Guide for library maintainers

If you're maintaining a Ruby library this guide provides an overview of how you can prepare your library for best visibility on the Ruby Toolbox. provides great documentation on creating Rubygems, so we won't go into any of that here. Instead, please check out their documentation on creating gems, library naming conventions, versioning and further community conventions. It's always good to have some consistency across the ecosystem, so please keep those community best practices in mind when you publish libraries.

We sync data for all gems indexed on that have at least one currently available release. If all existing versions of a gem are yanked, we remove it from our database on the next sync.

Referencing your GitHub repository

To make sure we correctly link your Rubygem against its source code repository on GitHub (if applicable) and display stats for both on your project you should reference your GitHub repository in your Rubygem's .gemspec.

You can do so by either setting the spec.homepage or the homepage_uri, source_code_uri or bug_tracker_uri on spec.metadata and publishing a new gem release:

# widgets.gemspec

# Either set the homepage directly:

spec.homepage = ""

# OR any of these will work (ordered by precedence)

spec.metadata = {
  homepage_uri: "",
  source_code_uri: "",
  bug_tracker_uri: "",

Once this data becomes available through the API and gets synced by the Ruby Toolbox we'll pick up the GitHub repository reference and start displaying your library's GitHub metrics as well.

To keep things orderly please remember to also drop outdated links when you publish a forked version of a library.

Adding your library to a category

To add your library to an existing or new category please send a pull request against our catalog repository.