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This gem makes it easier to start a Puma server that will bind to a dynamic free port by default and provide helper methods like get and post, managing sessions automatically and using keep-alive to make the requests faster. Usually the server would be run when the test suite starts.


~> 1.12
~> 10.0
~> 3.0


~> 1.0.2
~> 3.5
 Project Readme

RackToolkit Build Status

RackToolkit will launch a Puma server in an available random port (unless one is specified) and will serve any Rack application, which can be changed dynamically. It's mostly useful for testing Rack apps, specially when an application is a mixin of several small Rack apps. It also provides a DSL to perform get and post requests and allows very fast integration tests with automatic cookies based session management (using http-cookies's CookieJar).

It also supports "virtual hosts" so that you can use domain names and they would be forwarded to the Rack app if the domain is listed in the virtual_hosts option. It can also simulate https as if the request was coming from an HTTP proxy, like nginx, transparently if you use "https://..." in the requests using the DSL.

The DSL can be also used to perform requests to other Internet domains.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rack_toolkit'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rack_toolkit


Create a new server (the initializer supports many options, but they can be also set later):

require 'rack_toolkit'
server = RackToolkit::Server.new start: true # or start it manually with server.start
# you can stop it with server.stop

Set a Rack app application and perform a request:

server.app = ->(env){ [ 200, {}, 'success!' ] }
server.get '/'
server.last_response.code == '200'
server.last_response.body == 'success!'

last_response is a Net::HTTPResponse.

Any cookies set by the application are stored in a cookie jar (server.cookie_jar). Use server.reset_session! to clear the session cookies jar and the referer information.

The default_domain is automatically appended to the virtual_hosts option. Here's how to use them:

server.virtual_hosts << 'my-domain.com' << 'www.my-domain.com'
server.default_domain = 'test-app.com' # it's appended to virtual_hosts
server.base_uri.to_s # 'http://test-app.com'
server.post 'https://test-app.com/signin', follow_redirect: false # default is true
server.env['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'https'
server.env['HTTP_HOST'] == 'test-app.com'
server.last_response.status_code == 302 # assuming an app performing a redirect
server.current_path == '/signin'
server.follow_redirect! # not necessary if follow_redirect: false is not specified
server.current_path == '/' # assuming it has been redirected to /
server.last_response.ok? == true

server.post '/signin', params: {user: 'guest', pass: 'secret'}

server.post_data '/json_input', '{"json": "input"}'

Usually you'd start the server before the whole suite and replace the app as you test different apps. Starting Puma is really fast (less than 5ms usually) so if you prefer you can start it on each test file. Also, RackToolkit was designed so that you can span multiple servers running different apps for example if you want them to communicate to each other for testing SSO for example.

Use the headers param in get/post/post_data to override headers sent to the server. The env_override param can be used to override the env sent to the Rack app after the server provided its own env. In both cases, the resulting headers or env will be merged with the provided options:

server.get 'https://test-app.com/', headers: { 'Host' => 'mydomain.com' },
    env_override: { 'rack.hijack' => 'custom hijack' }
server.env['HTTP_HOST'] == 'mydomain.com'
server.env['rack.hijack'] == 'custom hijack'

Take a look at this project's test suite to see an example on how it can be configured and how it works.

Using with Rails

RackToolkit can be used with any Rack app, including Rails. Here's an example using RSpec:

# spec/rack_spec.rb

ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test'
require_relative '../config/environment.rb'
require 'rack_toolkit'

RSpec.describe 'Testing with RackToolkit' do
  server = nil
  before(:all){ server = RackToolkit::Server.new app: Rails.application, start: true }
  after(:all){ server.stop }

  it 'works' do
    server.get '/'
    expect(server.current_path).to eq '/login' # assuming root is protected with authentication

Capybara-like DSL for filling in and submitting forms...

Currently RackToolkit doesn't provide a more advanced DSL, like Capybara does, for easy access to DOM elements, filling in forms and submitting them. At some point it could expand its DSL to make it easier to perform such actions.


JavaScript support is outside the scope of this project unless we can think of some way of adding it without requiring a real browser (headless or not) which adds a significant overhead and RackToolkit main goal is to remain fast. I don't think it will even happen. If you want to test your JavaScript, please do so with Capybara or using a separate JavaScript test runner, testing it in isolation with the server-side, which should be quite fast.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.