Trending Projects

To allow discovery of still relatively unknown libraries that are gaining popularity in the community we provide an overview of Trending Projects every week, based on Rubygem downloads.

On a high level, here's what makes a project "trending":

  • The project had more than 10000 Rubygem downloads in the previous 4 weeks
  • The project's relative downloads (percentage of downloads within the given time period against all time downloads) growth must have increased over the previous 4 week time period to spot libraries that have seen sustained growth over at least the last 5 weeks to reduce "false positives" caused by brief spikes
  • The project must have had a release in the last 6 months
  • The project must not be a bugfix fork

Finally, projects are sorted by the relative number of downloads related to their total downloads.

For more details into the exact query used you can of course also take a look at the database query used directly in the code.

See also: