Bugfix Forks

Nowadays it's easy to include a patched gem version from a git repository by adding gem "xyz", git: "some git source" to your application's Gemfile, but before bundler existed this was a very cumbersome task.

If you ran into an issue with a gem you were using and you or somebody else created a bugfix for the problem you had to wait for the library maintainers to publish a new release to Rubygems before you could patch your application (or use Github's discontinued Rubygems server, which also had namespacing).

To get around this issue many developers adopted a pattern of publishing a namespaced fork including a bugfix to Rubygems until the fix was merged and released upstream.

Unfortunately the widespread adoption of this practice led to a huge number of orphaned gems that usually have only a single or at most a handful of releases. Additionally these forked gems often retained their upstream github source code url, so on the Ruby Toolbox these forks receive a high popularity ranking.

Because of this, the Ruby Toolbox tries to identify these projects based on common patterns.

If a project is flagged as a bugfix fork by default it does not show up in search results. However, you can re-enable inclusion of bugfix forks from within the search navigation if you are missing a library.

If you spot a library that is flagged as a bugfix fork wrongly please report this as an issue on the Ruby Toolbox issue tracker.

See also: