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This gem should support you when using rails scaffold (or a lot of simple CRUD models/views/controllers) in a programmable fashion, removing repeated code when possible and making it configurable


~> 1.3
~> 0.5.1
~> 4.3.0
~> 1.2.0
>= 0
>= 0
~> 2.14.0
~> 1.3.8


~> 0.6.5
~> 4.0.0
 Project Readme


This gem should remove repeated code when rails scaffolding, expecially on controllers.
It's useful when you are prototyping and when you are just building an application with a lot of simple CRUD.
It's also configurable, to avoid as most as possible to completely override one of the default controllers method, unless you are doing something really special.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'programmable_scaffold_rails', '~> 0.0.3'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install programmable_scaffold_rails


In your Controller (or in ApplicationController if you want it application wise) include the module:

include ProgrammableScaffoldRails::ActionControllerExtensions

Now you have the class method programmable_scaffold available.
This method should be run once per controller where you want to use it (options are inherited and can be overridden!). It will create each required action to have a controller working correctly like if just generated with rails scaffolding. All options have already default values, you can call the method without passing anything to it.

If you want have an idea on how it's working, I suggest you to check the Rails application used internally for specs.

Available options

Name Type Default Notes
class_name String model class name If set, replace the auto-calculated model class name
table_name String tableized class name This is used to name instance variables of a model, if set, it won't be auto-calculated
single_instance_name String singularized table name Used when setting the instance variable for actions such as new, edit, show, create, update and destroy which can be used in the view
multiple_instances_name String pluralized table name Used when setting the instance variable for action such as index which can be used in the view
cancan bool true Enable cancan support which calls authorize! before each CRUD action
friendly_id bool false Enable friendly_id support, if your model uses friendly_id, that will be used for finding the model object
strong_params Symbol :model_params Name of existing method in controller, which should return params hash filtered by strong_parameters
url_namespace String Empty string When generating urls for after_create_url, after_update_url and after_destroy_url, a namespace will be prepended if this is set
after_create_action Nil, Symbol :show One of nil, :show, :edit. nil and :show are the same
after_update_action Nil, Symbol :show See after_create_action
after_create_url Nil, Symbol, Proc, String nil If nil is set, the url will be auto generated with url_namespace and using the after_create_action for the given model object. If Symbol is used, a method with that name will be searched in controller and called with model instance as argument, it must generate a valid url. If proc is used, it will be called with model instance as argument. If a String is used, it will be directly passed to url_for to generate an url
after_update_url Nil, Symbol, Proc, String nil See after_create_url
after_destroy_url Nil, Symbol, Proc, String nil See after_destroy_url
formats Array of Symbols [ :html, :json ] Formats returned by the CRUD actions for controller


# app/models/dummy.rb

class Dummy < ActiveRecord::Base
  # column name: :string
# app/controllers/dummies_controller.rb

class DummiesController < ApplicationController
  include ProgrammableScaffoldRails::ActionControllerExtensions

  programmable_scaffold class_name: 'Dummy',
                        table_name: 'dummies'

  def model_params


You can change these keys in your locales to have your application easily localized:

Key Value
programmable_scaffold_rails.after_create_notice %{model_class} was successfully created.
programmable_scaffold_rails.after_update_notice %{model_class} was successfully updated.
programmable_scaffold_rails.after_destroy_notice %{model_class} was successfully destroyed.
programmable_scaffold_rails.after_create_alert %{model_class} cannot be created.
programmable_scaffold_rails.after_update_alert %{model_class} cannot be updated.
programmable_scaffold_rails.after_destroy_alert %{model_class} cannot be destroyed.

Regarding model_class

Model class is auto-calculated with model_instance.class.model_name.human, if you localize your model class following Rails standards, you shouldn't have any problem.


  • I18n messages for successfully or failed action
  • friendly_id support


  • Improve readme by explaining what each "scaffold" action does
  • Add I18n keys to completely replace those with model_class, if for example someone want to insert custom messages for each controller, something like programmable_scaffold_rails.<controller_name>.after_create_notice


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request