Great, Okay, and Not Good ratings a user received for each period in a specified time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how happiness ratings changed between the two time ranges.

Maps to User Happiness

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
user number User for whom the report is generated Defaults 1 user: 1
response = client.get_user_happiness
# =>
# {
#   "filterTags" : [ {
#     "id" : 123,
#     "name" : "sample-tag"
#   } ],
#   "current" : {
#     "ratingsPercent" : 35.77981651376147,
#     "okay" : 30.909090909090907,
#     "great" : 37.27272727272727,
#     "happinessScore" : 5.454545454545457,
#     "okayCount" : 34,
#     "totalCustomersWithRatings" : 39,
#     "notGoodCount" : 35,
#     "ratingsCount" : 110,
#     "notGood" : 31.818181818181817,
#     "greatCount" : 41,
#     "totalCustomers" : 109
#   },
#   "previous" : {
#     "ratingsPercent" : 32.03047366677708,
#     "great" : 31.65735567970205,
#     "okay" : 36.49906890130354,
#     "happinessScore" : -0.1862197392923619,
#     "okayCount" : 392,
#     "totalCustomersWithRatings" : 967,
#     "notGoodCount" : 342,
#     "ratingsCount" : 1074,
#     "notGood" : 31.843575418994412,
#     "greatCount" : 340,
#     "totalCustomers" : 3019
#   },
#   "deltas" : {
#     "okay" : -5.589977992212631,
#     "great" : 5.615371593025223,
#     "okayCount" : -91.3265306122449,
#     "happinessScore" : 5.640765193837819,
#     "notGoodCount" : -89.76608187134502,
#     "notGood" : -0.02539360081259545,
#     "greatCount" : -87.94117647058823
#   }
# }


The user ratings report provides a user’s ratings for over a specified time range.

Maps to User Happiness drilldown

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
user number User for whom the report is generated Defaults 1 user: 1
rating enumeration Rating to filter on, valid values are: great, ok, all, not-good rating: great
page number The page number page: 2
sort_field enumeration Must be one of number, modifiedAt, rating Defaults to number sort_field: rating
sort_order enumeration Must be one of ASC or DESC Defaults to ASC sort_order: ASC
response = client.get_user_happiness_drilldown
# =>
# {
#   "results" : [ {
#     "number" : 214705,
#     "threadid" : 1149512066,
#     "threadCreatedAt" : "2017-09-02T11:21:42Z",
#     "id" : 424890237,
#     "type" : "email",
#     "ratingId" : 1,
#     "ratingCustomerId" : 141147564,
#     "ratingComments" : "Nice work!",
#     "ratingCreatedAt" : "2017-09-02T11:23:43Z",
#     "ratingCustomerName" : "",
#     "ratingUserId" : 19,
#     "ratingUserName" : "Denny Matthews"
#   }, {
#     "number" : 224713,
#     "threadid" : 1149511394,
#     "threadCreatedAt" : "2017-09-02T11:20:31Z",
#     "id" : 424910211,
#     "type" : "email",
#     "ratingId" : 1,
#     "ratingCustomerId" : 79911899,
#     "ratingComments" : "Great job",
#     "ratingCreatedAt" : "2017-09-02T11:28:47Z",
#     "ratingCustomerName" : "Robert Johnson",
#     "ratingUserId" : 4,
#     "ratingUserName" : "Robert Swindle"
#   } ],
#   "page" : 1,
#   "count" : 165,
#   "pages" : 17
# }


This reports provides the number of replies a user sent for each period in a specified time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how the number replies changed between the two time ranges.

Maps to User Replies

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
user number User for whom the report is generated Defaults 1 user: 1
view_by enumeration Represents the resolution at which data is returned; valid values are: day, week or month view_by: day
response = client.get_user_replies
# => "{\"current\":[{\"date\":\"2020-03-09T13:30:00Z\",\"replies\":24}],\"previous\":[{\"date\":\"2020-02-24T13:30:00Z\",\"replies\":18}]}"


This reports provides the number of conversations a user helped resolve for each period in a specified time range. You may optionally specify two time ranges to see how the number of resolved conversations changed between the two time ranges.

Maps to User Resolutions

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
types enumeration List of comma separated conversation types to filter on, valid values are email, chat or phone types: email or types:chat,email,phone
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
user number User for whom the report is generated Defaults 1 user: 1
view_by enumeration Represents the resolution at which data is returned; valid values are: day, week or month view_by: day
response = client.get_user_resolutions
# => "{\"current\":[{\"date\":\"2020-03-09T13:30:00Z\",\"resolved\":26}],\"previous\":[{\"date\":\"2020-02-24T13:30:00Z\",\"resolved\":17}]}"

Chat Reports


The Chat report is all about seeing volume, efficiency, and team productivity when using Beacon with live chat over time. If you don’t see the chat report, it means you aren’t using Beacon. Set up a chat-enabled Beacon and give it a spin! Check out Reporting Definitions and Scenarios for the scoop on how these metrics are calculated.

Third party chat integrations will show a count in the All Channels - Volumes by Channel report as chats, but will not be included in the Chat report. These metrics are available only for chats via Beacon.

Maps to Chat Report

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
office_hours boolean Whether to take office hours into consideration in the report (defaults to false); office hours must be enabled if true is passed, otherwise the default of false will be used office_hours: true
response = client.get_chat
# =>
# {
#   "current" : {
#     "startDate" : "2019-03-01T12:00:00Z",
#     "endDate" : "2019-04-01T12:00:00Z",
#     "volume" : {
#       "chatConversations" : 255,
#       "completedChats" : 243,
#       "missedChats" : 12,
#       "chatsPerDay" : 8.225806
#     },
#     "responses" : {
#       "waitTime" : 37,
#       "responseTime" : 0
#     },
#     "resolutions" : {
#       "messagesPerChat" : 16.84252,
#       "duration" : 927
#     }
#   },
#   "previous" : {
#     "startDate" : "2019-02-01T12:00:00Z",
#     "endDate" : "2019-03-01T12:00:00Z",
#     "volume" : {
#       "chatConversations" : 212,
#       "completedChats" : 206,
#       "missedChats" : 5,
#       "chatsPerDay" : 7.571429
#     },
#     "responses" : {
#       "waitTime" : 37,
#       "responseTime" : 66
#     },
#     "resolutions" : {
#       "messagesPerChat" : 15.898551,
#       "duration" : 935
#     }
#   },
#   "deltas" : {
#     "volume" : {
#       "chatConversations" : 20.283018,
#       "completedChats" : 17.961164,
#       "missedChats" : 140.0,
#       "chatsPerDay" : 8.642727
#     },
#     "responses" : {
#       "waitTime" : 0.0,
#       "responseTime" : -6.060606
#     },
#     "resolutions" : {
#       "messagesPerChat" : 5.937453,
#       "duration" : -0.85561496
#     }
#   },
#   "waitTime" : {
#     "count" : 238,
#     "previousCount" : 196,
#     "ranges" : [ {
#       "id" : 1,
#       "count" : 199,
#       "percent" : 83.61345,
#       "previousCount" : 160,
#       "previousPercent" : 81
#     }, {
#       "id" : 2,
#       "count" : 30,
#       "percent" : 12.605042,
#       "previousCount" : 33,
#       "previousPercent" : 16
#     }, {
#       "id" : 3,
#       "count" : 9,
#       "percent" : 3.7815125,
#       "previousCount" : 3,
#       "previousPercent" : 1
#     }, {
#       "id" : 4,
#       "count" : 0,
#       "percent" : 0.0,
#       "previousCount" : 0,
#       "previousPercent" : 0
#     }, {
#       "id" : 5,
#       "count" : 0,
#       "percent" : 0.0,
#       "previousCount" : 0,
#       "previousPercent" : 0
#     } ]
#   },
#   "responseTime" : {
#     "count" : 237,
#     "previousCount" : 183,
#     "ranges" : [ {
#       "id" : 1,
#       "count" : 150,
#       "percent" : 63.291138,
#       "previousCount" : 103,
#       "previousPercent" : 56
#     }, {
#       "id" : 2,
#       "count" : 62,
#       "percent" : 26.160337,
#       "previousCount" : 61,
#       "previousPercent" : 33
#     }, {
#       "id" : 3,
#       "count" : 25,
#       "percent" : 10.548523,
#       "previousCount" : 18,
#       "previousPercent" : 9
#     }, {
#       "id" : 4,
#       "count" : 0,
#       "percent" : 0.0,
#       "previousCount" : 1,
#       "previousPercent" : 0
#     }, {
#       "id" : 5,
#       "count" : 0,
#       "percent" : 0.0,
#       "previousCount" : 0,
#       "previousPercent" : 0
#     } ]
#   },
#   "messagesPerChat" : {
#     "count" : 254,
#     "previousCount" : 207,
#     "ranges" : [ {
#       "id" : 3,
#       "count" : 87,
#       "percent" : 34.25197,
#       "previousCount" : 61,
#       "previousPercent" : 29
#     }, {
#       "id" : 2,
#       "count" : 60,
#       "percent" : 23.622047,
#       "previousCount" : 40,
#       "previousPercent" : 19
#     }, {
#       "id" : 4,
#       "count" : 44,
#       "percent" : 17.322834,
#       "previousCount" : 37,
#       "previousPercent" : 17
#     }, {
#       "id" : 5,
#       "count" : 35,
#       "percent" : 13.779528,
#       "previousCount" : 23,
#       "previousPercent" : 11
#     }, {
#       "id" : 1,
#       "count" : 28,
#       "percent" : 11.0236225,
#       "previousCount" : 46,
#       "previousPercent" : 22
#     } ]
#   },
#   "duration" : {
#     "count" : 238,
#     "previousCount" : 196,
#     "ranges" : [ {
#       "id" : 3,
#       "count" : 73,
#       "percent" : 30.67227,
#       "previousCount" : 49,
#       "previousPercent" : 25
#     }, {
#       "id" : 2,
#       "count" : 54,
#       "percent" : 22.689075,
#       "previousCount" : 49,
#       "previousPercent" : 25
#     }, {
#       "id" : 1,
#       "count" : 43,
#       "percent" : 18.067226,
#       "previousCount" : 40,
#       "previousPercent" : 20
#     }, {
#       "id" : 4,
#       "count" : 35,
#       "percent" : 14.705882,
#       "previousCount" : 28,
#       "previousPercent" : 14
#     }, {
#       "id" : 5,
#       "count" : 33,
#       "percent" : 13.865546,
#       "previousCount" : 30,
#       "previousPercent" : 15
#     } ]
#   }
# }

Email Reports


The Email report measures efficiency working with email conversations. You’ll be able to keep track of how your team is performing in terms of time spent addressing and responding to conversations. Check out Reporting Definitions and Scenarios for the scoop on how these metrics are calculated.

Maps to Email Report

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
office_hours boolean Whether to take office hours into consideration in the report (defaults to false); office hours must be enabled if true is passed, otherwise the default of false will be used office_hours: true
response = client.get_email
# =>
# {
#   "filterTags" : [ {
#     "id" : 100,
#     "name" : "vip"
#   } ],
#   "current" : {
#     "startDate" : "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z",
#     "endDate" : "2015-01-31T23:59:59Z",
#     "volume" : {
#       "emailConversations" : 8,
#       "emailsCreated" : 5,
#       "repliesSent" : 24,
#       "messagesReceived" : 40
#     },
#     "resolutions" : {
#       "resolved" : 10,
#       "resolvedOnFirstReply" : 1,
#       "percentResolvedOnFirstReply" : 0.1,
#       "resolutionTime" : 20.5,
#       "repliesToResolve" : 17.0,
#       "handleTime" : 129,
#       "closed" : 20
#     },
#     "responses" : {
#       "responseTime" : 1023,
#       "firstResponseTime" : 500
#     }
#   },
#   "previous" : {
#     "startDate" : "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z",
#     "endDate" : "2015-01-31T23:59:59Z",
#     "volume" : {
#       "emailConversations" : 7,
#       "emailsCreated" : 4,
#       "repliesSent" : 14,
#       "messagesReceived" : 20
#     },
#     "resolutions" : {
#       "resolved" : 11,
#       "resolvedOnFirstReply" : 140,
#       "percentResolvedOnFirstReply" : 0.2,
#       "resolutionTime" : 20.4,
#       "repliesToResolve" : 7.0,
#       "handleTime" : 110,
#       "closed" : 19
#     },
#     "responses" : {
#       "responseTime" : 1021,
#       "firstResponseTime" : 300
#     }
#   },
#   "deltas" : {
#     "volume" : {
#       "emailConversations" : 639.2,
#       "emailsCreated" : 865.0602,
#       "repliesSent" : 402.4922,
#       "messagesReceived" : 245.098
#     },
#     "resolutions" : {
#       "resolved" : -15.0,
#       "resolvedOnFirstReply" : 3.8235,
#       "resolutionTime" : -99.3841,
#       "repliesToResolve" : 45.6583,
#       "handleTime" : -45.5696,
#       "closed" : -40.678
#     },
#     "responses" : {
#       "responseTime" : -99.0912,
#       "firstResponseTime" : -99.085
#     }
#   },
#   "responseTime" : {
#     "count" : 1,
#     "previousCount" : 14,
#     "ranges" : [ {
#       "id" : 10,
#       "count" : 1,
#       "percent" : 100.0,
#       "previousCount" : 12,
#       "previousPercent" : 85
#     } ]
#   },
#   "handleTime" : {
#     "count" : 1,
#     "previousCount" : 14,
#     "ranges" : [ {
#       "id" : 1,
#       "count" : 1,
#       "percent" : 100.0,
#       "previousCount" : 14,
#       "previousPercent" : 100
#     } ]
#   },
#   "firstResponseTime" : {
#     "count" : 1,
#     "previousCount" : 14,
#     "ranges" : [ {
#       "id" : 10,
#       "count" : 1,
#       "percent" : 100.0,
#       "previousCount" : 12,
#       "previousPercent" : 85
#     } ]
#   },
#   "resolutionTime" : {
#     "count" : 17,
#     "previousCount" : 20,
#     "ranges" : [ {
#       "id" : 1,
#       "count" : 12,
#       "percent" : 70.588234,
#       "previousCount" : 5,
#       "previousPercent" : 25
#     }, {
#       "id" : 3,
#       "count" : 2,
#       "percent" : 11.764706,
#       "previousCount" : 1,
#       "previousPercent" : 5
#     } ]
#   },
#   "repliesToResolve" : {
#     "count" : 1,
#     "previousCount" : 14,
#     "ranges" : [ {
#       "id" : 2,
#       "count" : 1,
#       "percent" : 100.0,
#       "previousCount" : 4,
#       "previousPercent" : 28,
#       "resolutionTime" : 2278004
#     } ]
#   }
# }

Phone Reports


The Phone report is a very simple and straightforward measure of the volume of phone calls logged in Help Scout. Check out Reporting Definitions and Scenarios for the scoop on how these metrics are calculated.

Maps to Phone Report

Parameter Type Description Example
start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the interval Defaults 1.week.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 start_date: 2020-03-09T13:30:00Z
end_date utc.iso8601 End of the interval Defaults end_date: 2020-03-16T13:30:00Z
previous_start_date utc.iso8601 Start of the previous interval Defaults 3.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_start_date: 2020-02-24T13:30:00Z
previous_end_date utc.iso8601 End of the previous interval Defaults 2.weeks.ago.beginning_of_day.utc.iso8601 previous_end_date: 2020-03-02T13:30:00Z
tags number List of comma separated ids to filter on tags tags:99787 or tags:5666 99787
folders number List of comma separated folder ids to filter on folders folders: 991 or folders: 991,99
office_hours boolean Whether to take office hours into consideration in the report (defaults to false); office hours must be enabled if true is passed, otherwise the default of false will be used office_hours: true
response = client.get_phone
# =>
# {
#   "current" : {
#     "startDate" : "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z",
#     "endDate" : "2015-01-31T23:59:59Z",
#     "phoneConversations" : 11,
#     "phoneCallsCreated" : 11,
#     "customers" : 10
#   },
#   "previous" : {
#     "startDate" : "2019-02-01T12:00:00Z",
#     "endDate" : "2019-03-01T12:00:00Z",
#     "phoneConversations" : 11,
#     "phoneCallsCreated" : 6,
#     "customers" : 8
#   },
#   "deltas" : {
#     "newConversations" : 0.0,
#     "phoneCallsCreated" : 83.333336,
#     "customers" : 25.0
#   },
#   "users" : [ {
#     "name" : "Vernon Bear",
#     "id" : 100,
#     "current" : {
#       "phoneConversations" : 2,
#       "phoneCallsCreated" : 0,
#       "customers" : 2
#     },
#     "previous" : {
#       "phoneConversations" : 1,
#       "phoneCallsCreated" : 0,
#       "customers" : 1
#     }
#   } ]
# }


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/helpscout-mailbox-v2-reports. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Helpscout::Mailbox::V2::Reports project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.